Vigil Vigil: What is it, how is it going and how long


"AZ EMS Way and Truth, and Stomach" - words pronounced by whose face all questions die, because he is the only answer. And he called us all to repentance. But is it possible to come to this besides the church? No! This is spoken by all the holy fathers in their writings. We will believe in the truth of their words, despite the arguments of people with the "God in the heart." On the question of how to live, the Lord gave an unequivocal answer to the questioning - to observe the commandments. Visit the temple is commanded by God. Only to visit is not enough, it is necessary to attend the service consciously, participating in its action, aware of the importance of every moment.

History of worship

In ancient times, the all-night vigil began late in the evening and continued until the dawn. The start of service was made by the first Christians in order to disrupt the people of Orthodox from Hehetics-Arian, "which were made to pray at night. At that time, and called John Zlatoust Orthodox to gather on the night vigion. In some monasteries in the east to this day, this tradition has been preserved.

Vigil Vigil: What is it, how is it going and how long 5015_1

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Ancient Christians prayed incessantly, making the so-called "day circle". At last hour they were going for prayer in the temple. They were called: 1st hour, 3rd hour, 6th hour, 9th hour. This ministry of every day, which is performed continuously. Today, the clock is attached to long-term services. The whole vigil vigility goes beyond the clock, since this service is only on the eve of great holidays (they are also resurrection), remaining, however, also the "day circle" component.

The church day begins not in the morning, but in the evening. So the whole vigil vigil starts a new day and is the Thighted Divine Liturgy.

The practice of night units was introduced by ancient monks, and subsequently enshrined in the Jerusalem Charter. It is for this that all worships are committed in our time. The same typicon (church charter) opens with a whistle, i.e., this service "opens the gate" ....

The image of vascular

Each church service is the memories, and the real reality, approving the presence of God in our lives, the living God "from now to the century." Strict canons and compliance needed! If before (for 2000 years), any of the priesthood allowed himself to retreat from the canon, today it would not be left for the Orthodox service. The excitement of the priest in service is the awareness of the presence of God and the fear of the violation even a little, as nothing at this moment can be trifle.

Each service has its own image, it also has a vigorous-majestic service containing the evening and morning. During the vigil, these services are held more solemnly (what is read on the evening on a weekday, the chorus sings on a whirlpool, etc.). Moreover, additional points appear on the all-perplex - lithium and rainfall. Why does each all-sleeping repeat and repeats again? Because God is always present in our life. Service is not just a reminder, it is a statement. "I am the same thing that was before." That is, all this happens today, as well as the crucifixion of Christ, whom we crucify again and again with our conscious sins. Is there anything to think about?

So, two main parts of the all-sleeping - evening and morning:

  • Evening is based on the Old Testament, we pass through it at these moments,
  • Morning - the covenant is new, the birth of the Savior. Morning is joy, morning dawn. Every moment is important and has its own sacred value.


Evening is still the state of Old Adam, the beginning of our creation. But this is the premonition of the middle of the Messiah. The bell ringing preders her, Blagovest and sober. On the eve of Sunday, the rigor calls the Sunday Bell, reading the Kafisum "Immaculate" (17th of Kafisma) or the 50th Psalm. Ends the evil sober in all the bells, excluding the bell festive. Veligid evening is named great, since such is. The priests are apparent to sacred clothes and make each altar. Loud exclamation "Establish!" Deacon appeals to the people, calling praying. Then she scans the blessing of the priest and begins to serve.

The beginning of the "Old Testament" evening

Evening always starts 103 psalm, describing the picture of the creation before the sin. The gates are open, as before they were open to Adam and Eve. The clergymen are entering the temple and praying, which personifies the grace of God in the creation of people. Falling these doors were closed, and the person asks God about the grace, about forgiveness: the royal gates and deacon are closed reading the Great Sectini, that is, the petition.

Psalm "Blessed husband ..." as if she continues her, showing the way to move on. The same Psalm anticipates the birth of the Messiah - "Jaco List will not disappear."

The stimitors who come next, also talk about repentance, they alternate with reading Psalm. The manication of the temple is performed, praying is asking God for forgiveness.

The last poem "Dogmatic" literally anticipates the birth of Christ. She dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Next - a mysterious moment, giving hope: the opening of the royal gates and the entrance ... Saving a person - in Christ, which is coming. Deacon says: "Wisdom, forgive!", What does "stand straight!", The priest blesses the entrance, and the choir at that time sings the "light of quiet", for the Lord's Lord went to the ground, but in great calm.

Further, the deacon reads the prokimen and the flooding object, the following action - lithium, which personifies the gospel story when Christ feed five thousand people with five babes. Lithium is performed at Western doors, where there are five wheat breads, wheat, wine and fir trees. The priest blesses them. In ancient times, the bread and wine praying at this point, so as not to be out and continue the service further, already until the morning. In our temples, bread with wine is distributed on the whirlpool later, immediately after reels.

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The poehira on the poems is special poems that completes the prayer of the righteous Simon, who took the Baby of the Baby of Christ, "now let whom, Vladyko". Moment special! He talks about the death of the old and birth of a new one, about the breakdown of death. Evening is nearing completion. The last chanting of it is the "Virgin Delo, Rejoice", for it happened, was the promise, which was expected more than 8 thousand years. "The blessing of the Lord on you .."

"New Testament" Morning

It begins the morning from the angelic singing "Glory to the Vointer ..." by those words that the birth of the Savior Angels met. Next read six special psalms called "Shestopsalmia". This is the memory of the Bethlehem night, waiting for Christmas, the image of the night. That is why when reading six-pin in the temple, all the candles are quenched. At this moment, before closed royal gates, the priest reads the morning prayers foreshadowing.

After reading the peaceful skin, the deacon hurts loudly: "God of the Lord, and come to us ..", this exclamation suggests that the Savior came to the world, the prophecy came true. Cafisms are read from Psaltiri.

Poland, reading the Gospel and Elastation is the most solemn part of the service. Polyels means "a lot of grace", in some cases the word is translated as "a lot of oil", since the firings have always been considered the personification of the grace of God. At this point, there are laudatory poems, the gates open, candles are lit, the clergymen are fine with all the temple, festive trails sing. Next - read the festive gospel, "Resurrection of Christ Wishovshi" (if Sunday's Day) and make a sacred rite of excitement, in front of which believers are suitable for a festive icon located in the center of the temple, and to the Holy Gospel.

At the end of excitement, after the priest utters "grace, generous ...", the special reading of the canon begins.

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Canon tells about the life and exploits of the saints of God. It can be called a prayer work that consists of nine songs. In front of the 9th song, after every day, Deacon led the Mother of God's great-grandchildren to whom the choir "Corporate Cherub ..."


It lies in reading Psalms, she continues the great Slavs. The stimitors end in a chant dedicated to the Mother of God, and those in which the morning began: "Glory in the High God." Morning is completed with reading and let go.

All-night vigil has ended, but the priesthood has not yet been separated, they read the 1st hour, which sanctifies the coming day. This service is very brief. Previously, she represented a separate rank, now all the hours join long-term services.

Service duration and authorship

The very name "Veligid" speaks of the service time: a little later, after sunset. The vigil does not have one author, like Liturgy, her order was gradually folded. The first prayers of the vigil are composed of John Zlatoust. In Orthodox churches, the service begins at five or six in the evening, and it lasts everywhere in different ways, but on average - up to eight o'clock in the evening. All-night in monasteries can last 5 and 6 hours. In some monasteries in the east, as in antiquity, it continues until the morning when the first hour really covers the coming day with the sunrise.

Differences Sunday Vigil from Festive

Veligid served on the eve of the resurrection every week. At these services, the Sunday Pathways, like Sunday Gospel. If the mindset is on the eve of a big holiday, the Sunday Troparies do not read, read festive. Also - both the gospel. Sunday service solemn very much, because the Sunday Troparies, Easter, uttering "Christ Risen!" every Sunday. Yes, every Sunday - Easter!

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