Prayer for help in a difficult life situation


In our life everything happens: and joy and grief. We are not insured against severe problems, such as unfair accusations, persecution, serious illness or scandals in the family. When this happens, many are lowered hands. But there is always a way out - you need to rely on God, because only in his power to help you.

Prayer for help in a difficult life situation really helps - I was convinced of this many times. For example, during the hard disease, the father helped the prayer of the Virgin: the operation was successful, the doctors themselves were surprised at how fast his father would come to the amendment, despite the old age.

Another case is a daughter's problem. When she went to a new school in the 10th grade, classmates began to ride her. I did not help any long conversations with instigators, neither the director intervention - just adolescents began to make their black care, but it did not improve the life of her daughter.

I prayed to Nicholas the Wonderworker so that he would help to correct the situation, and the miracle happened literally in three days: classmates suddenly lost interest in her daughter, and soon the director suggested that we move to a parallel class, where the atmosphere was much calmer.

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Prayer for help in a difficult life situation 4990_1

Prayer Guardian Angel

In severe life situations, if the problem applies in person to you, it is best to turn to the guardian angel. Trust his intercession, rely on your holy assistant! And he necessarily dismisses even the most difficult task, cope with trouble.

It is important here to remember that human problems begin not just like this: it means that we have done the highest strength. Remember your sins that come to mind, shook before God and encourage the guardian angel. Be sure to thank him for the holy patronage.

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More than once the prayer of the Guardian angel helped people in a dangerous place at an inappropriate time - for example, in the dark quarter at night or in an unpleasant company. There are known stories when people in the evening lost the road in the forest, but the prayer of the Guardian angel helped them find the right path.

Prayers for children

How often in our restless time we have to worry about children! It happens that the son or daughter choose not the best company, throw their studies, begin to get involved in alcohol.

Very scary for children, for their health and future. In this case, it is extremely important not to expect that the problem will solve itself. This will not happen! It is important to pray for a child every day, asking God to send a son or daughter on the right path.

Parental prayer is the strongest and effective means. You can pray to the Savior, Nikolai the Wonderworker, as well as the Virgin.

The Mother of God hears all the prayers raised by mothers and fathers, and always helps our children, even if they got stuck at some point and went on a bad path. Be sure to repent in front of the Virgin in your own sins, it will increase the power of your prayer.

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Prayer Matron Moskovskaya

Holy Matrona is one of their most beloved saints in our country. And this is not by chance: Matronushka really helps, this is evidence - the experience of hundreds (or even thousands) people who received help from the holy in the most difficult situations. Matrona Moscow helps everyone who asks for help and sincerely repents in perfect sins.

It helps and with financial problems, and in the case of severe illness, as well as with family quarrels and scandals. If there is a person who suffers in alcohol addiction in the family, the holy pray for God that the drinking person senses and change his behavior.

Matron helps and in trouble at work - if you are threatened with an unfair dismissal, if you are haunted by the authorities or you have persecuted colleagues (unfortunately, it happens quite often). It is impossible to lose work, but also go there where you humiliate and insult, very hard.

Ask the Holy Matron about help, and it will support you. The Holy Staria on his own experience experienced the persecution, so he was in a hurry to help those who offend unfairly.

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Financial difficulties

If financial problems become critical, it means that it is time to seek help to higher forces. Pray to holy worships every day, recognize your mistakes, sins and be sure to help them. You can contact Nikolai Wonderworker, Holy Spiridon or St. Trifon.

Not once, Saint Nikolai came to help those who had no funds to buy expensive medicine or had problems with paying a loan. Prayer solved all the problems - helped relatives or the bank agreed to mitigate the conditions without increasing interest on the loan.

The main thing is to ask sincerely, have a real faith that God will come to help you on the prayer of your saints. While reading the prayer, do not think about your problems or household items, focus on communicating with the saints.

The wife can pray for her husband, such a prayer has a very greater force. If the husband did not increase the salary for a long time, and he is an excellent worker if he has long been looking for a good place, but cannot find a spouse to take prayer work - to contact Nikolay the Wonderworker, Matron of Moscow or the Virgin.

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Family troubles

If the trouble is going on in your family - a husband drinks, violence occurs or scandals and quarrels are upset, then you can contact the Mother of God, as well as to St. Ksenia.

Holy Ksenia saved many families from the divorce, helped to establish relationships and even helped with the birth of children with childless couples. On the prayer of Holy Xenia, all conflicts and disagreements were held, love and consent returned to a couple. Also very effective is the reading of psalms, the Psalms number 90, 50, 57, 11 are particularly well helped.

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