Icon of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya": story, meanings, what helps and how to pray


My friend's father came from pilgrimage (yes, men also ride on such trips) and brought our church "souvenirs" to all of us - handkerchiefs with an embroidered foot. He told that he was in Pokayev and there is just amazing - light, purely, the feeling of holiness is indescribable. Personally, I believed him.

And when at work was sent on a business trip to Ternopil, stolen the chef and consisted on the day in soy. There wandered around the laurel, put a candle in the local cathedral and, of course, bowed to the local shrine - icon. She stands not only to tell about her here, but also to go and see everything personally!

Icon of the Mother of God

What does this icon look like?

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In the cathedral, the original icon looks like this:

Icon of the Mother of God

In lists (copies and versions written by other icon painters at different times and in different places) in different ways. For example, like this:

Icon of the Mother of God

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Each famous icon of the Virgin is not similar to the rest. Distinctive features of this image:

  • Mother tilted her head to her son.
  • Maria and Little Jesus touched by persons (this emphasizes the love that reigns between them).
  • Jesus hugged Maria behind her left hand.
  • Right hand, the mother holds the boards into which the baby wraps.
  • The icon is also present: Stephen (the first of the martyrs killed for faith), Mint's martyr, the holy martyrdom of Catherine, Irina, Paraskeva, Holy Avrami, as well as the Holy Prophet Ilya. In the list of icons, these faces may be absent.

In the cathedral, this icon is in golden rize and looks very majestically.

Days of memory icons:

  • August 5 (according to old style - July 23). On this day, the Pocheevsky monastery was liberated from the Turks due to prayer before that way. For a holiday in the Lavra there is a festive procession.
  • September 21 (or September 8). On this day, the icon was transferred to Pocheevskaya Mountain.

Meaning icon

First of all, the icon carries love. But if you look at, the face of the son is calm, and the mother has sad. She seems to ask him about something. This is an image of intercession for people who turn to the Virgin.

In the foreground icons depict the footprinted in the ground. It is also a shrine. It was such a footprint left behind the Mother of God who was at one time in the same time (I will tell about this case below). The same trace in the abode is embroidered on separate napkins, and pilgrims take him with them.

What are she praying about?

  • First of all, about the health of your or relatives (the strongest - about children and grandchildren).
  • About the healing of spiritual, that is, deliverance from non-Christian thoughts. Icon helps to find a faithful direction in life, strengthen faith.
  • About the world in the house, getting rid of all kinds of misfortunes.
  • Some parishioners ask the intercession to protect their home from the attackers, including robbers and thieves (as in their time, the Mother of God defended the Turks from the invasion).

Are there any special prayers that read it in front of it?

Most of the parishioners turn to the shrine in their own words, with requests. But, of course, there is a special prayer. You can read it both at home and in the temple of God. She sounds like this:

Icon of the Mother of God

And there are such prayers:

Icon of the Mother of God

Icon of the Mother of God

How did she appear in the abode, what miracle is connected?

In 1559, Neophyte, Greek Metropolitan, went to one of the Volyn cities. On the way, he stopped at the nobility of the Goyan family. And so he liked the warm welcome, that he gave the hostess at home his lucky icon, with which he never broke up.

Assessing the honor rendered to her, Anna Goyan posted an icon in the family championship. There she kept for a long time, about 30 years. From time to time, Lik was surprisingly glowing. In 1597, a miracle happened: Blind from the birth of Philip Kozinsky, the brother of the hostess, often prayed near the image of the health - and the prose . After such a miracle (not the only one in this family, since the icon healed and other households) the noblemen passed the wonderful icon in the temple so that there was more people access to it.

Interestingly, in Pokayev Icon stayed for a long time. Andrei Farmy, who was inherited by the estate of the Googi after her death, decided to pick up her icon. He kept her at home for 20 years, but no wonders happened - on the contrary, the wife of the nobleman went crazy.

The icon was returned to the monastery - and the unfortunate woman began to be healthy again.

In 1675, the Pochaevsky monastery surrounded the Turks. The monks began to pray an intercession - and she appeared above the monastery surrounded by angels. The Turks began to shoot them - but only hit each other. Enemians had to retreat from their own arrows. The monastery was saved.

The emergence of the Pochaev Lavra

Oh, and this is even more long, but no less wonderful story.

At the end of the 9th century, pupils of St. Methodius found a mountain on the River Correction. Named it just - Pochaevskaya. They stayed here to live.

In the 13th century, two ink from Kiev, fleeing from Tatar-Mongolian yoke, arrived here. They spent the night in the open sky. At night, the Inaks woke up from the light. Before them burned a post of fire, but the heat did not proceed from him. Then they saw the Queen of Heaven, with a scepter in his hand and in the crown.

Icon of the Mother of God

In the morning at the place where she stood, the Inka saw the footprint filled with purest water (This imprint and is depicted on icons).

The source is still filled. To gain this water, pilgrims arrive even from very remote places. It is believed that it is good to eat patients.

In our time, the source is fenced with grille. The protective ark was built on top.

Healer and intercession: who helped this amazing icon

In the temple they say that icon made about 500 wonders. I'll tell you about the most memorable cases.
  • One of the monks of Lavra captured Tatars and were going to betray death. He began to pray to the Virgin Mary, representing this particular image. And the surprising thing happened - he was in a safe laurel, to the brothers.
  • In the 17th century, the son of the local landlord died. The grandmother of the boy stood all night on his knees before healing icon, asking for her baby to return her. And by the morning he opened his eyes!
  • Recently, the icon healed a deaf boy who was treated in the hospital. The icon took there, and he began to hear.

What lists (copies) of this image are also considered miraculous?

  • The first list can be seen in the same temple. On this icon, first pictured the footprint of the Foot of the Virgin. By the way, an amazing story is also connected with this way: he saved from Kyivlyan cholera.
  • List of John Vedensky Women's Monastery (Tobolsk Territory). This icon also defended the city from the plague.
  • List of Church of St. Dmitry Solunsky (Moscow).
  • List of Holy Daniel Monastery (located in Trinity Cathedral).
  • List of Lefortovo Petropavlovsk Church.

Interested in both the icon and the most holy place in which she pray? I propose a long, but interesting video that will allow you to now "go" in the Pochaevskaya Lavra. It is in Russian, so you will understand everything:

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