Icon George Victorious: description, value, what helps how to pray


The image of the Great Martyr George for a long time is revered by Orthodox Christians. He is considered the most sought-after shrine. It is found not only on icons, but also coins of different peoples, urban flags and coat of arms. It is considered the strongest intercession of believers, especially those who somehow, even indirectly connected with the military craft.

But not only. He is considered to be their patron and farmers. Many icons of George Victorious Icons are known, where he can be depicted in the form of a rider or a warrior with a spear and a sword.

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What helps the image of George Victory

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This shrine, as already mentioned, can refer to requests and prayer soldiers, warriors - everyone who is somehow connected with the army. In the case of military conflicts, the sown wires are called to the salty. They ask for the saint of them from serious difficulties, was removed from bullets to serve as faithfully and the truth and healthy returned to the family.

Holy knows every believer. However, among people who do not attend the temple of God, the victorious is well known. What can I ask, besides what is related to war? It turns out that with sincere prayer, the divine leak can help with many illnesses.

Basic value

Known icons of George Victorious, where he is a rider on a horse, piercing the monstrous serpent with his spear. This personifies the greatness and courage of warrior, noble and fearless. Warrior West in many countries, in the Republic of Georgia honors after the Virgin.

Georgy Victorious at one time suffered a lot, but was firm in his faith. No wealth and treasures, the authorities did not lay her and not shot down from the Worder's Light Path.

In the memory of mankind, stories remained about how, being in conclusion, the holy prayed to God about those who asked him for help. Anyone who needed getting rid of the ailment or other assistance received it, since the Lord listened to him, he said to him George.

The tale of the town of Beirut is known. There was a lake near him, where he lived a snake, who kept all citizens in the eternal fear. After all, he fed to human flesh. Many residents to back up the moldish, threw a lot among young people. The one to whom he fell out was doomed to be eaten. Many girls and young guys died at that time.

Did not avoid the lot and daughter of the king. When she was already appeared before Zmey, the wonderworker appeared and saw a spear in the cannibal.

His feat, killing the monster, he not only saved compatriots, but also strengthened the faith in them in the Lord, and those who did not believe, after killed Zmia, believed. For urged sincerely to take their Christianity. This story was the basis of the plot for many Icons of St. George.

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Short life

He lived in the times of the pagan, when the physical destruction of Christians went. The ruler Diocletian ordered a scary to execute anyone who believed in Christ. Georgy, being a representative of a noble family, served the emperor. Became at this time a secret Christian.

However, they gave it and began to expose to painful tortures. There was a goal - to force the commanders to renounce the commander from his faith. Whatever the soldiers take, George transferred pain. He did not die in the pit with lime, he did not pierce the spears of the elastic servants of Diocletian.

The young man was puzzled with poisonous drinks, but he remained alive. Forces were returned to him even after brutal beatings. 8 times he was restored after deadly torment, and then the emperor pagan commanded him.

However, even after death, George attracted people to him and worked a miracle. They bribed the guards so that they gave the opportunity to stand at the body and pray.

What helps the icon of St. George Victorious

  • Surger in combat actions.
  • Gives protection from the enemies.
  • Helps to establish peace, find it for the praying and those for whom he asks.
  • From female infertility and other diseases.
  • Winning in battle.
  • It helps not only adult men, but also for children and women.

So that the prayer is more effective, the church candle is set in front. It is lit, the words of prayer say with everything spiritual power. Knowing how to properly pray, and sincerely believing the shrine, you can help yourself and your loved ones.

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Day of West Georgia

The celebration in honor of George Victorious is held in Christians repeatedly in the following days:
  • 09.12. (according to Art. style 26.11.) - For the first time she commanded to do this in the Russian church, Yaroslav Wise, who has the Christian name George.
  • 23.11. (according to Art. style 10.11.) - Giorgoba is a holiday in honor of the Holy in the Georgian Republic.
  • 16.11 (according to old 02.11.).
  • 06.05. (under Art. Art. 23.04.).

Where the shrine is stored

There are several miraculous shrines, which reached our time and became famous among Christians. They can be found in these temples and contact the prayer for help.

  1. One of the most famous - the miraculous icon of George Victorious is kept in the Moscow Cathedral of the Great Martyr (in old archers).
  2. In the village of Monino also in the Church in honor of George Victorious.
  3. Having visited the George Temple of Odintsovsky Ponition.
  4. A number of near Moscow Councils.

Those who want to touch the shrine should be known that the particle of St. There are relics in the Moscow Temple on Poklonnaya Mount.

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How to pray to George Victorious

Today, not only the warriors turn to the icon, but also people of other professions. Particularly helps those who are engaged in active activities related to rivalry, the achievement of noble goals. These can be athletes, rescuers, respectable politicians.

You can pray both in the temple and at home. It is good to have not only an icon, but also a small samples that always wear always with you. The prayer of the holy is quite a lot, but most often the following are used. They are considered the strongest.

Protection prayer

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Prayer for help in good matter and work

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Prayer for a victory over the opponent or inquiry

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