What are the ranks of Angelic in terms of Orthodoxy


I recently were offered to become a godfather. This is a very exciting event in a person's life. During the baptism, a little Christian is a personal guardian angel, defender and patron. What angels exist and who are the archangels? I did not quite understand the differences between these names, so I decided to learn about the celestial creatures more. In order not to be confused, asked for clarifications to Orthodox priests. And that's what I found out - read. It turns out that the angel ranks are the most closest to the person being. They see our earthly affairs and assist.

Hierarchy of Angels and Archangels

Heaven angels

First of the creation of our earthly world, the spiritual world was created, which God settled with infrequent creatures - angels. From the ancient Jewish language, the word "angel" is translated as a messenger. This is an intermediary between God and man, since we cannot communicate directly with God because of the sinful nature.

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Angels possess the highest mind, they are more powerful than people. The Bible tells us that the Angels have their own hierarchy. The Fathers of the Church decided to classify the angelic ranks, and in the fifth century of our era of Dionysius AREPAGIT created a classification in which nine angelic ranks were indicated for three triads:

  1. Higher: Serafima, Cherubs, thrones.
  2. Average: domination, power, strength.
  3. Lowest: Start, Archangel, Angels.

So, Angels and Archangels belong to the lowest Triad, so much closer to people. If Serafima and Cherubim are in close proximity to the throne of the Lord, the angels with the archangels seek our earthly affairs.

ranks angels

Higher Triad.

Seraphims, thrones and cherubs are near the creator. Their task is to glorify and exalt the name of God all the time. Serafima Have six wings: two wings for flight, two wings cover face, and two more - cover legs. Why are Serafima cover face and legs? So that they do not fall the glory of God. From the Hebrew language "Seraphim" translates as "Flaming". They smear love of God, so they look like fiery figures.

Lucifer was also seraphy, until he was ingenected and did not fall from heaven.

Who are Cherubs? They are described with fiery swords and referred to. Cherubs pray for all people so that our sins are forgiven God. Also cherubs personify their memory and are considered to be keepers of the knowledge book. All knowledge of the world is available to them, they possess the wisdom of God and are enlightenment. King David called them a means of movement of the Creator, writing about him "the one who sits on Cherubims." Golden cherubs were depicted on the ark of the covenant as faces facing each other.

Who are these thrones? This is an integral mind, the expression of the truth of God and the Righteous Court. The creator peaks his trial, relying on the thrones. These creatures follow the earthly judges so that they do not shy away from the truth in their decisions. They do not interfere directly into human affairs, but are themselves during insights, love for the creator and knowledge of the world. To sense the angels of the highest caste, you need to have a clean heart and god-fearing.

Average Triad

The ranks of the angels of the Middle Triads guard settlements, monastic monastery and churches, clergy and secular power. Domination Moves the rulers of the Earth wisdom and the ability to finish earthly affairs. Also, dominance is to see people feelings and can help in the fight against passions. With the help of these celestial forces, a person may overcome the soul of feelings and temptations. In the conduct of the angels of the middle triad are the lower angelic ranks.

Forces are performers of God's Will. Through them, God manifests her will and power. People of force give insight and can endorse the ability to heal the disease. With the help of the forces, a person can overcome any doubts, be faithful to strengthen his spirit and will, subordinate to the flesh of the spirit. With the help of the righteous forces, miracles pray and can carry out prayer exploits. Forces help believers survive any adversity and grief.

Authorities Confrodiate the devilish forces, mastering human thoughts, protect people from the devilish navation and temptations. The authorities help the righteous to resist in the difficult struggle with the devil, protect their right to the kingdom of God. After the death of the authorities, they accompany the souls of the righteous in the draws of God.

Low Triad

Beginning, Archangels and Angels are in direct contact with man. Start Protect the religious beliefs of people, strengthen the faith, help to make godly affairs. In addition, it began to protect all the creation of God from extermination. Also began following the rulers of the Earth, so that those think about their people, and not about enrichment.



Archangels are messengers of God. Archangel Gabriel came the Virgin Mary to announce the birth of Jesus. Also, Archangels help people understand the meaning of the will of God, discovering. Among the most revered archangels are:
  1. Gabriel;
  2. Michael;
  3. Rafail.

Archangel Gabriel Translated from ancient Hebrew as "Mr. God." He is the left hand of God, his messenger and a muster. Gabriel appears when significant changes in human history should occur. Gabriel dismissed the prophet Daniel's meaning of seeing, taught the prophet Moses, and the elder Zechariah announced the birth of John the Baptist. It was Archangel Gabriel that reassured Joseph of the wrap, explaining him the fact of the immaculate conception of his bride Mary. In the Garden of Garden, Archangel Gabriel strengthened the will of the Savior in front of the godflower. Also, Archangel Gabriel informed the righteous woman about the Resurrection of Christ.

archangel Michael - Spiritual warrior of Heavenly Births. It was he who fought with fallen angels, defending the glory of God from the crop. Mikhail is depicted in icon painting with a fiery sword in the desk, conquering Zmia. Sometimes you can meet its image with the scales on which the archangel weighed a person's actions. Mikhail accompanies the soul of the dead to heaven, so there are often chapels in the cemeteries in honor of Mikhail.

Archangel Rafail

This Archangel is revered by the Christian Church as a healer. From an ancient language, the name Rafail translates as "Healing God". In the Bible, Archangel Rafail was mentioned in connection with the help of a certain Tovia, whom he accompanied in a dangerous journey. Archangel did not once saved Tovia from the trouble, pacified the Amemona Demon and cured Tovia's blinded father.

Archangel Rafail is one of the three archangels permitted to worship the Orthodox Church. The remaining 4 Archangel is not mentioned in the Holy Scripture, so the fathers of the Church are not allowed to contact them.


These are good perfume performing the will of God. People they bring good news, so they are translated from Greek as bearing news. Angels, whose mission includes the protection of a person from evil, are called guardian angels. It is them that a person is obtained in the sacrament of baptism. How much angels exist and what their names are not known. Their legions. Only the Lord knows the exact amount.


There is also a dark hierarchy of Angels and Archangels - they are called demons. These are the celestial creatures that disappeared from God and became sinful. Since in the spiritual world there is no concept of irreversibility of choice, the status of unclean spirits is no longer possible. Why does God not destroy the dark hierarchy of demons? Because he cannot refuse his creations or reassure in the deed.

Demons do not have the ability to change their fallen nature and return to Lohn God.

If the relationships of angels are based on mutual love, then in the demonic hierarchy, hate and malice reigns. Higher Demons hold the lowest in complete obedience and fear. How many dark angels exist, it is not known to anyone. The number is very large as the number of good angels.

Do not be afraid of the Besnowiered Raint, as people are given bright spirits to help. Therefore, it is very important to pass the sacrament of baptism as early as possible to get a personal advocate and keeper to help. Enough to encourage the guardian angel in prayer, and he will immediately respond. The fathers of the church teach that with each of our prayer the power of the Guardian angel is increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to start a new day with a prayer appeal to your oppressory.

What are the ranks of Angelic in terms of Orthodoxy 5056_4

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