Eagle Tattoo: implications for men, women and prisoners


Such a freedom-loving, proud and strong bird, like an eagle, admired by many, it is not surprising that its image is often adorn the body. I always wanted to get a tattoo, which would have emphasized the deep sense and my best traits of character, but I could not decide. While viewing thumbnails, I came across a tattoo of an eagle, the value of which turned out to be close to me in spirit, and decided that I want to "fill" it is currently. In this article I will tell you what is drawing this noble bird, and on what part of it is better to place.

eagle tattoo

The value of an eagle in the different countries and peoples

At all times, the eagle was revered bird, and even the ancients started to use it as a figurative symbol in writing. The eagle was associated with power, victory, domination and courage, so he was portrayed in the royal flags, posters, billboards. In addition, even in ancient times, people have begun to apply the drawings on the skin for the purpose of self-expression, but to decorate your body is this bird could not everyone, but only a brave warrior or a member of a noble family.

In the different nations of the world to the Eagles treated in different ways, but mostly they were revered and often compared with the deity.

  • The ancient Sumerians believed that these birds rule over the fire, and the proof of this is the legend of the young soldiers, who climbed a tree to destroy an eagle's nest. Powerful bird stopped him and offered to share the secret of the production of fire, if he would not touch her chicks.
  • Aztec Eagle identified with the heavenly powers, who for centuries confront earthly power. They believed that the talisman with his image will protect against an attack of wild animals, give vitality, give hope and help in a difficult situation.
  • In the Roman Empire, the eagle was the symbol of the human spirit of atonement, and he was considered a guide in the realm of the gods. During the funeral of Emperor Romans performed the rite of "deification", during which the governor burned the body and released into the sky this majestic bird. According to legend, she had to free his soul from worldly consciousness and lead to the gods.
  • In ancient Greece the eagle was associated with majesty and power, strength and speed. There is a myth that Zeus took the guise of a bird or a predator sent to earth to bring an important message to people or to protect them.
  • The Indians, who lived in North America, believed that eagles bring good luck in the fight, will give courage and multiply the force so applied to their images on the body and at home, and feathers adorn hats, as well as amulets made of them.

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The meaning of tatatu olel

Modern value

Hundreds of years, the value of the tattoo with the image of the eagle has not changed. Today, she still personifies power, strength, freedom and protection. In such a drawing, your body is adorn mainly guys, because It is mostly indicated by male character traits. Nevertheless, there are girls who "stuff" tattoo eagle, but usually they are members of sexual minorities or some subcultures.

The value of the eagle tattoo largely depends on the location of its location and the characteristics of the image itself, for example:

  • On the shoulder - emphasizes masculinity, fearlessness and determination. On such a person you can rely on any situation.
  • On the chest - it suggests that a person has a power, ambitious and strong nature. He always fights to the last and never stops before difficulties.
  • On the back - indicates skill, improvement and constant desire for something better and greater. The owner of such a tattoo is a purposeful person, which in all reaches ideal results, whether work or the fight with its shortcomings
  • Eagle, with stratified wings and ready-to-attack claws, "feed" guys who have tremendous confidence and perseverance. As a rule, they have a common life position and are ready to defend their principles to the last.
  • The image of a bird in flight with open wings will suit the people who value freedom and independence. Often such individuals are self-sufficient, possess creative abilities and love to spend time alone with them.

The current value of Tatu Eagle

The value of tattoo on the zone

Despite the fact that the pallows with the image of the bird on the zone have a negative and even offensive nature, this does not apply to the tattoo. This symbol usually decorate the body of criminal authorities and revered personalities, and here the usual prisoner has no right to carry such a tattoo - it must be deserved. In the criminal world, the eagle has several values, which depends on the characteristics of the picture:

  • Bird, ruthlessly tormenting his prey, indicates leadership qualities. Such a person has a rigid nature and never begins to anyone.
  • According to the thieves, the eagle tattoo is "stuffing" those prisoners who managed to escape from prison.
  • Pulling depicting a bird of a predatory bird holding a skull or sheep in claws also refers to thieves symbolism. Usually it is complemented by the inscription: "All your and yours - always was mine and our".
  • Eagle, torping a woman, is the most popular tattoo on the zone. It symbolizes strength, patronage and power, but sometimes wearing an exclusively hooligan character.

Prisoners are also rarely making tattoos with an image of an eagle, but most often it is part of the composition, and not an individual pattern. For example, the most common tag is a naked woman with an eagle on his shoulder, and his head is sometimes decorated with a crown. This drawing marks the patronage and power, and usually "stuffing" their thiefs.

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