The value to which the tattoo in the form of wings


The world of tattoo art is very amazing, and today it is also very actively developing. I, like, I think, many of us have always attracted tattoos. At the same time, I sought to know their true meaning, because to wear some incomprehensible characters and drawings on my body can be at least dangerous. In my current review, I suggest you know the true value of Tattoo wings.

Tattoo wings photo

Historical certificate of symbolism of the wings

The symbol of "wings" originally emerged in ancient Egypt. In those distant times, it was used to decorate the bodies of the pharaohs, which applied the outstretched wings, designed to focus on their high position over their subjects - that is, to elevate them. It is not surprising that since ancient times, the wings caused the Association in people of any religion and culture with the Divine Entity, the Messengers of God, angelic creatures.

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In ancient Greek mythology there is an interesting, but sad legend about Grandfather and Ikara. She says that in ancient times, the famous inventor of Dedal lived in the world. His merit was that he was discovered for the Greeks the art of brewing statues and the construction of beautiful buildings.

Circumstances have developed in such a way that Dedal was forced to throw his native home - the city of Athens - and went to the island of Crete to get a refuge among the cunning ruler of Minos. The latter allowed the sculptor to accommodate in his kingdom, but at the same time one condition - now Dedalu will have to work for him throughout the remaining life. Hopefulness made the grandfather give his consent to the like.

Time went away, and the son of Grandfather Ikar became either older. The sculptor is stronger and stronger to his native Athens. Not in vain, after all, they say that the bird cannot sing in a cage, and the sculptor cannot create in the conditions of captivity.

Once he looked at the sky, which stretched over the rocks of the sea, and saw two soaring birds in it. Their natural ease of flight inspired the Creator, and he had an idea to create wings for himself and his offspring to leave the church and hated Island of Crete.

Since then, an inspired freedom approaching to him, the creator began to walk on the sea coast daily, collecting the plumage of large feathered, which joined the rope from flax and fastened with wax.

When his creation was completed, they and her son climbed the wings and rose into the air above Crete. The inhabitants of Crete were impressed by such a spectacle, who had a dazzling white wings behind her back, and with awe moved, considering their gods with reverence.

But suddenly there was a terrible one - the young Icar had dismissed her father and wished to get closer to the sun even more, as freedom of flight was blinded. The burning sun melted glued ropes, and the feathers scattered under the action of the wind, and Icar fell down the height of the sea waves. It turned out that with the help of the wings, he first raised, but according to the result he died.

Tattoo value wings on body

Not every person can have wings. In the same way, not everyone is allowed to perform such a tattoo on its body, because it's not every one of us worthy. The semantic meaning of such a tag must first be understood and consciously, as well as elevated over any kind of doubts and prejudice.

In fact, the tattoo with wings has a very deep, symbolic and variable value. Moreover, this characteristic will be somewhat varied based on the color variations of the wings, the shape of the image and the part of the body to which it is applied. After all, at the moment, decorate your body wings want quite often, a variety of styles are known in which a similar tattoo can be depicted.

For example, in a number of situations, we can meet versions of curved or paled flames of wings, known as "vain", "Satanian or wings of fallen angels".

Tattoo Wings of Fallen Angels

Wings of a black shade or a wing of volatile mice, which often choose the goths for themselves, in all cases cause an association with evil forces and danger.

Pulling with wings, made in the back area, is quite common in prisoners. They symbolize the flight of the soul and the aspiration to return lost freedom.

The cauldron with the wings of the butterfly often personifies with the human soul, which seeks to be in heaven. A similar version of the tattoo can often tell about some individual defense.

Another characteristic of the feces of wings on the back - the desire to be extodied on worldly concerns, everyday difficulties and fuss or uncontrolled aspiration to be similar to even externally on the winged Heavenly Messenger - Angel.

In the main mass of situations, the angelic wings are depicted in large and squeezed, they relate with innocence and children's openness, as well as sublime spiritual power and untouchability. For beautiful mental, such a tattoo can demonstrate the divine beauty, inviolability and purity of the female face. And for representatives of the strong floor - to allocate them from the gray mass and indicate their spiritual kindness.

If the wings are covered with scales from above, it means that they act as the embodiment of the peak of the dragon strength and its inconsistency. And in the ancient Egyptian painters and the creators of applied art, the wings were used as a symbol of power and majesty of Pharaoh.

A wings with a wings, complemented by a heart, will tell about the union of two inseparable and eternal feelings - love with confidence, because love, deprived of trust, becomes evil and dangerous, and trust, devoid of love, cruel and unstable.

Tattoo with wings can symbolically present a tribute for those who have been revered ever, or symbolize modern gods or deities having wings. In addition to the angel creatures and the incarnations of the Holy Spirit, the Greek divine Messenger Hermes turns out in this list, the Divine of Night Sleep with his son is a hypnos with the Morp, the goddess of Nememide, Garpii with Griffins, of course, Mrs. Fortuna and so on.

In the case when wings are depicted with fluttering feathers, this is a symbol that the owner of a similar tattoo is exhausted by life, worldly problems and eternal injustice.

Unconditionally, the most popular area for the image of the wings is the blades and a back. But also the wings will be successfully looking at the other parts of the body: lower back, neck, shoulders, female chest. And therefore, if you wish to do a similar tattoo, first set your own value for it and select a suitable area for applying.

Tattoo value in men

Representatives of heavy sex give their preference to the courageous and volumetric variants of the pallium, which must necessarily have some specific meaning. It is for this reason that the image on the body can often tell about character and attitude to life.

Most often, men stop at the embodiment with scaly dragon wings. Such a tattoo will indicate on a huge bodily strength and coupling spirit. And to apply similar images best on the back area.

The image of pure, lush and beautiful wings in all cases will lead about generosity, kindness and ability to many actions from the man.

Tattoo wings on the back of a man

Wings of a dark shade protrude with the symbol of the fallen angelic or demonic creature, are designed to tell about grave, traumatic events.

The value of the feces in women

While a strong half stops on massive and catchy sketches, wonderful ladies want to choose for themselves those of tattoos that relate to their inner sensations.

Therefore, often the girls make focus on small wings, symbolizing ease and grace. In addition, such pallows have a very elegant look. They can be depicted on blades or hands.

Applying bright butterfly wings on his back will focus on the defenselessness and the external attractiveness of the girl. An image of a similar bright and beautiful pattern simply will simply be able to leave an indifferent one person seeing it.

And, of course, the pallows can be located not only on the spin area, but also the loaf, wrists and ankle.

The value of the wings on the zone

As a rule, prisoners stuff similar knaps on their back, and they act as a symbol of the desire to remove the extra shackles, find the desired freedom.

Tattoo masters are not advised to cycle too much, because everyone can invest in this tattoo. In any case, with all confidence, it is realistic to speak only about one thing: the tattoos depicting the wings on the back will retain its relevance for a very long time.

And at the end of the topic, I recommend you to view an interesting thematic video.

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