God will resurrect - prayer to the honest life-giving cross of the Lord


Prayer power can change a lot in a person's life. I had to make sure of my own experience. The effect of the devil on the mind of people occasionally occasionally, and the person seems to be that he himself takes the nasty God to decisions. When the enemy of the human attacks, comes to the rescue "God will resurrect" - a honest crossed prayer. In the article, I will tell you what the meaning of prayer is when it needs to be read and from what it saves.

God will resurrect - prayer

Spiritual shield

The prayer of the cross "God will resurrect" refers to protective. She relieves the soul from Satanic temptations, saves from enemies visible and invisible. The history of the appearance of prayer dates back to the beginning of the formation of Orthodox faith in European countries. Emperor Rome Konstantin decided to find the cross on which Jesus took the martyrdom. Tsarina Elena, Mother Constantine, headed in Jerusalem in search of shrines.

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The queen with servants found three crosses at the place of execution, but which of them belonged to Jesus, it was not known. Then Elena decided to wait for a response from the Lord himself. To do this, they took a patient with a serious illness, and in turn brought to each cross. That cross, which healed the patient belonged to the Savior. To avoid mistakes, only the deceased person was brought to the crosses: he was resurrected the cross of the Savior.

Jesus Christ, not only during his lifetime healed people, he does it to this day.

Since then, they began to pray for the Cross of the Lord, who healed the weakness and saved from the devilish traffic police.

honest cross

The meaning of prayer

What tells the prayer to the life-giving cross, the text of which is written in the old Slavic language? It says that the martyr's death Jesus saved all humanity from death. "Death defeats death," the gospel tells us. How is this possible? It was a deputy sacrifice, that is, Christ died for our sins instead of us and lowered the power of the devil.

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When the troubles and various temptations come, the Cross of Christ is our salvation. It is worth only to cross, as the unclean immediately retreats away. This shows the power of the saving cross.

The cross is a symbol of salvation of the entire human race from sins and died in eternity.

Prayer honest cross, text in Russian:

God will resurrect - prayer to the honest life-giving cross of the Lord 5048_3

Summary of prayer:

God will resurrect - prayer to the honest life-giving cross of the Lord 5048_4

Our contemporaries are not always understood by the meaning of ancient expressions. Let's consider the meaning of incomprehensible phrases.

  • God will resurrect and spreads him. Rounded, it means that they are dissipated. "Versions" is an old form of the word "enemies."
  • "Meaning criticism" - those who are baptized.
  • "Gluging" - utter words.
  • "The precessive and life-giving" - that is, very revered, giving life.
  • "Running" means crucified.
  • "To Hell Szedezago," the Savior after the crucifixion went down to hell and freed the righteous prisoners there.

According to church legend, until the resurrection of Jesus Paradise was not even affected by the righteous souls. Only the victory of the Savior over the devil opened the Righteous to the Paradise Resident. Therefore, at the bottom of the crucifixion sometimes portray the skull with bones: it symbolizes the atonement of Adam and Eva and the whole human race that occurred from them.

Prayer of the life-giving cross in Russian

When reading prayer

Many believers do not know, in what cases the miraculous prayer of the cross is read. It must be read, autumn himself with a cross sign, in the following cases:

  • In difficult life situations, when it seems that life is hanging in a hairs;
  • with any danger - visible or invisible;
  • before a difficult and dangerous business or a journey;
  • During the despondency, sorrow and thoughts about death;
  • During the devilish temptations and sinful thoughts;
  • To gain courage during participation in hostilities;
  • To gain spiritual and physical grace.

In the Gospel it says that the devil is growing like a rucking, looking for someone to absorb. It is not necessary to perceive literally and represent the devil in the image of the lion. It is in mind here that the cute is constantly looking for a spiritual sacrifice for himself - inclined to temptations, sins and sewage. It acts through the thoughts of man.

Upon completion of the prayer should be bowed to the belt.

How many times do you need to read the prayer of the cross? You can read once, three times or how much the soul wishes. Nowadays, it is customary to listen to this prayer 40 times in a row, for this you can enable audio recording.

Is it possible to read a prayer to a naked person? It is possible, but it is still necessary to adopt baptism in the Orthodox Church. Because what's the point of praying the life-giving cross, if a person did not accept the sacrament of baptism?

The prayer of the cross is included in the evening prayer rule, that is, read daily.

The power of prayer is so great that the life of the believers more than once saved. She was pronounced in tragic and heavy life situations, during epidemics and wars, fires and floods.

Previously, with the help of prayer, the cross expelled demons and dismissed people from the goowel. It saves from damage and evil challenges, witchcraft and wrist. Through a prayer, a person approaches God and becomes under his defense.

The strength of the prayer word directly depends on the person uttering it. Sincere faith in the heart, reinforced with the power of the word, can make wonders. She will not only rolong evil, but also fill the soul of human harmony and joy. What to worry about the believer, who is prepared place in the eternal abode of Christ? It must be filled with gratitude for such a gift.

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