Pointed man: signs of obsession with unclean power


Enough - myth who came to us from the Middle Ages, or reality? Having medical education, I never believed in the demons hurried to the human body, because I knew that this phenomenon is a scientific explanation, and often it is associated with the presence of psyche disorders. But, passing the practice in a psychoneurological dispensary, I had a chance to face a bad man, signs of such a phenomenon are noticeably different from the symptoms of the mental illness. In this article, I will tell you how to recognize an obsessed person and protect yourself from a similar fate.


Basic signs of badness

In many religions, there are such concepts as "tribal" or "obsession", determining the state of the person in which it is subordinate to one or more otherworldly entities. As a rule, they are demons, demons or spirits. They parasitize in the human body, causing physical and moral harm. Obsessable people behave inadequately and sometimes it is very strange that it is often reminded of a psyche disorder.

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According to representatives of the clergy, the obsession with demons is a harsh reality, and not medieval fiction. There are many rapid people around a lot, but because the unclean force does not want to be noticed, she skillfully hides in the body of their victim. The clergymen claim that the demon in a person can be recognized by the eyes. From his cold and insightful look it becomes unable.

People in whom the demon highlighted are not tolerated everything related to religion. They can have a wide range, have different hobbies, consider someone else's opinion and with understanding to relate to others. But it is worth starting a conversation about God and that it is connected with him, as they immediately change in his face, but from their courtesy and respect there is no trace. The devil is not able to hide its presence when he hears something about his enemy opponent. In addition, they cannot be in the church or next to the priest.

In addition to the above, the launches can be recognized by the following features:

  • aggressive behavior, swearing mats;
  • Conversations in a stranger, often from a third party, as well as in an unknown language;
  • epileptic seizures, convulsions;
  • The smell of sulfur comes from man;
  • abilities for telecision, levitation, thoughts reading;
  • Thoughts of murder or suicide;
  • No sympathy, pity and shame.

Signs of infantlessness

Dependence and addiction

The demons in people often give themselves unhealthy addictions and various dependencies, which include:

  1. Fornation, unfortunate passion and adultery. According to the church, sexual relations outside of marriage are unacceptable, and it is believed that the dark forces are pushing. Obsessable individuals behave loosely and lust. They are unable to restrain their attraction to the opposite sex, and sometimes to representatives of their sex, so sexual partners often change. Being married, such people change their spouses.
  2. The presence of bad habits. Pointed people are often alcoholics or drug addicts. The demon who is in the human body makes it use alcohol and drugs to speed up the process of destruction of the personality and conquer not only the body, but also a mind. Being a changed state, obsessed people behave aggressively and inadequately, and after breaking, nothing remembers.
  3. Cheering or gluttony. Unattopful appetite and constant eating thoughts may indicate the presence of a daemon in a person. Each reception of food of such personalities looks like a grand feast for a company of three people. In addition, they always chew something everywhere - at home, at work, in transport, outdoor or away.
  4. Envy. Someone else's successes of a normal person motivate to self-improvement and achieving their own heights. While the demonic people, looking at the triumph and the happiness of other people, begin to harm them in every way. The feeling of envy is completely absorbing and makes you commit inconceivable actions.

Dependencies are barely

Non-idle or mental abnormalities?

Despite the fact that signs of badness and mental disorders have some similarities, distinguish an obsessed person from the patient quite possible. A person in whose body lives a demon, in relation to the surrounding behavior behaves aggressively. Of course, some psyche disorders can also manifest themselves in a similar way, therefore, it should be taken into account when the personality constantly behaves maliciously, regardless of the situation.

To distinguish psychbole people from the undershits, you can spend a number of special checks, thanks to which the unclean power will certainly show itself:

  • talk about religion or start praying;
  • put in front of a person an icon or light incense;
  • Pour the holy water into the drink and give a drink to the alleged obsessed person.

There is another simple, but at the same time an effective way to identify demons, that's just it should be used together with other methods to eliminate the accident. Put in front of a person 2 cups, in one of which there will be ordinary water, and in the other - holy. Demons will immediately feel the danger and in no case will not reach the glass with consecrated water.

Despite the fact that the clergymen believe in a launchedness, they claim that today most of the alleged obsessed people are actually mentally ill. And some individuals are presented at all the launched to attract the attention of others.

How to distinguish the launched

Characteristic diseases

Demonic entities can manifest itself not only in the aggressive behavior of a person, but also in the form of physical ailments:

  • general weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • convulsions and convulsions;
  • headache;
  • malicious nausea;
  • excessive thinness or obesity;
  • tremor limbs;
  • hack or reduced body temperature;
  • Mummification of body parts.

Of course, you should not perceive all the alarming symptoms, you must first contact the doctors to reveal the reason for poor well-being. If the presence of any disease is not confirmed, then, most likely, a man convinced the demon and tries to harm his health in every way.

The priests tell about such cases when the demon takes place by the mind of the parent and strongly convinces it in the obsession of the child. As a result, instead of contacting the hospital, they are trying in every way to drive an unclean from their children, which often leads to his death. As a rule, such people categorically refuse traditional medicine, arguing a huge distrust of it.

Female defaults

How to protect yourself from demons

According to the priests, people themselves are dangerous when they begin to lead the wrong lifestyle. The demon can enter the person together with sin, for example, alcohol, drugs, adultery, cynicism, murder. The sinners do not have a strong guardian angel, as well as they are deprived of God's grace, so the demonic entities are not difficult to subjugate their body and mind.

To protect yourself from the unclean strength, you need to adhere to the Christian morality, follow the biblical commandments, regularly attend the church, commitory, confessing in the deed sins, read prayers, follow the post. To believers, demons are afraid to approach, because He is under the protection of God. In addition, it's never too late to start conducting righteous life and overcome your addiction before the demon will try to master you.

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