Prayer for good school studies at school and institute


The performance of my daughter fell sharply in the first half of the year. I did not know how to react: my daughter always learned well. I did not understand why this happens. Many parents face that the child begins to learn badly. And it does not matter at school or at the institute. Poor performance at the institute brings the student's deductions. If the child is poorly learning at school, he can fail the exams.

I understood: if the performance of my girl remains at the same level, we will not be able to change something in a few years. Admission to the university in this case will remain a dream. The question often arises to the parents: how to increase child performance. In the second half of the year, my daughter studies improved. In this article I would like to tell you how we have achieved this and what role they played prayers to study in this process.


First of all, I would like to touch the topic of faith. Mom plays a huge role in the life of a child. This knows everyone. Mommy is a conductor through which the child comes to this sinful world. Spiritual relationship passes through life. The rows of the Koran say: "Paradise is under the legs of your mothers." The Most Holy Mother of God played a huge role in the life of the Savior. It is emphasized in the Bible many times. The image of the mother plays a huge role in Buddhism. Buddha teaches the person to reunite with his mother (nature). The image of the mother worship representatives of all religions.

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Mother affects his child at the level of thoughts. No wonder the people say that the curse of the mother is the worst. Your belief will affect the success of your child's studies. You have to believe that your baby will cope. Faith your born inside. Without her prayer for good studies will remain empty sound.

When I believed in my child, her studies began to improve.

Prayer Saint Tatiana

Prayer for good school studies at school and institute 5033_1

Any student at the Institute, Technical School, College knows that the righteent will help in difficult school. Why was her image meaningful for students?

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Tatiana lived in the distant times in Rome. Her parents brought up in the best Christian traditions. Since childhood, Tatiana was distinguished from his peers with religiosity, modesty. All his life, the martyr wanted to devote himself to serving the Most High. However, those times were not the best for Christians. Many were subjected to cruel torture and persecution. Holy Tatiana, unfortunately, did not exception.

The tormentors wanted Tatyana to pray to pagan idols. However, she remained adamant and did not betray her faith. Then the tormentors did not regret the girl and cruelly cut off her head.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov founded on January 25th. In the same date, Christians remember Tatiana. That is why it is considered the patron saint of students.

A parent can read a prayer for help in student learning. But this prayer can be read not only to improve student learning, but also schoolchildren. When people read these words with faith in the soul, a miracle really happens in the life of their children.

Words addressed to Matron

The Matronushka was treated with all the difficulties, including with difficulties that relate to educational activities. Once the girl turned to Righteous to Righteous, who was doomed to failure in school. But the Matronushka did not refuse her help. The girl was able to avoid failure thanks to the recommendations of Matrona, which improved the situation.

You can go to the relics of the holy in the temple. This will strengthen the prayer effect. But not all this can do. Fortunately, you can contact the Matronushka and without a trip to the temple. Prayer Righteous:

"Holy Righteous Mother Mother Mother! All people you are assistant, help and my child (you need help). Do not leave the help and intercession to your, moth of the Lord about the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Words of support

Any child needs words support. "I know you can cope. You are doing great. You will succeed, "- tell your child these words. These words are able to inspire a good school at school. It is important to know that someone believes in you.

Become another to your child, let him have no fear to approach you if he has questions about studying. The child must understand that parents are his allies that will not coordinate if he falls into a difficult situation or ask a stupid question.

Many people believe that the manifestation of love for children is a sign of "weakness", because the distance between them and children is reduced. Consequently, it can lead to loss of respect. Children should feel parental love, otherwise in adulthood they will have problems with low self-esteem and the opposite sex. If you are open towards your children, you will not lose their respect.

Be sincere with your children, pray for them and learn to answer their questions, then performance in school or institute will be better. All these prayers that we reviewed in the article can be read both before studying and during the training activities of your child.

The curriculum every year becomes harder. The child must quickly assimilate information. Checkout in school or at the institute due to such loads may fall. I am familiar with this. Only when I believed in the ability of my daughter, prayed for her and supported, our performance improved. Your child can better. Do not doubt.

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