Icon of the Meodor Mother of God: photo, description, meaning, what it helps, prayers


One of the most important shrines of Russia is recognized as the icon of the Fodorov Mother of God, according to legend written by Luka himself, the author of one of the Gospels. It is still connected by the secret of the appearance of her in Russia, as no one else explained when she was brought to Russian lands and to whom this merit belongs.

Icon of the Meodor Mother of God: photo, description, meaning, what it helps, prayers 5009_1

Miraculous Feodor Icon

A lot of interesting cases and events associated with the image are preserved in the memory of people. Below are only some of them.

Legends and Traditions

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The name of his icon was received after the discovery of St. Fedor Prattylate. It was found on the pine near the town of Gorodets. After a while at this place, the monks founded a new monastery, referred to as the Gorodetsky Monastery.

From the moment wonders began to happen: the face was not injured with several devastating fires of the Kostroma Cathedral. And before the last Russian emperor renounced his throne, the face was darkened. The fact that the image of two written aspects is known to many. On the reverse side - the image of Much. Paraskeva (Friday). According to one of the hypotheses, he has a connection with his wife St. Alexander Nevsky.

There is a legend about the blessing of Yaroslav wise young: Alexander's son with his wisest Bryachovoy. After attacking nomads to the city, the image disappeared. Many citizens thought that he died on fire, but a miracle happened.

On the streets of Kostroma suddenly began to walk Russian warrior with a way in his hands. In a day on the River, Vasily, Brother Nevsky, found a favorite icon. Prettylate was recognized in a soldier, and the image itself was identified as the farodore icon of God's mother.

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According to another version, the shrine was found in a year after lost. She was discovered by the prince of Quasil Vasily attached to the tree trunk. Upon returning to the temple, Icon smoked and was recognized by the miraculous. People with their own pain stretched to her, and many have found consolation.


Icon of the Meodor Mother of God: photo, description, meaning, what it helps, prayers 5009_2

Almost all researchers believe that the image is written in Byzantium to order from the Vladimir Mother of God, as they are very similar. The baby is directed to the mother, trying to cuddle to her cheek. Type of writing from both - lunizing. Despite this, there are significant differences:

  • Little Christ sits on his hands.
  • The feet of the baby as if they make a chamber, while barefoot legs, point to his suffering.
  • Mary's clothing is collected, as if the legs are omitted into the bowl.
  • Purple color of robes as a symbol of royalness, blood and suffering of people.
  • Baby clothes playing gold, which symbolized the burial from the nobility.
  • Sorrow is a farewell.


At all times, the rulers with reverence treated the Feodor Icon, praying and addressing important and states for themselves. Romanovov considered her kindergarten, starting from the first representative - Mikhail. Prince Alexander Nevsky without an image did not go to his hiking. After his death (1262), the shrine was placed in for the previous place. There is information on the existence of a list from the script, which provided the Inokine Martha.

For the faroder's icon, there was no time without prayer. Many land and cities were part of her pilgrimage. Here is just a small part: Moscow and St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg and even Solovki. Throughout the 20th century, she visited the Assumption Cathedral, in the temple of St. John Zlatoust, in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. In Bogoyavlensky - Anastasin Cathedral. Populated in 1991.

It is just known that the image is genuine, it is confirmed in 1919. Previously, Riza was golden (10 kg), the new (since 1955) is made of silver and gilding.

What does Feodorovskaya icon help

Icon of the Meodor Mother of God: photo, description, meaning, what it helps, prayers 5009_3

The effect of the image is considered to be miraculous. This confirmation is many stories. Usually asked for the Most Holy The Mother of God, in families where it is not possible to conceive. Pray to her before childbirth, so that everything went calmly and without problems. Apply and about strengthening family and health, happy marriage.

Miracle to dating children

The family within 7 years could not give birth to a child. For a whole year, day after day, they asked the feodor assistance from the feoderovskaya icon, they were treated with a prayer, there was no day so that the spouses did not appeal to her help. As a result, a miracle was accomplished, and the sons were praying.

Another woman seriously painful, received a strict ban on children from doctors. It was propheted and illness, but she read prayers and believed, hoping for a miracle. It happened - she became a mother of a healthy kid.

Helped the appeal to the image of the Ferodor Mother of the Mother of Christian with the foot. With great difficulty from the last forces reached shrine and prayed hotly. The pain began to retreat so quickly that the reverse road was much easier, and after a day, it still disappeared.

What praying to the feodore icon of the Mother of God

Icon of the Meodor Mother of God: photo, description, meaning, what it helps, prayers 5009_4

The image helps everyone who accessed with a sincere feeling. Everyone prays about his anxious, not only childbirth makes it easier, but also contributes to the right upbringing of Chad. It should be remembered that prayer is not a spell, but a natural message to the Lord and the Virgin.

The ultimative form is not suitable for this. If it is impossible to choose the right words yourself, it is better to read from the sheet and learn ready-made prayer. It is better to ask for strength and health than material benefits.

Where is the faroder's icon now

Since August 17, 1991, the oldest miraculous image was postponed to the Epiphany Cathedral of Kostroma. There she is to this day, although exhibited at Moscow exhibitions in 2013.

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