How to baptize Orthodox in the church and at home


What can be difficult in the godpent sign? I thought so too, but then I caught my thoughts - you need to touch your fingers left or right shoulder? And how to be baptized the most and cross the child, how to form a cross in the air with your hands? I decided to find out the rules of the gloor signs in the Orthodox tradition and with you will share my knowledge. I will also explain when I need to make belt bows to not worry about the correctness of your actions.

how to be baptized

Two or three fingers?

A careful person may notice that Orthodox and Catholics autumn themselves in different ways. First, Catholics are baptized with two fingers, and when entering the temple, they become one knee. Secondly, Catholics and Orthodox concern fingers from different shoulders: the right-left, they alternately alternate.

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The way to be baptized for several centuries. The first Christians were baptized only by one finger, expressing this action willingness to be crucified for their Savior. Then there was a tradition to autumn two fingers forehead, stomach and shoulders. Subsequently, this tradition was changed, and instead of the belly, the chest donned: because the heart is more important than the abdomen. However, this method has changed again and returned to the abdomen instead of the chest, conforming to the fact that the belly symbolizes life.

In the 17th century, the glory sign was peak up with three fingers instead of two, since the number three corresponds to the Holy Trinity. The cross was created with his right hand, since the right side symbolizes the truth and the truth. Throer intersecting was approved by Nikon's reform, after which there was a split of the Orthodox Church. Raskolniki (Old Believers) still retained two-way applied, as they did not accept church reform.

How bass Orthodox Christians? This tradition is observed in Orthodoxy and today: we autumn yourself with the right hand, three fingers, right to left.

Interestingly, the methods of overshadowing the cross varied greatly. If the first Christians put the cross with one finger, then later he invented the method of baptism the whole palm. In 1656 it was approved by way of a shadow of the cross, which became ubiquitous in Russia. Those who do not perform, reckoned heretics. Under the label of heretics were all Believers, and only in the 20th century, the Orthodox Church has approved two fingers as a valid attachment.

how to properly baptized Orthodox

Right or left shoulder

As baptized Orthodox - right or left? The Orthodox faith came to the Russian land from the Byzantine Empire, so we adhere to the canons of Byzantine and sign of the cross. This means that you must overshadow:

  • forehead;
  • the projection of the navel;
  • Right shoulder;
  • left shoulder.

The sign of the cross is hidden sacred symbolism, which can not deviate from. The church fathers give a direct indication of the correct application of the cross, in order to attract the grace of heaven through their actions. No one can deny the man makes the sign of the cross as you like, but the grace of God in such actions do not go down.

After overshadowing the cross is necessary to make a bow at the waist, thanking Christ for salvation.

The symbolism of the cross:

  • forehead - we dedicate the mind;
  • belly - we dedicate our lives;
  • shoulders - sanctify his body.

Why do I need to touch first the right side of the body? Because it represents the best qualities of a person. Over his right shoulder is a guardian angel, and paradise is located on the right side of the man. When a person makes the sign of the fingers of his right shoulder, then the left, he expresses a request to take him in the heavenly abode.

how to cross himself

How to cross the child

What changes when we cross overshadowing the other? Changing the location of the sides - right and left. During overshadowing need to touch your right shoulder, then left. At the same time, our hand is first left, then right. However, this rule applies if a person turned to face us.

If we cross overshadowing the one who turned his back to us, hand movement is right to left. That is, we make these movements, as though baptized themselves. It is important to remember one rule: first, the fingers should touch the right shoulder.

How baptized in church and at home

During the liturgy, or simply when you visit a church, people often cross and bowing from the waist. The question arises: how to be baptized in the Orthodox Church, how to fold your fingers? The Church Fathers taught as follows:

  • connect with the thumb, index and middle fingers as if in a pinch;
  • ring finger to the little finger to the palm press (hide).

What denotes this configuration? Three fingers collected chispered, denote the unity of the Trinity. They are together in equal positions. Hidden in her palm two fingers express faith in what the Savior was man.

Words during the imposition of the Cross:

  • LBA center - in the name of the father;
  • The projection of the navel - and the Son;
  • Shoulders - and the Holy Spirit.

When and how to be baptized in the church? The first time is embarrassed at the entrance to the church - the cross is superimposed three times and the belt is put three times. Please note that the belt bow is committed when the hands are already omitted down. If we bow before, the cross is "broken". Therefore, do not rush to bow with your hand raised.

Breasting hurriedly, without folding a pinch of fingers, is considered to be sacred. This is a great sin.

After leaving the Orthodox Temple, too, barefaches and bow. It is necessary to leave the holy monastery after the assignment of himself with the procession of the door and at the gate of the temple.

When do you need to baptize at home? Assign themselves with a cross sign in front of the icons, before the meal and with a waste to sleep and on awakening. You need to be baptized before reading the prayers and upon completion of reading. It is customary to be baptized in difficult things that distinguishes unclean power. Sometimes this action can make miracles. However, it is necessary to autumn himself a cross with a solid faith in the heart, otherwise this action will not lead any results.

When and how to be baptized? Our grandmothers have ever started with the cross signs.

Also believers are baptized when looking at the temple or cathedral and at the mention of the Saints and the Virgin with Jesus. When a person, when approaching the temple, autokes himself with a cross, he openly professes faith in Christ. This is very important, since to bear the good news into the world is the direct responsibility of every Christian. Therefore, when passing by Christian cult buildings, do not forget to donate ourselves with the congestion.

Listen to saying Schimona Joachim about the procession.

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