Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics


When I was in the hospital, preparing for surgery (I had to remove the carbuncoon, and I walked very badly - fever, chills, high temperature, and most importantly, not the most comforting physicians), Mom brought a small icon in the ward. The operation was successful, I went on amendment.

At first, just rejoiced in life, which is about, happiness! - It did not end in such an inglorious way. Then I looked at the image of the Virgin, standing on the hospital bedside table between the packs of ampoules. What is this image? It turned out, it was a copy of the "healers". Since then, I am interested in miraculous icons, as I know: one of them is better to keep with you, going to the hospital ... and not only!

Icons of the Mother of God

The Mother of God is very merciful. It is not surprising that most of all miracles are related to its images.


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Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_1

This face is one of the strongest. Unfortunately, it is associated with sad events in the life of the Virgin Mary. On the 40th day after the birth of Jesus, she delivered him to the temple. There, the old man Simeon admitted the baby to the Son of the Lord (this day is celebrated as a penitution), but also predicted the Virgin that her soul will be held on the weapon, but "the crime of many hearts will open." That is, the Prophet saw in advance the torture and execution of Jesus - for the mother really a terrible pain to see all this!

It is not surprising that people who are also more often praying for this icon.

They ask for:

  • protect them from problems and evil people;
  • protect their home;
  • reconcile
  • Aid in an important business.

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And if wearing samples on your chest, it is believed that it protects against the evil and damage.

Also, the icon is considered the "antbeddentiary": it is hanging opposite the entrance to "see" each incoming one. It is believed that an evil person after that will not enter your house.

Unfortunate Bowl

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_2

This is support for all stunned. The image calls on to appeal to Jesus - "Bow" with light and happiness that will never empty.

  • She prayed relatives of drunks and alcoholics, asking for the Virgin to save his native person from a detrimental habit.
  • Nowadays, native drug addicts and people who succumbed to other destructures (casino, gameimers) also began to pray for the "bowl".

Holy Lick need to hang around the head of the sick bed bed.


Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_3

The lists of this icon are different - the young guy is depicted on one patient, on the other - a man, on the third - a woman. In fact, the history of creating an icon is associated with the healing of Georgian cleric. Our Lady came personally to help him.

  • They pray to her, as it is not difficult to guess, about health - his own and relatives. You can even ask about health for the enemy, only sincerely.
  • She also helps in the healing of spiritual pain, so we will bow when life becomes hard or will attack depression.

Inadequate joy

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_4

On this icon depicts a cranked person. This is a hypocritical "righteous", which was terribly sinned, but before that I prayed to the Virgin. And one day he saw that Jesus had wounds and blood flowed from them. The Mother of God told him that this is due to the dishonest life, which such believers lead here. The sinner began to ask for his pardon, and Jesus forgave. That person began to live righteously.

Icon pray:

  • about heavenly support;
  • about what they do not have to get (not only material, but also spiritual);
  • about health;
  • On the reconciliation of fathers and children, the correction of adolescents, who fell into a bad company;
  • on the completion of a quarrel;
  • On the return of the missing (most often about it, the children and grandchildren of old men who go out of the house and forgetting the reference) are requested.


Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_5

One of the most ambiguous icons.

The Virgin Mary has three hands here. But these are only the lists of the original stored in the Athos Monastery. There the hand is not drawn, but made of metal and is applied to the icon. And she belongs not to the Virgin, but John Damascus. He was cut off his hand for malicious, he did not make a misconduct. John prayed for a long time that was just this icon, and a miracle happened - she took.

She pray for:

  • healing from diseases associated with hands;
  • salvation from other diseases;
  • deliverance from problems;
  • as well as asking for fire protection.

Burning bush

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_6

It symbolizes one of the scenes of the Old Testament. When the Prophet Moses prayed on Mount Sinai, the Lord descended to him in the form of a burning, but not burning a thunder bush.

In the new covenant, the Virgin is considered to be a Virgin, who also shines true faith and holiness.

She is asked about:

  • Forgiveness of sins;
  • Healing mental disorders and diseases;
  • protection of the house or apartment from fire;
  • She is the patroness of pilots, doctors, soldiers and firefighters.

Non-fulfilling color

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_7

In the hands of Madonna or baby depicted Lily. Flower means cleanliness. Icon tells about the fact that Maria was immaculate during the conception of the Son of God.

It will help:

  • young girls do not lose their purity;
  • Mouch with your loved one;
  • To married women, she brings a quiet and happy family life.

Unbreakable Wall

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_8

Original icons are depicted in a mosaic style. It is located in the Kiev Sophia Cathedral. The image received its name because he remained unscathed, whatever wars and disasters would sweep over this holy abode.

  • Icon is considered an intercession and protector from many misfortunes: diseases, ill-wishers, thieves, even divorce. Therefore, many hang it opposite the entrance so that the evil does not penetrate their apartment or the house.


Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_9

In the world there are many different images on which the Virgin is depicted without a little Jesus, and her face is sad. This word is sometimes called even the icon "Seven Straightened". But in our country, this image is considered miraculous. It is also known as the Crimean, because it was acquired in the area of ​​Feodosia.

One walkway sacrificed the church to the old one, darkened by the icon. When she was put in the altar, the paint on it suddenly became bright, the icon was miraculously transformed. At the same time, no one restored it.

It is honored on November 6, on the same day, when they remember the icon of "all grieving joy."

They appeal to it:

  • When life becomes especially difficult, sadness and sadness;
  • When a person is sick (meaning not only bodily, but also sincere diseases);
  • She is asked about the benefits (let's say, there are couples that dream of their own housing, or even children who want a really expensive toy);
  • It is considered the defense of merchants, which went to the long journey, so buy samples if someone from your relatives often goes on business trips, especially trade.

The joy of all joy

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_10

The second name of the icon is seraphim wonder. The name is connected with Seraphim Sarov. This icon ("Uming") was a cable way. When he prayed her, his soul flew to God.

She needs to pray calmly, without anger, and most importantly - fuss.


  • about help, if you were slandered;
  • about saving from prison, as well as assistance in court;
  • The fact that you lose the important thing you are;
  • about protecting on a foreign trade;
  • About the intercession for a soldier who serves in a dangerous place.


Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_11

Very old image. He saw a lot of corona of the kings, as well as the elections of the High Priests.

He helps:

  • reconcile people in a quarrel;
  • calm the evil person (many hold the samples on the desktop, fearing soon on the headside of the chief);
  • He also facilitates the suffering of rapid people.


Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_12

In the time of Ivan the Terrible in Kazan, there was a terrible fire, burned the temple, and there were no shrines in that part of the city. But the Mother of God came in a dream to a little girl and asked to dig out of her the icon hidden in ancient times. She was healing. The shrine very much supported the Kazan chances who collapsed on them.

She can:

  • solve problems (different - personal, workers);
  • protect against incorrect decision;
  • It is also a patroness family; Going to the wedding of young well blessed this particular icon.

The image of other saints

Of course, we have other miraculous faces. A lot of them. But the most stronger is considered ...

Seraphim Sarovsky

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_13

One of the most popular saints in Russia.

Seraphim was born in Kursk, came to the church in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and all his life served the Lord in the Saratov desert.

He pray about:

  • peaceful peace of mind, acquiring the true path;
  • about health (including healing from truly serious diseases);
  • Girls are asking for marriage;
  • Some entrepreneurs ask for good luck in their business (however, Icon will help, only if we promise a part of the earned to pay for charity - and, of course, perform this promise).

George Victoronec

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_14

This saint is considered the patron saint of Moscow.

George in life was a warrior, so the soldiers and other employees of the powerful departments (well, of course, their mother and his wife are also treated. Also about help are asked athletes. Finally, businessmen are addressed to George.

Nikolai Runs Wonderworker

Miraculous icons: List of strongest relics 5012_15

And this saint is the most popular in Ukraine. The kids here believe that Saint Nicholas in his winter holiday walks through the houses of obedient children and puts them under the pillows of sweets, and even toys.

The wretchedness ask for:

  • Salvation from poverty and poverty (since during the saint's life helped everyone who fell into trouble);
  • His patron he is considered sailors and pilots, drivers, as well as travelers (a small icon should take with them both on a business trip and on vacation).

But, of course, all the icons that you see here are just copies of the original miraculous faces. Is it worth praying to them, buy small samples in the church? Or is it better to go to the pilgrimage to the original icons, and all the other prayers will not help? The father is answered:

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