Prayers for a farewell Sunday


Every year the last day of the carnival is celebrated as a farewell Sunday. This day has a special strength, I know it on my own experience. I was very offended by a girlfriend, and I could not let the evil feeling, I didn't work out, everyone remembered her words, which were written in my address in the presence of many people. The girlfriend felt it and once tried to upline his guilt, regretted his act, but the precipitate in my soul still remained.

When a farewell Sunday came, I prayed to God that I could completely forget all negative feelings towards all people, even if they really blame for me in front of me. After the prayer, it became good in the soul, I immediately called my friend and asked her forgiveness and was able to completely forgive her! Such is the power of forgiven Sunday.

On this day, everyone seeks to clean their soul from the accumulated offense and start a great post with a light heart. Other people also forgive us - because we yourself often offend our relatives and loved ones or words, sometimes even noticing it.

On ordinary days, it is difficult for us to forgive our offenders or awkwardly to ask for forgiveness: it seems to us that those whom we offended, have long forgotten and forgive us. Yes, it happens, but not always. Therefore, there is such a wonderful holiday when we, do not hesitate, we can ask each other for forgiveness.

Basic traditions

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Forgive Sunday is a special day when we, at a long time of Orthodox tradition, recognize our mistakes, ask friends and close sorry and learn to forgive everyone who asks us about it.

On this day, it is advisable to go to the cemetery and remember all parents and affinities that have left the world, and also ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness, it is advisable to ask for those around the evening, in the church during the evening service. It can also be done at home or even by phone, if your relative or friend who you want to ask for forgiveness, lives far and you can not visit him personally.

On this day, forgiveness asks the priest during the evening service, after which the parishioners are in turn asking for forgiveness from him and each other. Usually, a request for forgiveness is taken as follows: "God will forgive, and I forgive."

It is best if the most eldest member of the family starts in the family of the ritual of forgiveness, and then forgiveness will ask young people and children. It will be very correct, if every person remembers his specific misconduct (not listened to someone else's opinion, he said sharp words, offended his actions). But even if a person can not remember exactly what he could offend relatives and loved ones, it was accepted to forgive him absolutely for everything, not to keep evil in the soul. Forgiveness is spiritual cleansing, so it is important to approach the ritual with full responsibility.

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The history of forgiven Sundays

For the first time, the Savior himself told the power of forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew. The text of the Scripture says that Jesus Christ taught his apostles that only the one who completely forgave his enemies himself and does not keep any evil on them.

We all know well these lines, but when it comes to concrete actions, it becomes difficult, there are thoughts that the insults applied to us are very large, and the wines of the offensive are very significant. Perhaps this is true, but the example that Christ himself had us, says that he forgave on the cross those who clarified him.

The custom itself to ask for forgiveness a day before the beginning of the Great Post originated in the first centuries of Christianity, when the monks, preparing for Easter, retired in the desert for 40 days, imitating Christ. This work was dangerous, there was a possibility of the death of a person, so Christians asked for each other for forgiveness, as during the most recent meeting, on her deathly apparel.

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What prayers need to read on the day of forgiven Sunday

Prayers read in forgiveness Sunday help tune in to a poor way and give strength for forgiveness, even if you have a lot of offense at your heart.

On this day we ask God to give us the spirit of all apartments, as well as pray for our offenders. After prayer, ask for forgiveness and forgive others much easier, the soul is filled with light, joy, confidence that all people, as the creations of God, are worthy of love and understanding, and mistakes are peculiar to all of us.

You can read canonical prayers, and you can contact the Lord in your own words, ask the Creator to help let go of the heaviest offensive, which did not work before forgive, list the specific names of the offenders and reasons for the resentment. It will also be good if you remember how precisely you did painfully with other people, and ask God to let you go these sins.

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There is a short prayer that has a big power on the last day of the carnival. This is a request for those who arose for us any damage, offended or caused pain. This is an important prayer for Orthodoxy, repeating it, we learn to forgive the most serious offenders for us and thus cleans spiritually. Here is her text: "Homes, Lord, hate me and envy me! Homes, Lord, slandering me and bring me offense! "

It is important to sincerely thank the Creator for help in such a serious matter as forgiveness. This is a big work that sometimes happens very difficult, and prayer appeal will have invaluable help.

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