Prayer for the return of energies, forgiveness - very powerful


Each person accumulates a lot of offenses during his life, negative emotions. If you do not get rid of them, you begin to live in a negative. You can even forget about the offense yourself, but they significantly affect the quality of your life. I know about it on your own experience: after the conflict with the head and loud dismissal, I hid a lot of offense at him.

It would seem that all this story was for me only for the better: I quickly found a new job, where the salary was offered to me much higher. But it became more likely to hurt, and also noticed that it became much worse to look, began to be tired very quickly.

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After the prayer for the forgiveness and cleansing of the soul, I understood how he was very offended by his former manager, much cried. But after a week, I felt much more and energy in myself, and after some time I met my offender on the street and was able to talk to him openly and calmly. Hate no more!

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After that, my life began to improve, I received an increase in the new work, the fatigue passed. I am very glad that it was able to realize thanks to prayer, which was my mistake, and get rid of resentment. As far as I easier to live!

In addition, I supported my experience - now I know how dangerous insults, as it is important to realize them in time and clear from negative.

Prayer for the return of energies and forgiveness is a very powerful prayer, thanks to her you are aware that you are slowing down, which pollutes your soul. I recommend everyone to contact God with a prayer request that the Lord helps you return the vitality and gave you an understanding of your sins.

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Why helps prayer for refund

We are not only a body. We have a soul that suffers from the fact that we are angry with someone, we accumulate negatively emotions. When we pray for the forgiveness and return of our personal energies, we restore ourselves in the original, pure form.

The highest strength instructs us and help to clean our soul. That is why it is so important to pray about it, ask God to realize, what resentments are kept in the souls and whom we offended throughout life.

Prayer helps to remember unfinished conflicts and disputes, forgive their offenders and live in joy and all exercise.

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Types of negative

What exactly can dangerously affect our life? As already mentioned, these are offenses and conflicts. The man has already left your life, you forgot about him, and offense stayed and destroys you from the inside. It resembles a hearth disease that was not healed, so it remains a source of dangerous infection.

You are familiar to your everyday thoughts, but for some reason they are painted by bitterness, sadness, and sometimes aggression or anger.

You were pushed in transport, and you immediately blow up, although it may have been completely accidentally happening, without any malicious intent. You begin to notice that the same situations you carry badly, and your girlfriends are quite normal.

The conflict at work you are worried as the end of the world, and someone from acquaintances - as an opportunity to test your excerpt, logical thinking and the ability not to lose your head in difficult situations. You ask yourself: why does it happen? Any trifle brings you out of myself.

Perhaps it is the fact that all the same irrepretable insults and old experiences remind themselves and pushing you from the inside. Output one - pray to God that he helps you to cleanse, sincere prayer creates wonders!

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Various approaches to the question of prayer for the return of energies

There are many different texts of prayers for the return of energy. It should be understood here that in Orthodoxy such a canonical prayer does not exist. It is believed that any prayer serves as the cause of human soul salvation, helps him to cleanse, become lighter and better, closer to God.

There are also texts of modern prayers. You can read them if you do not confuse anything in the text of the prayer, it does not cause any doubts about you. If something confuses, you can print prayer and show her priest, listen to his answer.

In addition, it is possible to pray in your own words. It is also a very strong prayer, because when you contact God directly, telling him about your experiences, you definitely formulate your problems and talk about them with the highest forces in detail. God knows everything, but he will not do what he was not asked.

That is why it is so important to ask the Lord, even if your request seems impossible to you. If it is impossible for you, there is nothing impossible for God. Therefore, do not forget in prayer to tell the Creator about your desires or troubles and ask for their permissions.

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But most often you should ask God for cleansing - this is the return of energies. Just trying, we can feel better, cheerful, calmer. Only removing old resentment and aggression, we can calmly look into the future and rejoice at tomorrow day.

Orthodox point of view

From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, the path to return of energies and forgiveness is simple, this is let an Orthodox Christian. A person should go to church, pray, visit the liturgy, communion.

It is also important to order remembering in the church and forties. Be sure to confess to communion, it is of great importance for your soul, its cleansing and the ability to join the right way.

Thus, traditional recommendations are as follows:

  • repentance;
  • communion;
  • visiting the liturgy;
  • prayer;
  • Church commemoration of health.

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