What interesting features are the Egyptian dream book?


Sleep is an integral part of every person's life. We all see dreams: sometimes bright and colorful, and sometimes sinister and frightening.

Personally, I always, when I confuses the meaning of this or other night vision, I appeal for help to the dream book. A very interesting option of such a publication is the Egyptian dream book that has come down to us from this great civilization. I want to tell you in this material in more detail.

Dreams - an important part of our life

Features of dreams in ancient Egypt

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Residents of ancient Egypt were sacred convinced that dreams are the divine messages over. And the process of interpretation of the night dreams in Egypt was based on the theory of opposites: for example, if death was broken, it means that a man awaited a long life.

There were also special people designed to interpret dreams - they called the masters of secret things or writing a double home.

And those personalities who wanted to heal from diseases should have a special sleeping package, and then spend the whole night in the temple. On the next day, the clergyman was engaged in interpreting their dreams and used the recommendations obtained in a dream for treatment.

Ancient Hindi records (also called Purana) tell about the fact that dreams are the messages of Divine Bees. And in the Upanishads (belongs to about 1000 BC) it is argued that all the action of night visions takes place in reality between real and ghostly worlds.

The amazing world of night dreams helps a person to part with its shortcomings, contributes to the manifestation of the original human essence.

According to many scientists, the first concepts about the spirit and afterlife began to appear in very ancient times, and their foundation was exactly the night fellow.

The reality of the dreams, in which the divine essences, perfumes, various phenomena and the sleeping themselves were a source of symbolic dreams having a deeply characteristic characteristic, which ordinary residents of ancient Egypt were very sought.

Varieties of Egyptian dreams with a description

Egyptian civilization left us various surrounding books-dreams. In the main mass, they are referred to later, to the category of demotic texts. The only papyrus Chester Beatti second refers to the new kingdom. It contains interpretations of night dreams used during the classic Egypt of the ruling elite.

This unusual find found in 1928 together with other texts of religious, mystical, administrative, domestic and literary character in Deir El Medino (small pyramid, built over the tomb in the necropolis of royal sculptors).

Overview of the Ancient Egyptian dreams of Kenherhevetef

The famous Ancient Egyptian royal clerk Kenherhevetev left behind a lot of scrolls written in papyrus.

A certain part wrote directly the owner himself, and the rest of the mass (as, for example, the famous dream book) was presented, probably among masters belonging to the temple house of life.

It should be noted that Kenherpetechef himself did not write this scroll, because on Verso - the reverse part of the papyrus - there is a lot of personal notes: parts of the poem about the battle of Cadet and copies of his message to Vesir Merneptahu, while noticeable a strong difference in the stylistics of writing the main text.

According to the climbing game of words and beautiful vocabulary, we understand that the creator of the text unequivocally referred to elite scribes, very highly likely that he was a priest.

Kenherhevef's dream book was very popular

Kenherhevetef also had a good education similarly to the majority of masters from the village, in addition, he fascinated his mysticism (as a result of which he caused a sense of fear among the inhabitants Deir El Medino).

When Kenherhevetef died, since he had no heirs left, the rights to possession of the library went to Amonnahta - the son of his second spouse. The latter behaved in the best way, trying to assign the rights to this work.

In the future, the scrolls from the library changed their owners very many times, and, unfortunately, in time, some of them were inevitably damaged.

It should be noted that Kenherhevef's dream book is intended exclusively for representatives of the strong half of humanity. It is absolutely not difficult to understand this - at the beginning of each paragraph, phrases like "If a man happened to see himself in a dream ...", for which you can come to an unequivocal conclusion.

Characteristics of the Demotic Ancient Egyptian dreams

Demotic dream book was written in a thousand years after Sonnik Kenherhevetef. It already exists a division of all the dreams to representatives of both sexes - for example, women are intended to be specific women's night feces.

In a demotic dream book, we find a sufficiently brief transfer of dreams with their interpretation in the storing compliance with the ancient Egyptian categories of that time.

The base of dreams is the game of words, as well as mythological episodes, ritual practice and ethical norms of the era.

It is certainly unknown to what extent the creator of this dream book was focused on the tradition of interpretation of dreams, so the complexity represents an adequate assessment of its own author's contribution to the text.

Although, according to A.Gartiner, the fact that the dream book is written in Medium-Egyptian language, indicates that it goes to its origins in very distant times.

The initial references to the dream as a source of certain knowledge can be met in the teaching of Merikar, which demonstrates us the care of divine entities about people: the highest strength came up with magic, which was more powerful than any weapons, and could reflect everything that could happen, But it did not happen.

Distinctive features of the ancient Egyptian dream of network followers

With this dream assembly, the average Egyptian has become able to quickly look into his coming.

We now, with the help of this text, can be better oriented in places, hopes, social problems, belief system and a lot that at one time the contemporaries of Ramses II.

By contacting the text of the very dreams, we find in it the interpretation of two groups of dreams. Unfortunately, the initial part of the text has not been preserved, and at the end we see the beginning of the new section - the beginning of the dreams of the network followers. It describes in detail the physical and spiritual qualities of the specified type of strong sex representatives.

By dreams you can learn a lot about the life of that time.

As for the first part of the papyrus (which, most likely, lost), she described another category of residents of ancient Egypt - probably, followers of choir. Mention of them we find in the times of texts of the pyramids.

Special attention should be paid to the description of the person from the network: it has curly hair, abundant vegetation on the body, a beard, adores alcohol, and also often aroused love joy.

At the same time, the text explains that this individual can even be born in a very good family, but because of its disturbed tastes, the manner, in general, the whole nature of the Nizam of the Company is likened. As a result, it turns out to be outside the system of perfect society, how it should have been for the traditional Egyptian.

Papius kept to this day extremely four variants of dreams from the list of network followers, which is definitely not completely insufficient to establish any global conclusions.

In the future, the thought is that the same night vision has a fundamentally different meaning load for various groups of dreams, will actively develop in demotic dreams, and most of all - in sections intended for representatives of the fine sex.

Now you know the main features of the Egyptian dreams and its various versions.

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