Conspiracy for money - Read at home (white magic)


Money and wealth in the life of a modern man take up not recently. To achieve financial well-being, someone is tirelessly working (sometimes in several jobs), someone opens up their own business, someone is waiting for a miracle and regularly tortures their happiness in various lotteries, the most awaitful turns to magic and make a conspiracy for money .

Conspiracies of white magic for money today are popular more than ever - many people use them to improve their material status and attracting financial good luck.

Conspiracy for money

Secrets of the cash conspiracy

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Conspiracy for money and material well-being - This is a magic rite performed in order to obtain financial resources from various sources. These rituals are divided into black and white. Naturally, at home it is recommended to read a conspiracy for money from the discharge of white magic, as the magic is black unpredictable and is often dangerous, especially in the hands of a person inexperienced, far from witchcraft.

Conditions of proper operation of monetary magic

The rituals for money there is an excellent set. They can radically differ from each other, but when they are fulfilled, the Contractor must adhere to certain rules and recommendations:

  • day of week Wednesday. The strongest conspiracies for money are on Wednesday, since this day is characterized by powerful monetary energy;
  • Phase moon - growing. The growth of the night light will contribute to the coming and growth of cash;
  • loneliness. The Contractor should be made a conspiracy for money in complete privacy. Financial magic - a very delicate substance, someone else's energy can negatively affect her;
  • Accurate following the instructions of the ritual. The instruction of the rite is a plan of his work, to retreat from which it is impossible, because all the details, even the most minor, play an important role;
  • Faith in the effectiveness of the rite. In order for the rite to work, the performer must believe due to magic;
  • The mystery of the ritual. It is impossible to tell anyone about the magical work, the witchcraft does not tolerate publicity.

Whatever conspiracy for the money to decide to read the performer, it will correctly work and lead to the desired result only subject to these non-hard conditions.

How to strengthen the action of a financial conspiracy?

The basis of the action of the cash rite is the word. So that the word is gained magic force, it is very important to invest in it all your desire. It can be done with the help of visualization, the essence of which is in the mental drawing of paintings of future material prosperity. Remember that imagination is the main assistant in this matter. Visualization gives a strong energy impetus to any selected and conducted conspiracy for money.

Financial conspiracies

The conspiracy force will rise if the words performer will pronounce in memory. Experienced magicians advise the text to memorize, so as not to read it from the leaflet.

The spiritual state of the artist affects the effectiveness of the rite. Before reading any conspiracy on money, you should release all the insults, eliminate all negative thoughts and emotions, achieve inner harmony. And only then - with a pure heart and light chassis - you can be taken for the commission of the ritual.

The best rituals and conspiracies for attracting wealth

Conspiracy of white magic so that the money was in the family

If your family faced with financial difficulties, carry out the described ritual attracting prospect. For the rite, prepare 3 coins of the average rating and a glass of water.

Wait until noon and lower the coins into the water, then read the plot:

"Water-water, I will share your strength! Return to the family of my wealth, help increase profits. Make so that the other coins are all walked! "

After 5-fold text utilization, remove the glass with water and coins in a secluded place. Each morning and day splash your wallet with this water. It is allowed to repeat the conspiracy when the water in the glass will be spent.

Conspiracy so that money is always

This powerful conspiracy for money should be read on a growing moon. Stand in the early morning, before dawn. At the dawn, heal in the palm of the coin, go out of the house, go to the young ate. Choose a beautiful tree, attracting a look. Talk on the tree trunk coin and say 12 times:

"As the needles, young people grow up and my money griest - not on the cake of sugar, not on the Medshka Lipov, not on the palary, not at Verev, but on silver-gold and copper."

After the 12th pronouncing the coin, scream in the roots of the Christmas tree. Try to not see you during the ritual to see, otherwise it will not work. As soon as the coin is hidden under the ground, go, without looking back, from this place.

Conspiracy on wealth

Conspiracies for wealth with rowan

Conspiracy should be read on the handful of Ryabina berries. Conspired berries need to be stored in their home by placing them near the icons. Text:

"You, the queen, Rowan-Mother, from the evil clever to get rid of me. How the berries are growing red with you, just let me, slaves (slave) of God (God's) (own name), Money multiplied. Till the end of time. Amen".

Conspiracy attracting monetary success

This conspiracy should be pronounced early in the morning, without fail on an empty stomach. A small piece of bread turns on, which the performer must eat immediately after reading the text. The conspiracy is:

"The Lord God God, Jesus Christ, fed up with five hungry breads, so with my family and my family, make life my abreastly full, turn to me good luck, a hole from me and misfortune. Let my road raw and joy open in the house, let the money come to me. And I promise it to be intended to dispose of it, for the benefit, and to multiply wealth with the mind, to the glory of our Lord. Key and castle for all words my. Amen".

Artist's actions after the rite

Even the strongest conspiracy for money does not guarantee the instant arrival of wealth. An impressive result will be achieved only under the condition that the performer himself will attach a lot of effort to this, will work and catch any opportunity to improve its financial welfare and increase material well-being.

There is nothing for nothing, and magic is favorably only hardworking. Magic Magic is magic to the future, so noticeable results from conspiracy are usually manifested only a few months after the rite.

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