How many lasts the great post: when it starts and when it ends


A neighbor last five years hit faith: goes to services, keep posts, praying a lot. We recently meet on the staircase: I have a complete package of any yummy. She looked at me, on the package and asks: "You will not be fast?" It became a little ashamed, because I am a believer, but I am rare in the church: all things, things. And so I fought in the soul that her gaze that I decided to know when it starts and how much the great post lasts, and it would certainly come to care that I successfully succeeded. I share the information received and I invite everyone to join.

The beginning of the Great Post will be marked by the end of the passenger week. The secular understanding of the carnival includes noisy festivities, a total commercial nose. In fact, as the other week, in addition to moral and physical recreation, it implies spiritual preparation for long-term abstinence. The Great Post consists of four-month and passionate week.

Great post: history of origin

Tradition to fast leaves the roots in the Old Testament. Jews have long fed twice a week: Tuesday and Thursday, and Christians who have entered the faith, took for themselves Wednesday and Friday. This establishment has strength so far, but not all walking in the world keep it.

The origin of the Great Post has a missionary character. Initially, the post was the test of faith, the strength of the spirit and faith of pagans, ready to take baptism. The baptized then in the conscious age and only on Christian holidays like Christmas or Easter. On the eve of such events to the pagans, ready to deny their gods, to strengthen their spirit, check out. Christians did not pray.

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Now, imagine how hard and unfair seemed to the pagans such a test: coming to visit to the Christians, they saw measko and other food, which could not be in the post, and listened to Christ, until Christians blew all this yolstick. Therefore, Christians will have joined the "recruits" to demonstrate support, confidence and help with prayers and acts in them.

Christians in those days limited themselves in food and entertainment to the passionate sadmitz - the most strictest week of the Great Post, when it is impossible practically nothing, though the Holy Spirit is fighting on the eve of Easter. Perhaps this is why there is a division of the very post per four and passionate saddemits.

March 11 - a day when the great post begins in 2019, and on April 27 - when it ends. At this time, even prayers are read differently, testifying the feature of the moment.

Why comply with the great post

Like others, the great post carries the goal, a certain task for adhering restrictions.

  • First of all, at this time we renounce the worldly bustle and communicate with God, prayers and actions are strengthened in faith.
  • The time of the Great Post helps to clean the body and soul, prepare for the bright holiday of Easter. We are not talking about a strict diet on bread and water, but about the acquisition of harmony. Release the problems, free the mind and heart from old offenders and offenders. Everyone is redeemed by their business. God would wish to see us staying in love, and not hate.

Last Week of the Great Post

The events that occurred a century ago during the passionate week (saddimians) are remembered during the post. Four initial Sunday services serve with Akathist Pasia. The church and believers remember how they suffered and died on the cross the Savior.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the ordinances of the Eucharist sacrament are committed to the church year, where the words-reminder say about the voluntary decision of Christ to take the sins of mankind to themselves, suffer and die for the save of people.

The Great Friday is the day of the strictest post, it should be carried out in complete abstinence. The worship service of the Great Saturday, the day before the Easter boiled, marked by the reading of the canon before the ship.

How to fast: what is the monks and laity

How many lasts the great post: when it starts and when it ends 5011_1

In the church charter, it is said: it is impossible to use the products of animal origin (speech about milk, eggs, meat, etc.) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays practice is practiced. You can eat bread, fruits and vegetables, drink water or compote. Reserve and Thursday - it is allowed hot food, but it is impossible to add oil to it.

On weekends (Saturday and Sunday) oil is possible to add to food. For the Annunciation and the Entrance of the Lord you can pamper yourself with a fish, and Lazareva Saturday makes it possible to eat fish caviar. Monday itself implies a complete rejection of food, and the Great Friday is a passionate week - abstinence before the removal of the shroud.

Please note: all of the above rules are required for confessors within the monastic charter. The rules of the post for layers are much softer.

Wanting to take part in the great post and make a spiritual feat, the layman correlates this decision with life circumstances, physical health and is advised to be a spiritual mentor. As a rule, the practice of drying on the laity does not apply, and eating without vegetable oil on weekdays is only on some days or completely excluded. Fish and seafood are a controversial issue in the Mijan menu: some say that they should be completely excluded, someone insists on the need to introduce into the diet.

Women in position or nursing, children, people aged and patients have special privileges. A sufficient condition for compliance will be a refusal of meat (before the start of the post it is better to consult with the doctor). I do not think that the Lord pleases so that you lose your health or life for the sake of following the subtleties of the monastic charter. If there are separate prescriptions from the doctor about the products of animal origin, think, perhaps it makes sense to abandon the time of fasting from something harmful, but of such tasty and beloved - sweets, baking, etc.

There is no separate charter for the laity, is not provided for by the church, and therefore I propose to seek advice to the confessor. And before you contact, look at the monastery calendar, which gives an understanding of the level of relaxing larger days on church traditions. Many aspects can be corrected by taking into account the councils and recommendations proposed by the mentor.

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