Value that has a triangle tattoo


The triangle is a popular symbol of a geometric shape in many world cultures. In recent years, the attachments of the triangle have begun to enjoy increasingly popular, because they relate to the subconscious of a person with something mysterious, sacral and mystical. Often, a sketch of tattoos with a triangle is complemented by other symbols. I have long been fond of tattoos and in this material I want to reveal the value of the tattoo triangle.

Tattoo with triangle photo

What denotes a triangle

In ancient times, Plato associated a triangle with the Tronic Nature of our Universe: Earth, Head and People, and also - family (mother, father and child).

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Today there are a huge number of different interpretations of this symbol. For example, Buddhists personify a triangle with a clean and bright flame. Christians - with the Holy Trinity. Egyptians - with triadh.

The triangle generally performs the most ancient symbols among those who are known to mankind. According to one theory, it is three connected lines that became the first meaningful pattern.

In general, the tattoo depicting the triangle has a huge number of different values. In particular, on the bodies of the representatives of the fine gender, it will cause an association with three life cycles in the life of a woman: young people, maturity and old age.

And for a strong half of humanity, a triangle tattoo has a completely different meaning and personifies the combination of physical and spiritual power, as well as wisdom and external attractiveness.

In very frequent situations, a picture depicting a triangle is chosen by newlyweds. If you interpret the value of such a squint on Platon, then it will mean a strong family. And the young couple will be able to make her bonds with another thread - symbolic.

Philosophers are found in triangles a combination of logical mind, physical organism and eternal spirit or cyclical life on Earth. Selecting such a knack from the specified position, it can be noted that it will be perfect for all harmoniously developed and personalities.

Christian doctrine gives this tattoo another symbolic meaning. It characterizes the tattoo of a similar plan, as a symbol of the unity of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, this tag is often chosen deeply believers, religious individuals.

In Masonov, the symbolism of the triangle was given a slightly different meaning. They symbolize time, light and darkness. In the Freemasonry, a palloon with a triangle associates all space.

In followers of Judaism, the version of the knaps with a triangle indicates a combination of rationalism, the execution of the intended and meaning of the words of the words.

In general, it can be noted that a variety of factors will significantly influence the characteristics of the triangles.

In particular, it is important how many figures depict the composition:

  • Two triangles intersecting with each other are associated with water and fiery elements and indicate the triumph of spiritual over the physical;
  • Three triangles shapes are a symbol of good health.

It is still very important that the peak of the figure is sent to which of the parties, and where it looks at its base.

Before you decide to perform a tattoo, you should very carefully examine all sketches and find out of them the most acceptable personally for you.

Patterns with triangles in men

In general, it is believed that tattoo with a triangle is equally suitable for any sex, because it is a certain version of unisex.

The difference will be exclusively in the meaning - men, deciding on the execution of such a squint, see it wisdom, strength and beauty. Although there are very many fierce disputes about male beauty.

The most popular place to apply a triangle tattoo in men is hands.

Tattoo triangles on hand guy photo

Feature triangle tattoo girls

Female sex, when they choose a cracker with a triangle, associate them with 3 life periods, and more specifically - with Maternity, motherhood and old age.

It also exists that the triangle symbolizes marriage and strong marriage.

And in some cases, this image will personify all those years that the lady devoted to family matters.

There is another characteristic of the tag with a triangle for women who gave birth to three kids. They have a pallium associated with the birth of a new life.

The value of the knuckle triangle in prison

The main value of the knack, depicting a triangle, is a combination of unrelated parts of the soul, which represent the highest humanity: Spirit, mind and physical organism.

In places of imprisonment, prisoners endow the knockers with their concepts. And such a simple symbol like a triangle, in such places is associated with a life deadlock, from which it is impossible to find a way out. It may also indicate that a person regrets and sincerely repents in the deed.

Varieties of snaps with triangles

To date, there are many sketch sketches with a triangle.

This may be a pair of geometric figures of similar parameters, a triangle prisonered in a circle or a different figure, or, on the contrary, a figure located in a triangle.

It is difficult to list all possible versions of the image. There are also individual sketches represented by a single specimen. Next, I suggest you consider the most frequently used triangle drawings, popular with tattoo culture fans:

  1. Paddle eyes in a triangle. It shows a figure that has equal parties (in geometry it is called equilaterally either is a challenged), inside of which the eye drew. A similar tattoo is also known as the "all-seeing eye", the eyes of God either just a tattoos of the OCO in a triangle. In general, the image is associated with eternity, and the peaks of the figures act as the personification of the past, present and the future.
  2. Tattoo of a tree enclosed in a triangle. In this case, the tree acts as a manifestation of life in any of its forms, no wonder there is a common expression about the tree of life, and the triangle symbolizes cyclicity. This is a variant of a very original image, equally suitable for all people who loving life and can enjoy it.

Tattoo tree in a triangle

There are also a lot of variants of various triangle forms. For example, there are figures with reduced or increased angles. On some images, the top seems to be slightly pulled up, and on others - a little bit felt. But, taking into account the information that it is difficult to correctly talk about the essence of such an image, such versions of triangles are found in very rare cases.

Another popular image option is an equifiable triangle. In some cases, it is depicted by looking at the book. Such a tattoo is most suitable for representatives of the fine sex, as it has a pronounced sexual subtext - Maya Indians associated this figure with a "triangle" located at the bottom of the female abdomen, at the location of the genitals.

The triangle drawn inside the square is two opposition (spiritual with material and heavenly with earth), which still interact with each other harmoniously.

You can also meet in modern culture and art a tattoo depicting three connected triangles. They denote canceled health and strong moral spirit.

There is also a variant of the image of the triangle in a specific color, then it means a "personal character" man.

This value is a tattoo with a triangle image.

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