Prayer detention from any evil: text and how to read it


In the modern world, a person is not protected from trouble, the enemy of the goose and gossip, other threats. Unchurceptive people of the dangers of the earthly world seem to be a mystical, but the church does not recognize magic, considering it a mortal sin. Recently, my friend faced the mistress of enemies who envied the success of his business. He was already ready to take advantage of the services of sorcerers, but one god-fearing old woman advised him to resort to the help of the prayer of the detention, creating a reliable shield from the goat grief.

Prayer detention from any evil: text and how to read it 5032_1

Contradiction of detention prayers

Starting the search for the prayer text that protects against misfortunes and grief, my friends with my friends have found many controversial information.
  • In chickens about the sacred words, there is no consensus, since the appearance of prayers dates back to 1848. The clergymen disturb the prerequisite for the deep secrecy of the pronunciation of prayers, which gives the prayer-in-law a pagan or magical shade.
  • Unprecedented popularity among the folk masses of the secret appeal to the Father, heavenly is associated with the powerful action of sacred words that protect the petitioner from the attack of all evil. To gain exit from a difficult situation, the prayer text is important to read with sincere belief to help heavenly forces.

Attention! In view of the special strength, but also the dangers of prayer-classiform, it is necessary to obtain the blessing of the priest for reading the prayer of the detention. The ruthlessness of a number of verbal turnover of petitions conflict with Orthodox canons.

The history of the appearance of protective prayer

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A very strong prayer for detentions refer to the category of forty-seated faiths, neutralizing the impact of negative energy. The words of the sacred conspiracy protect against any evil, any kind of negative, in return, giving the petitioner by the power of faith and confidence in the victory of light forces. But the help of strong prayer is not short, the secret text cannot be considered a saving circle or ritual, it is a powerful support to the believer from heaven.

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The authorship of the prayer conspiracy from all evil is attributed to the righteous senior Panix Afonov. The sacred text of the prayer holding, holding back evil, was given a bright fighter with the evil spirits himself to hold the actions of the devil by the force of God. However, a modern person may have a question about the motive that prompted the monk with the Holy Mount of Athos to appeal to the Lord and holy ashors with a banging request for the holding of time and the imposition of a ban on the villains of enemies.

The explanation is associated with the predictions of the end of the world. In 1848, which caused troubles among ordinary people, anxiety in the ranks of faith adherents. What worried the souls of the streets on the eve of the preparation of a very strong prayer of the detention:

  • The consequences of the epidemic of the cholera who came from Persia and engulfed all over Europe and Russia;
  • The consequences of hunger who carried away many innocent lives along with the empty selection of the cholera epidemic;
  • The consequences of revolutionary events in France, who gave the impetus to liberal uprisings in other European states;
  • The consequences of the Great Migration in America's land, which led to the mass death of migrants due to the severity of the trip.

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In Russia, the troubled period 1848-1849. marked by police repressions aimed at repaying the growing revolutionary protest and dissatisfaction of the masses. The monks who served from the world who served the Almighty on the Holy Mount Athos could not remain indifferent to the fall of the world in the abyss of evil. Therefore, the Lord focused on the Athos Panixfia to writing the text of a very strong "prayer shield" from the influence of complex everyday situations.

Turning for help to the prayer of the detention, it is important not to forget about the Athos Inoca Agency - to create a prayer for tremendous strength in secret from the human gaze and hearing. Compliance with the mandatory condition guarantees strengthening the word for molanets.

The essence of prayer circulation

The miraculous text against any evil is difficult to interpret, and the meaning of words becomes clear only after thoughtful reading. The verbal promise facing the mercy of God and Saints (Reverend and Blessed) is formed on behalf of a person who seeks the protection of a person who has brought himself to a tight ring of enemies.

  1. The situation is stated that the enemy carriages can be both clear and hidden, implying the incishes of the adults of otherworldly influence.
  2. After transferring species of unkind designations, the praying appeals to the Almighty with the description of his assistance to the Israeli people in the ignition of enemies.
  3. Further text contains a petition for the detention of enemy actions, the defeat of the demonic char surrounded by a person, the prayer of the reward.
  4. Appeal to ArchReart Mikhail is a call for the army of the Lord to post the fire and the sword of the enemies of the petitioner and the whole human race.
  5. The prayer of the arrest ends with plenty in front of the face of the Virgin, imprinted on the cloth of an indisputable wall. This is the greatest of Orthodoxy icons.

Believers consider prayer to the most reliable faith under the sacred patronage in the most reliable faith in this icon. Hang this icon opposite the entrance doors, then for people with unkind thinks, the entrance to your home will be closed.

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Features of the right reading of the prayer conspiracy

Preparatory activities

Although the detention prayer is not read in Orthodox churches, referring it to apocryphal texts, you need to handle the forty-seed champ. Athos Panix Afona can achieve the desired result from reading a very strong prayer must be followed by important recommendations:

  • On the eve of reading the prayer, it is important to observe the post;
  • Visit the Orthodox Church, defending the service within a few days;
  • Refuse entertainment events and bad habits.

Preparatory actions are necessary to increase the action of prayer circulation, multiplying the internal potential of praying, which contributes to the increase in the relics of the protective overag.

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How to correctly read the protective prayer

To read the prayer of the detention, start during guaranteed loneliness, so that no one distract the temptations. First add to God in arbitrary form, asking for help, gaining protection. A similar ritual forms the Aura of Love, which protects the praying person from unpleasant consequences, which can accompany the reading of a very strong prayer. What important is to follow the rules:
  • The soul is required to fill with a peaceful mood, and the mind will be released from negative thoughts, stress;
  • The words of prayers read with a deep faith and thoughtfully only in the morning or evening, the day the defense will not work;
  • During sincere reading or listening to the prayer of the detention, it is important to realize the deep meaning of each phrase, repeating it to itself:
  • It is impossible to interrupt reading a prayer conspiracy, with a forced pause, the ritual starts from the very beginning to restore communication with the highest forces;
  • Creation of prayer lasts 9 days, the text of the fortiest chamber is read daily 9 times, putting the soul in protective words.

According to the devotees of piety, during the nine-day ritual it is important to control its mental state and an emotional attitude, avoiding stressful situations. After all, the essence of the text of the prayer of the detention is the appeal with a hot request to the Most High and Holy, so that they will be removed from the Devil's attack.

What way the monks form a shield from any evil

Inki practices reading the sacred prayer, providing protection of the Christian monastery, complementing the implementation of the rite of a certain attribute:

  • For the ritual, three icons with the faces of Archangel Mikhail, the Holy Trinity, as well as the sacraticles are prepared;
  • Painter three candles (festive) large sizes and one candle for the monastery;
  • Ladan will also need, white bedspread (tablecloth), shallow sidino.

The facing ritual starts from the coating of the table of a web white tablecloth, which is placed by the type of triangle prepared icons. In the central part of the triangular figure formed from icons, there is a dish with a lad far, its center is crowned with a lit candle for the house (abode). The text of the secret prayer of detention that saves from any evil, pronounce according to the above rules.

That is prohibited by a prayer person:

  • ask the highest strength to punish offenders, and even more so send them death;
  • not to call named during the prayer of their enemies, because errors are possible;
  • Do not miss any day of the ritual, otherwise the rite will have to start first.

The praying process is accompanied by the burning of candles before the Icons, as well as the lamp lamp, but these attributes should be consecrated in the church where they are purchased. Visiting the temple during the preparation stage, and it lasts seven days, and after holding a prayer rite, it is necessary to ask the Most High about the forgiveness of sins of his own and enemies.

My acquaintance suffered so much from the goose flaws, which accurately fulfilled all the instructions of the Afonovsky elder, while maintaining the intention to gain protection. As a result, the resolution of all complex problems with competitors was obtained, as well as completely unexpected help, which my friend did not even ask, but kept the situation in thoughts.

Check out the text of the miraculous detention prayer, it will become for you a fencing barrier from any evil:

Prayer detention from any evil: text and how to read it 5032_5

Prayer detention from any evil: text and how to read it 5032_6

Advice. A prayer for the creation of the prayer of the detention is better to choose one of the men's days, and women are female. Wordformes of the elder Panixfia will give the best effect if they are memorable to memory, and to pronounce an arrest icon with the Savior surrounded by the Virgin, Archangel Mikhail and Saints.

Note of useful instructions

To strengthen the enhancement effect of prayers, its text is read in front of the face of the Virgin, mapped on an icon of seven-time or on an icon of an indispensable wall. The progritted words can be supplemented by the Akathist of the Virgin or prayers dedicated to these strong images. In addition, working with the prayer is permitted by one of three scenarios:

  • thoughtful reading only the most prayer of the detention is simple protection;
  • Strengthening the ritual with prayer in front of the icon of the Virgin - the average impact;
  • The creation of strong prayer together with the Akathist of the Virgin is the highest effect.

Important. The innermost dialogue with the heaven's father should always be started by our father's prayer, just one reading. The ritual of pronouncing the text of the arrest is not a magical, but the sacred, leading to spiritual unity with God, waiting for the condescension of his grace.

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Athos Elder Panixfia God highlighted to make a prayer (collection), containing many sacred texts, including the prayer of the detention. The prayer with the reading of which requires a high concentration with a clear limitation of intentions, is able to block the unacceptable impacts induced by the outside. In his unusual past, the Heavenly and Holy Ink, the Saints and Holy Ink creates protection from the devilish attack. On the objections of modern churchings about the signs of paganism in the text, the wise polesfius corresponds to the following words:

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When the prayer detention phrases help

The origins of the text of the wubble prayer are hidden in the depths of antiquity, the merit of the Afonovsky elder in the drafting of a clear prayer for tremendous strength. Amazing wordformes combine the magic of pagan revolutions with the holiness of Orthodox images, forming protection against everything unfaithful. The ritual gifts the hope of a favorable result in the following situations:

  • With severe and prolonged disease, it is possible to pray not only for itself, but also for a pretty relative or a reliable comrade;
  • In confidence of the imposition of a curse on the entire generic chain, which is manifested by diseases, divorces and scandals, a series of deaths in the family;
  • with difficulties with the acquisition of family happiness due to the imposition of the crown of celibacy, the problems of relations with representatives of the opposite sex;
  • With the goats of the otherworldly forces, to form a protective barrier against targeting the damage, the influence of people with a bad eye or cunning thoughts;
  • With financial difficulties in the family, to attract prosperity, strengthen health or love relationships.

In the modern world, shrouded in the mysters of mystics, faith in God's God is sometimes replaced by the rites of the sorcery, and prayers are called witchcraft. However, prayers, which are a conversation with God, are designed to improve human life. But in the sacred text of the elder, Panixfia is called to punish offenders with a guise of a praying person in the ranks of sinless. Thus, the reading prayer is waiting for his desires from God. It is for the neutralization of negative trends that the prayer of the repeated promise is required to bless the priest before appealing to God with the prayer of the detention.

Important. Following the prayer rite requires caution, the ritual is able to change the fate of his person who applied his person. Promotional protection must necessarily be baptized, as the text is addressed including the Guardian Angel, which is absent from a naked person.

Do not forget that a very strong prayer for detentions are creating only in the home environment surrounded by home iconostasis and church candles with a positive mood of the soul. After a nine-day prayer rite, you get rid of the alarms, returning the soul of Divine joy. But not the time to relax, the hunt for evil spirits over the souls of Christians does not stop, so do not let the negative in your life. Let the Lord keep you!

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