Maritime Prayers "Seven Crosses" for the whole family


Our life is not devoid of fears and anxiety, and members of a prosperous and friendly family may face a strip of family failures and disagreements, constant anxiety, poor mood. So it happened in the family of my girlfriend, after the celebration of the celebration of the anniversary of her husband loved ones as if smoothed. In my advice, the girlfriend went to church, where the churchman advised her to appeal to the prayer of seven crosses. The miraculous conspiracy restored the spiritual situation in the family, became an energy shield from the destructive vibrations of evil.

Maritime Prayers

How helped prayer-charm helped

When the Basics of Understanding began to collapse in the family of a friend, we analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that negative changes began after the anniversary celebrations. They moved to the memory of all the guests who were present at the holiday, and decided that the culprit could be one of the guests, a husband's employee. This man appeared in the labor team recently and could not get along with the surrounding. It seems that the employee possessed signs of the energy vampire, because with his arrival, problems began in a friendly department - the situation of hard disagreements, diseases of employees, and material difficulties.

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Having experienced the strength of protecting prayers of seven crosses on his family, the girlfriend agreed with some employees so that they also joined the sacred ritual of reading. After all, the labor team, where we spend most of the time, you can also call the family. As a result, a comfortable atmosphere in the department, where the husband's husband works, recovered, and the unveiled employee dismissed with poor energy.

If you encounter a similar situation, to restore protection and mutual understanding, read the prayer conspiracy seven crosses:

Maritime Prayers

Miraculous prayer, creating barriers to troubles, diseases, chases, you can read both for yourself and for the whole family. The lines of the prayer of the overag seven crosses repeat the time for each family member, which needs protection.

Formation of the shield of the protected words

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Feel the patronage over, to experience security is not every person, but you need to live with the conviction in the permanent care of the Higher Forces. As our body does not live without food, I need prayer, the clergymen are confident that prayer words are able to change the world for the better. The strength of phrases and thinking addressed to the image of the Almighty was known to our distant ancestors. This is the most ancient way of influencing a man of a praying person on the line of his fate, unlike the informative rituals committed by the adepts of black magic.

According to esoteric and psychologists, our thoughts and words form life situations. So that the subconsciousness does not implement the negative, try to follow certain advice:

  • Control your speech, getting rid of phrases with a negative promise;
  • Stop thinking about negative situations, remember the bad;
  • Decide with your main desire, write it down on a piece of paper.

Formed the correct direction for the subconscious, you can start building a shield reflecting the evil manifestations towards you and your home with all its inhabitants. The most effective appeal to the highest forces for the acquisition of patronage and protection will be the prayer of seven crosses. The strength of vibrations of the facing phrases will save you along with your close to any adversity and hostility of others.

What is the sacred text to read for yourself

Choose a prayer of a special force called the angel of my birth, but you can only start reading the prayer circulation once a year. Under the action of the magical strength of those who protect the word forms, you will gain protection against turmoil and evil for a whole year. Early in the morning on the day of its birth, not talking to anyone, sincerely repeat the words of the faithful prayer:

Maritime Prayers

Prayer for the whole family

In order to protect relatives from the evil brought to the house by a person with a bad energy, one people's healer advised my girlfriend to read 3 vintage prayers. They are also known under the general name of seven crosses. Handwritten texts of ancient conspiracy went to the inheritance, and I share information with you. Several times read faithful prayers before the Orthodox icons, covering their family candles:

Maritime Prayers

Important moment. Each of 3 very rare prayers, similar to a magical conspiracy, rewrite from the hand to a sheet of paper. To read the prayers to seven crosses follows in the morning seven times in a row, while driving hard.

How to follow ritual for the whole family

Sometimes it happens that the sorcerers are damaged or the evil eye is not on the person himself, but on his house. In this case, the dwelling, where we spend a lot of time, takes all stocks of its vital energy from the object of the Witchcraft Char. The ritual of such a complex magical action falls around a heavy burden not only for the victim of ATD, but also on the Mage himself.

Preparatory activities

Before you begin to read seven crosses, seven crosses in order to neutralize the action of the induced curse, you must perform the following conditions:

  • Clear the room from the negative impact of the Witchcraft sending;
  • put prayer chambers for each of the family members;
  • After removing the damage, install the protective charm for the house.

A special type of preparation for reading prayer seven crosses to protect the whole family will be the liberation of consciousness from evil thoughts. It is important to nobody to nominate accusations, even if you know who are related to family problems with whom. Higher forces and so know who the culprit of your troubles.

Creation of faithful prayer

For the ritual, it will take 7 candles consecrated in the church. Having calmed down and alleged breathing, you need to imagine that your home with you envelops transparent cover, having excessive positive energy. Mentally stretch the magic bedspread so that it covers not only every family member, but also enveloped your dwelling completely. By illuminating the surrounding space of the godmond, proceed to pronouncing the prayer-word seven crosses:

Maritime Prayers

Other prayers, charms for the whole family

With whatever prayer words, you contact the images of Orthodox icons, help always comes, if plea with sincere faith, and the affairs of the vigorous. The facing prayers in the type of wonderful conspiracies create an invisible shield against voluntarly or involuntarily induced evil by force of thin vibrations with positive energy. There is still a lot of prayers to protect the house and family with the help of a prayer shield.

Under the auspices of Archangel Mikhail

To strengthen the physical body, as well as the moral spirit addressed to the Archangel Mikhail, the Supreme Angel. The leader of the military of the Lord (ArchReart) was headed by the army of the angels in the fight against the demons, indicated the path of Moses, who made the Jews from the desert. With the way, Archangel Mikhail is connected many miracles, so his icon Orthodox is considered the strongest, turning to it to protect against any trouble for themselves and family members.

Maritime Prayers

Action of the appeal to the ArchResting of Mikhail is similar to Prayer seven crosses. To expand the conductors of the dark forces and creating a guard for every day during morning prayer, a short prayer conspiracy read:

Maritime Prayers

Creating a shield from all misfortunes

There is no person who does not have enemies not only explicitly, but even hidden malice. To form an impenetrable barrier against all types of ill-wishers, it is consciously read by protecting phrases of unique prayers. The prayer against the goats of all enemies is called the fortiest, belong to the discharge of unbelievable faiths, which cannot be reversed. The sacred text is compiled in the spirit of pagan and Orthodox traditions, but without disrupting the balance of power.

Maritime Prayers

If someone tries to hurt you after the rite, it will very quickly subjected to a response strike. In the case of explicit enemies, the words of non-passable prayer are repeated three times, if they did not show themselves unfriendly, but their evil intentions are known, just one reading.

Magic assistance to the Virgin

You can contact God at any time, because the person is around the clock under the protection of the higher forces. The miraculous prayer of the dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary can also be attributed to the category of seizures of seven crosses. In church understanding, the word "sleep" is associated with a request or prayer, and reading the sacred phrases save even in the most terrible life situations.

However, it should be borne in mind that the dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary are a collection of 77 prayer texts, short and easily memorable. To the most frequently used vision variants of the Virgin Mary of present and future events include the following parables from the collection of dreams of the Virgin:

  • "Protection from trouble" - for family, especially children;
  • "On any salvation" - walked from troubles, problems;
  • "For any healing" - assistance in diseases of the soul and body;
  • "For the execution of desire" - to gain a bright future by all family members;
  • "Prayer-request" is a powerful healing force and protection against all the misfortunes.

By purchasing a prayer room, in which all the dreams are collected, you can choose a prayer for a specific life situation. For example, such:

Maritime Prayers

Whatever miraculous prayer you choose, be sure that the prayer conspiracy will necessarily help, creating powerful protection around you and members of your family. These secret knowledge used in antiquity. To obtain the help of the protecting word, it is necessary to clean the soul, stock patience, sincerely believing in God and finding God's grace.

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