Orthodox prayer certificate from damage to the church


"Look, your girl has a grip porozing today," as such words met me in the midst of a huge area near the Sergius Mother's Lavra, whose name I did not even know. Pilgrims - thousands! But some faces are remembered for a long time. So I remember her face. Later I learned that they came to the Chin of Siberia to Chin.

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Sergiev Posad.

It happened ... We had to attend the schooker in Sergiev Posad. That was a long time ago. Children then were still small. To not scare them, we are located on the balcony. There were a lot of children ... why?

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When they started reading prayers, the children were reconsidered. The older began to draw, she always drawn something. But what were it for the drawings? Birds, birds who fought in cells. Maybe the same thing happens with a human soul when she driven into the corner?

FINK: what is it

The rank is a special rank of prayers that only pronounces the clergyman. Moreover, not every priest.

These prayers are read only with blessings and require significant preparation. The certificate is the ranks of the demons, that is, the unclean strength that really exists and owns its own art for more than 8 thousand years, that is, it enjoys it quite skillfully.

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When troubles begin in life and everything is falling apart, we are convulsively looking for an answer to your question "why." The first thought (the most wrong) is that damage to us. It, of course, can be true, because the invisible world really exists and possible anything. But not on any damage acts, although it flies in the air. And each we can confront. How? Cleansing your soul, repentance.

Wild swan

Do you remember the fairy tale of Andersen "Wild Swans" when the frogs in the pond turned into poppies? There was an explanation to this: "If they were not kissing a sorcerer, they would turn into roses." So with a person: if you are clean, then the dirt does not stick to you.

Easy to say - "clean"

Unfortunately, we all are not clean, so everyone is subject to any attack. After all, while the awareness comes, so much bitterness will have to eat. And if the person is unbelieving? Require. Years may leave or all life.

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Exceptional case

Each rule has its exceptions. In some cases, the certificate is necessary. When the drama with an adult man occurs, the first actions are completely obvious: the sacrament of repentance and, of course, the sacrament. The Lord cleans, treats, restores it, etc.

But if the trouble occurred with a child who is still simply not able to sin deliberately, or with an adult person who is not able to take any actions independently, then it may be necessary to take a certificate.

Often, children carry the sins of fathers, so repentance of parents is required. And always - the blessing of the priest.

Bes Demon glades

It is very important not to look for healing "on the side". With obvious signs, damage will not help neither doctors, no more fortune-up. Although many treat them. Moreover, they assure that they assisted.

Of course! One demon was driven ... But he returned quietly, bringing her seven more with himself. Well, if the suffering understand it, and if not? So, if you are going to go to the "grandmother", then Christ in yourself have already erased.

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We are just people. Often we just do not have enough strength, more often there is not enough faith to undergo to the end. We are looking for, looking for a long time who could help us, and do not find. And the time goes ... tired, we are ready to go to "grandmas", sorcerers, to anyone! But it does not save. The main thing is not to harm the soul. A Christian can seek healing only by Christ, having passed all temptations.


After Christ came to the world, demons have lost their former power over man. In the gospel of the story about the expulsion of demons from humans repeated repeatedly. Not only Christ expelled them, but also the apostles with his name. Not always they managed it. In what cases did not manage?

If faith weakened, the forces were on the outcome. When Christ was asked: why? He replied: "This genus is expelled only by post and prayer."

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Lighting God

Everything that happens to man is happening by the will of God. "Who loves, that is punishable." Much depends on how a person test takes.

If with a ropot, then there will be no good to the soul. If in humility, then a man benefits the great, the soul is a limit and clean. There was a trouble on the boss, for the assignment. Maybe punishment, but this is another story.

Special cases

Good in man is connected to evil. This is a human essence, why repentance is required. This is from the area of ​​ascetic experiments. Each person can be obsessed to a certain extent, without knowing this. A particular is the case when the signs of obsession become obvious.

They usually appear when damage or other reasons. Stay in such a state dangerous. But! Decracted to the claim, it is necessary to take a blessing. And not from any priest, but at your confessor. If there is no such a clergy, who fully understood the situation.

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Exile of unclean strength in other religions

The rank is not only Christians, but also from Muslims, where he also has the power, although the Chin itself is different. In Christianity itself, there are not all confessions. At Catholics, these are isolated cases, protestants do not practice the certificate.

Who to contact

Formerly, the defibration was carried out purely for one suffering, now this practice has become almost impossible due to the decisions of the oldity. Nevertheless, the certificate is carried out: in the Trinity of the Sergius Lavra, in Abkhazia (Village Ilory), in the Donetsk region.

If you wish, you can always find the temple in which the performers are carried out. If you can refer to such a father, which reads spell prayers not massively, it will be best.

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Any road should lead to the temple. But often this road turns out to be very long. Yes, there are cases of immediate healing, but they are rare. With the sufferings of a close person a little found a temple or priest, careful work on its arrangement is required. Post and prayer - not otherwise.

Orthodox prayers

With illness, with obvious signs of damage, etc. The priests are blessed to read special prayers and at home. These are already other prayers, but they help:

  • Mchch. Cyprian and Austinia.
  • Arresting Mikhail.
  • Saint Tikhon Zadonsky.
  • Saint martyr Trifon.
  • St. George Victorious and PR.

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Waiting for healing, you need to make an effort. But healing itself does not depend on a person, it is possible only by the will of God. Follow the life and prayer in life, since the "kingdom of God is nudies."

Snow white flower in the mountains

Having passed a long way to healing, a person acquires a humble heart or does not acquire it. In the first case, it becomes brave and strong (not its own power). But not only that. The dirt does not stick to the cleaned soul.

High in the mountains can be found a small white flower, which grows among black stones covering everything around them with black dust. And all that look at the White Flower are surprised: everything is black, and the flower is always white ... Your wives are yours, Lord!

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