What is a dream Dream Hasse and how to use it


For a long time, I dreamed of one and the same dream, which was reversed the alarm and fear. I knew that repetitive dreams would carry important information and, as a rule, warn about a important event. To understand the meaning of the plot seen, I had to revise many interpreters before I came across the Dream Dream Hasse, who helped me "DOCT" before the truth. In this article, I will tell you what the feature of this collection of dreams and why he should trust.

Miss Hasse

Acquaintance with Hasse and her story

The creator of the popular interpreter of dreams is customary to call Madame or Miss Hasse, but the real name still remains secret for its admirers. It is a medium and clairvoyant, but active activity has long left, and no one knows what it is doing this time. Providian was born in Poland, in the city of Milaw on March 25, 1954.

Hasse was an unusual child - in early childhood, she discovered amazing abilities who were not explained. The girl with accuracy told about the events of the near future, which always came true. In addition, she could read thoughts of foreign people, which at first even scarecrowed it. A little mature, Miss Hasse began to develop his abilities to develop diligently, and soon it began to be called the strongest clairvoyant and medium of the country.

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Huge queues were built on the individual session to the prison. Someone came to ask the Council, someone to find out their future, but there were those who just wanted to touch to such a unique person who was practically erected in the ranks of the saints. Miss Hasse's popularity soon came out of the country and invited it to Russia, where they were offered to conduct large-scale ideas with the demonstration of their own abilities.

After the revolution, the demand for clairvoyant became even more - people came to her for consolation, tips and answers to their questions. She gladly helped each person and did not leave anyone in trouble. All citizens who addressed thanks to the Hasse Councils allowed their problems and issued from complex life situations.

Most of their predictions made a medium thanks to sleep, because it was in them that she received important information from the higher strength and knew how to properly decipher it. Miss Hasse was confident that every person could predict his future if he would not ignore his dreams and learn to understand the true meaning of the sent signs. These thoughts pushed her to Writing Dreamnoy, who quickly gained tremendous popularity. When creating a collection, the providice helped not only its abilities, she also appealed for advice to the sages and was largely relied on their experience.

Dream Khasse

Features of the interpreter dreams

Unlike Nostradamus and Vangi, Miss Hasse has always voiced clear and understandable predictions. They did not need additional decryption or carrying out any parallels. A similar approach was carried out when writing a dream room. The values ​​of objects and plots are described by affordable and simple language, without any discrepancy of the terminology.

To understand what information is trying to convey up to man by the highest forces by means of a dream, it is necessary to try to remember all the details of the plot seen, because it is often a deep meaning in them. In his edition, Miss Hasse always attached great importance to fantastic images, which she gave a completely logical and understandable explanation.

Another feature of the interpreter is that it is based on the theory of the importance of numbers, because Each of them carries important information that affects the meaning of dreams and the future of people. Clairvoyant argued that the degree of probability of the implementation of night vision in real life would depend on what day a man saw him. It was a kind of table, which was introduced into the printed edition and looked as follows:

  1. A prophetic dream that will bring positive changes in life.
  2. Do not attach importance to so night vision.
  3. Soon seen embodies in reality.
  4. Sleep partially will come true, but it will not happen soon.
  5. Expect favorable events.
  6. After some time, the dream will begin to come true.
  7. Do not tell anyone seen sleep, otherwise it will not come true.
  8. It will soon come true what you dream.
  9. A prophetic dream, which is about to come true.
  10. Drawing the plot will come true, but he will not bring anything well.
  11. Dream foreshadows joyful events that are implemented within 11 days.
  12. Very soon there will be a pleasant surprise.
  13. In life there will be minor problems.
  14. Do not build close-ups, you fail.
  15. Soon the dream will come true.
  16. Sleep does not make sense, you should not think about him.
  17. A dreaming plot promises happiness that will come to you 20 days later.
  18. Get a good financial profit or other material benefits.
  19. Dreams warn of family troubles.
  20. Seen exactly will come true in the coming days.
  21. Similar dreams foreshadow joyful events that will occur 11 days later.
  22. There is a danger that can be avoided if you can easily interpret sleep.
  23. The dream will come true soon.
  24. Joyful events will soon come to your life.
  25. Beware, someone will want to deceive you.
  26. You are waiting for a cheerful pastime in the company of friends and loved ones.
  27. Empty dreams, so do not pay attention to them.
  28. The plot of dreams will be realized for a month, it is worth preparing for small difficulties.
  29. Do not worry, plots dreamed of this day will not come true.
  30. On this day there are ambiguous dreams, because They with the same degree of probability can be things or empty.
  31. Success and pleasure in love affairs, which should be expected for 15 days.

It should be noted that in the first interpretors of Miss Hasse did not focus on the numbers of the month, but on the lunar days, but over time the collection was adapted to modern canons, and the reader became much easier for them to use.

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