Description of the dream dream book and features of the interpretation of dreams


The human brain is a unique body that is not fully studied. It works tirelessly since our birth and "turns off" only after death. During sleep, hidden areas of the brain are activated, thanks to which we get information in the form of images, it will be difficult to decipher without the necessary knowledge. I always believed that dreams are not just a plot row, which brain projects based on experienced events, and the subconsciousness transmits important signals. Jung's dream book fully confirmed my theory and taught to properly decipher the information received.

Dream Jung

History of creating an interpreter

Karl Gustav Jung was born in Switzerland in 1875, in the family of the pastor of the reformist church. Having matured, he did not want to go in the footsteps of the Father, but decided to inherit the grandfather and great-grandfather, who were doctors. Jung entered the university in Basel and successfully graduated from the medical faculty. Then in 1900, he went to Zurich, settled in a psychiatric clinic, where she worked for 6 years as an assistant post of respected psychiatrist E. Blair.

During his practice, Gustav developed a method of free associations, on the basis of which analytical psychology was created. This direction in the depth psychology contributed to its development as a science. In addition, the opening of Jung influenced a number of other scientific sectors, such as cultural grievors, ethnology, pedagogy.

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The turning point in the life of Gustav was acquainted with Freud, with whom he collaborated for 5 years. The young psychiatrist in his works often relied on the knowledge and experience of his more competent colleague, but over time his opinion began to change. After numerous studies, Jung discovered shortcomings and inconsistencies in the statements of Sigmund, therefore began to work perfectly in a different direction to prove its own theories and assumptions.

Over the years of his life, Gustav wrote many books, reviews and dissertations, but one of the most popular his editions was the interpreter of dreams. The theory of the existence in the human psyche of individual and collective unconscious was legally in its foundation. Moreover, the first is a reflection of the personal qualities and features of each individual, and in the second - the experience and knowledge of the former generations. In other words, dreams contain important symbols called archetypes, which cover important information transmitted by the subconscious to the human consciousness.

For ordinary people, the value of archetypes is incomprehensible, because They are usually associated with mythology and ancient history. That is why during sleep, you can see completely insurgent things, which are actually full of meaning. Correct decoding of characters and plots can tell a person from the current life situation, and will also tell about the near future.

Dream Karl Yunga

Description Dreamnika

According to Jung, the dreams are an important component of our life, because they help restore the emotional balance and develop mental functions. But, in addition, they can help find answers to important issues and even warn about any event that will occur in the near future. The main thing is to learn how to correctly recognize the symbols seen in dreams, which, according to Gustav, are extremely individual value for each person.

Jung studied dreams and archetypes for more than 50 years and came to the conclusion that the pictures seen are usually the mythical images belonging to a certain ancient people. Naturally, if a person is far from history and mythology, he cannot understand the information that the subconsciousness is trying to convey.

The Swiss psychologist shares dreams for 2 types:

  1. Objective. The plot refers directly to the person and reflects real characters. For example, the father is a father, sister is a sister.
  2. Subjective. It personifies one of the aspects of the dreams itself, its features of character or unknown earlier aspects of the person.

If the interpretation of the first type of dreams is extremely clear, then difficulties may arise. Moreover, Jung claims that not every person is ready to accept what will see, because some plots may be frightening. For example, having a crazy killer, attackering on people, indicates the sadistic tendencies and a deadly dusty impulses. In addition, gestalt therapists believe that not only personalities are indicated about such hidden aspects of personality, but also inanimate objects.

Gustav brought the following examples of archetypes of subjective dreams, which reflect a certain side of the person:

  1. Person is an image that the dream shows others, but he is not his real "I".
  2. Shadow is a weak part of nature provoking negative sides of character, such as anger or envy.
  3. A child or an angel is a true "I" of a person, vulnerable and spontaneous. Often indicates the high hidden potential of the person.
  4. Sage is a priest, a wanderer or father. Such an archetype symbolizes the wisdom and strength of the Spirit.
  5. The Great Mother is in dreams in the form of a mother, witches, queens or princesses and indicates fertility, development and growth, both personal and career.

Knowing what one or another archetype means, a person will learn to recognize the hidden attitudes of his subconscious, and also activates the previously disconnected aspects of their personality. Thus, he will achieve a holistic understanding of his own "I" and will gain full control over his subconscious and life in general.

Despite the fact that Gustav in his dreams assigned universal meaning to some symbols, he believed that with interpretation of dreams it was necessary to take into account the entire seen plot and the personal situation of the dream. In this case, a person will be able to find answers to disturbing questions and understand how to improve his current position.

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