The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning


My little daughter came to church for five years and was very frightened by a new situation. I had to wait a couple of years so that the child perceived the campaign to the temple calmly and benevolently. It was my mistake, since I did not prepare a girl in advance and did not explain the importance of visiting God's temple. When the daughter got used to and mastered in a new atmosphere, then baptism took confidence. After I explained to her what the mysteries of the Orthodox Church are, and she gladly took the communion and went to the first confession. In the article, I want to tell about the seven church sacraments and how role they play in the life of a believer person.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church

Ritals and sacraments

Some church rituals are the sacraments that are incomprehensible to the mind of a person. For example, during the sacrament, the occasion of bread is miraculously transformed into the body of Christ, and wine - in blood. To accept this, we need faith that this is possible and permissible.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_2

Consider detailed 7 sacraments of the Orthodox Church:

  • baptism;
  • Miropomanazing;
  • repentance (confession);
  • communion;
  • conciliation;
  • wedding;
  • priesthood.

These sacraments were defined by the Lord of Christ, he commanded his disciples to bear people the Light of the Divine Truth of the Gospel. Through the sacraments, we gain grace of the Holy Spirit, mercy and salvation. It is in the acquisition of grace and consists of the difference between the sacrament from other ceremonies and actions in the church.

If we rely on the mercy of God during a prayer or pahonoches and are not sure if you get the answer, then during the sacraments, the grace of God resides on believers constantly. If during the ritual actions, we express our faith and reverence before God, then during the sacrament to the flock of grace.

Communion is the most important of all the sacraments of church, when a believer is connected in a spirit with the flesh and the blood of the Savior. It is thanks to him, we gain the legacy of eternal life. The word "Eucharist" is translated from Greek as "thanksgiving." We thank Jesus for the gift of the soul.

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The second most important is the sacrament of priesthood: ordination and dedication to church-san. The ordination makes the bishop, passing the gracious gift of the Holy Spirit.

Especially important from the sacraments is the baptism, with the help of it the number of Christians is increasing. The remaining church sacraments are necessary to disclose the Christian life and holiness of the Church.

What gifts takes on a man during the sacrament:

  • When baptism, the birth of a spiritual person occurs;
  • At world-formation, the Orthodox acquires strengthening grace;
  • Combination feeds believing spiritual food;
  • repentance cleans the soul from the limits;
  • The priesthood gives grace to instruct a flock on the path of faith;
  • Wedding sanctifies married life;
  • Cobrants relieves from physical and mental ailments.

Three sacraments are unique, that is, we are held only once in life. These include baptism, worldware and priesthood. The rest of the sacraments are repeated as the participation of believers. For example, the sacrament of the cubs can be held annually, and the sacrament of confession is every week.

Seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church


This sacrament was put on the Lord by the Lord, when he was personally baptized in Jordan. After his resurrection, the Savior commanded the apostles to baptize people in the name of the Holy Trinity. Baptism is carried out only once, because it is impossible to be born twice in the spiritual body.

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A primary immersion in water is symbolically washed off early sin. After baptism, the believer becomes choking and can communion of saints.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_4
After baptism, the devil's power over the soul is completely destroyed, now he can only seduce the Christian on the sin of deception. Why the Orthodox Church is baptized babies who do not understand what happens to them? For this, they are given the godparents, who are treated for their scene and are obliged to raise it in the traditions of faith. If the godfather do not cope with their duty, it lies with a grave burden of sin on their shoulders.


Through this sacrament, a Christian acquires a special grace from the Holy Spirit to strengthen in faith and following the truth. This is the seal of the Holy Spirit on a person. The apostles were performed by world conjunction with the help of the arrangement of the hands, later this rite began to carry out otherwise - with the help of anointing the sacred world.

Miro is a specially prepared fuel with fragile substances (40 items), which blessed apostles. Later, the world began to sanctify their followers - bishops. Nowadays, Miro is consecrated by the bishop. With the help of the consecrated world, the stamp of the Holy Spirit is put. The first world formation occurs immediately after the baptism of man.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_5

The seal of the Holy Spirit is put on his forehead, eyes, lips, ears, heart, limb. Thus, the soul and the whole body of the neophyte is consecrated. In fact, baptism and world-formation are a two-way action. Under baptism, a person is born spiritually, and the world of magazine gives the power of the Holy Spirit. After the world-formation, the believer becomes similar to the anointed man.

The sacraments of the church


Repentance is necessary a Christian, it cleans free and unwitting sins. Jesus Christ blessed students to forgive the sins of the flock:

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_7

For the confession, it is necessary to recognize its proges, sincerely repent and have a firm intention to correct. Jesus Christ took the sins of mankind voluntarily, suffered for each of us. It was a voluntary victim, so a Christian must be aware of the greatness of the Savior's gift and not be ungrateful. To recognize my sin is the recognition of the redemptive sacrifice, and decide to correct is gratitude for the gift of the soul.

Holy Fathers say that repentance is the basis of Christian life . The man is weak and is impossible spiritually according to its nature, so I only hope for the grace and mercy of God in salvation. However, it is impossible to turn the mercy of God into profanation and sin with a shameless way. This is an expression of ungrateful to the Savior. Sins remove the believer from God, and sincere repentance and fix closer. Repentance also called baptism tears.

The recognition of his sinful nature brings the person to God. Whoever sees her sins, he is sick spiritually.

However, it should be remembered that God sees the hearts of people, so formal repentance does not have strength and forgiveness. If a person in his heart thus thinks of sin, formally repenting, it makes great harm to his soul. This is called spiritual disease. The Orthodox should realize its proges, take a firm intention to get rid of passions and ask for help from the Lord in the correction.

Sincere repentance prepares us to the terrible court . Who is constantly confessing and seeks to correct, one can not be afraid to keep the answer before God. No need to be ashamed of the priest who is confused, because it is set for this purpose by God himself. It is necessary to be afraid and be ashamed of an unskilled sin. If a person suffers for forgetfulness, you can record your pre-paper on paper and read the priest. It is important to forget anything.

First confession

When the child turns 7 years old, parents must prepare it for the first confession, from which his further life as a Christian depends on. It is impossible to scare the child with the punishment of God, you need to instill love for God and more often tell about his care. Fear before the punishment can lead to the further failure of an adult child from faith.

It is necessary to help the child to overcome shyness in front of confession, help and approve his determination to tell about the sores. Therefore, the first confession of children are prepared in advance, and do not put before the fact. The task of parents includes an explanation of the meaning of repentance and danger of sinful actions for the soul. Danger should not be a child with something fatal, but the grievance of God - a loving father. It is necessary to instill a confidence attitude towards the priest and confession, explain the importance of repentance for its correct relationship with heavenly father.

Christian sacraments

Mystery of communion

Eucharist is one of the important sacraments when the believer attaches the holy gifts and becomes one of the whole with Jesus Christ. Without communion, it is impossible to enter into the life of the eternal and to gain the legacy of the kingdom of heaven. The Eucharist was determined by the Lord Christ at the Last Supper, when he broke her bread and called him his body. By giving the Apostles of Wine, he called him his blood. Since then, believers are constantly involved in holy gifts in worship.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_9

How can the wine be preserved into blood, and the bread in the body? It is impossible to explain logically, as it is about spiritual things. Wine and bread do not change their physical properties, but their spiritual component changes.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_10
However, the apostles warn that the communion of the Holy Gifts needs to be worthy, since Unworthy communion eats and drinks conviction.

The sacrament of communion is called in Greek Eucharist (thanksgiving). It is carried out on the services and is the central part of the liturgy. It was my sincere participation in church life and a communion makes from the believer of the present minister of Christ and the performer of his commandments. For faith without any deeds. Eucharist is a memoir about the voluntary victim of Christ, serves as an expression of gratitude for the salvation and heritage of the kingdom of God. Jesus voluntarily went to the godfish, giving his body and blood into the redemption of sins of mankind. In gratitude for this sacrifice, the believers are approaching the holy gifts weekly.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_11


The priest becomes through the bishop ordination. From that moment on, dedicated to gain grace for serving in the church.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_12
The deacon dedicated to the rank acquires the right to attend and help with the departure of church sacraments, the priest sends the sacraments, and the bishop (bishop) is devoted to others to send church sacraments. The sacrament of the priesthood was determined by the Savior. The apostles have changed this sacrament through the laying on hand. Thus, continuity reached our time. In the Orthodox tradition of clergy, they call the holy fathers either by the fathers (gentle). The bishop is masterful by the Vladyka, and the Patriarch is your Holiness.

Church sacraments


Gaining frees from spiritual and bodily ailments. This sacrament is carried out both for healthy people and for severely ill. Cobrants are also carried out by a dying person to free his soul from the slave and unknown sins. During the binding of the believer, consecrated with a consecrated bare, thereby calling for God's grace.

Children up to seven years are not coordinated, as they do not commit a conscious sin.

Why is the calmness call the binding? Because the sacrament is sent to 7 priests (Cathedral). But in modern practice, a petition can send one minister. The first cobbies were performed by the apostles, having received grace for the healing of patients.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_14
The sick person acquires grace of healing, but not always. It depends on the grace of God, and not from the zeal of priests in reading prayers and scriptures. What is the coolant different from repentance? By the fact that even those sins about which he forgot or who did not pay attention to the believer. It is believed that the disease overtakes a person because of the sinks perfect, so it is very important to repent before the binding. If the Christian is unconscious, then the binding is carried out without his participation. However, this person should be an active member of the Church, and not just to listed Orthodox.

Amvrosy Optina said:

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_15
In the Gospel it is stated that the apostles healing the grace of healing was healed by anointing of many susso. And now the sacrament of the sacredness helps to raise seriously sick people to their feet, eliminates sincere believers from spiritual and bodily sorrows. The miracle of healing is impossible to explain rationally, for it takes place by the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God.

The people are among the people that the conciliation is carried out exclusively over dying people. This is not the right opinion, since the apostles commanded to sanctify with a barely seriously sick and sudden people. However, the exclusion is the last anointing in the life of every Christian, who stands on the threshold of eternity. Do not fall into superstitions and think that after the binding the patient will certainly die. It's a delusion After all, many patients are completely healing after a delight.

Do I need to continue treatment with medicines after the compassion? Of course, it is necessary to bring treatment to the end to the appointment of a doctor. As soon as the patient becomes easier, you should come to the church for the sacrament.

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church briefly


During the church wedding, the newlyweds acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit and the blessing for a safe marital life. Wedding symbolizes the Union of the Lord of Christ with the Church, so the marriage is considered sacred. Apostle Paul pointed:

The sacraments of the Orthodox Church: a brief description and meaning 4984_17

At the same time, it should be aware that wedding is not a kind of magical rite, which forever connects her husband and wife. Spouses should lead a pious life, take part in church life and educate children in Orthodox traditions. God sends his grace to the married, but they should live on the Gospel Commandments. Unfortunately, not all married couples understand it to the end, but simply hope for a miracle or magic.

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