What is the difference between the Bible from the Gospel: Orthodox view


Return to the faith of ancestors is accompanied by replenishing gaps in the knowledge of the main terms and provisions of our Orthodox faith. What is the difference between the Bible from the Gospel? This question found me surprise, and I did not know the correct answer. The gospel is often sold separate book and as compared to the Bible looks modest. But if you open the first pages of the Gospel, it becomes clear: there is talking about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let's look at the difference between the Old and the New Testament, which make up the Bible.

What is the difference between the Bible from the Gospel

Old Testament

What tells the Old Testament? In the Book of Genesis, we read about the creation of the God of the Universe, then the book tells about the life of the Jewish people during the times of Egyptian slavery, wandering over the desert and by the people of the Ten Commandments. It is these 10 commandments that make up the essence of the old (old) covenant of God with the people of Israel.

The Bible has written over one and a half thousand years with different authors. The main language of writing is Hebrew and Aramaic. How did the text of the Bible written? It is believed that all the texts of the Holy Scripture were corroded. That is, a person only recorded what he felt in his heart and thoughts under the leadership of God.

The Old Testament can be perceived as an artistic life-in-law and as a permanent teaching, a certificate of wonders and the strength of God.

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We pass the centuries in the description of the biblical plots, we read the words of Wisdom Solomon and the full internal contradiction of the Psalms of David. The messages of the prophets seek horror and despair, and the endless wars of Jews for the land of the promised are injected into confusion.

But this is all already refers to the past, since after Jesus Christ, a new covenant was concluded. It is the covenant of love and confidence between the God and the peoples of the Earth. This covenant opens up a new history of mankind, full of joyful hopes and gratitude for the wonderful salvation from punishment for sins.

Gospel and Bible What's the difference

New Testament and Gospel

The New Testament is a meeting of 27 books telling about the times of Jesus Christ. It includes 4 Gospels, 21 Messages of the Apostles, Acts of Apostles and Apocalypse. But the central event of the New Testament is precisely the Gospel - the benefit of the news of salvation.

The gospel is translated from Greek as gospel. It is borne by the people of the Earth Good News about the Savior of the World. These are 4 Essays of Evangelists:

  • Bows;
  • Matthew;
  • Brand;
  • John.

The gospels describe the life of Jesus Christ, his ministry, death on the Cross and Resurrection. Further in the New Testament we find 27 epistles of the Apostles (students of Jesus). Also in the New Testament describes the acts of the apostles, which Christ himself blessed.

The Acts of the Apostles describes the events associated with the birth of the Church of Christ. The authorship is attributed to the Holy Luke. This is a detailed chronological description of all actions to create a church, as well as in any acts indicate the exact geographical coordinates of the movement of the apostles.

The epistles of the Apostles contain answers to practical questions about organizing the lives of the Christian community, the rules of the behavior of Christians and the interpretation of the teachings of Christ. The first Christians were Jews, so they did not understand the difference between the old and the new covenant of God with people.

The main news of the Gospel is to preach the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who carries the salvation to the whole world.

In the book of the Apocalypse, the vision of the Holy Apostle John, which God opened him was recorded. It shows the main fragments of the end of times, a terrible trial of sinners. God showed people that his son Jesus Christ will be the trial will be the court. This is the most mystical of all the pages of the New Testament, as all information is encrypted in the symbols. For a long time, the fathers of the Church feared to bring the revelation of John to the canon precisely because of the symbolism of visions.

What is the Gospel and the Bible

The New Testament, in contrast to the Old, was written in ancient Greek. Evangelicals who wrote 4 gospels lived in the first century of the new summer. Texts of the Gospel are dating about 41 AD.

To accurately answer the question, what is the difference between the Bible and the Gospel, you need to refer to the content of these books. Christians believe that the Gospel is an integral part of the Bible and tells about the life of Jesus Christ and his students. But the Jews do not recognize the New Testament, the Old Testament with God is still acting for them. Old Testament on Hebrew is called torus (pentateuch).

What is the difference between the Bible from the Gospel in Orthodoxy:

  • The gospel is an integral part of the Bible and enters the New Testament;
  • The gospel is written much later by the texts of the Bible;
  • In the Bible, it is narrating on the creation of the Earth and the first person, the Gospel is told about the Savior of the world Jesus Christ;
  • The authors of the biblical legends are not known, the gospel wrote 4 evangelists.

Various interpretation and understanding of gospel texts led to a split between Christians and the formation of many denominations. Therefore, to read and interpret the Gospel under the guidance of the fathers of the Church, so as not to disappear from faith.

Just knowing what the gospel and the Bible does not give anything to a person. These are not artistic texts and not a historical description of the life of people of the past. The Bible is a guide to action, the beginning of the change of life and the worldview, by salvation about the eternal death and darkness.

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