Monkey compatibility


Monkeys compatibility is very ambiguous. But when a couple of people born under this sign comes to consult, one can say exactly - they are very similar. This does not guarantee a happy relationship, so I will give in this article my recommendations. They will help you keep feelings and establish mutual understanding with a partner.

general information

A couple of two monkeys are a union of two bright and extraordinary people with a brilliant future. Partners are endowed with great self-conceit and ambitions. They are quite capable of building strong and happy relationships if they work on them.

Monkey Monkey Compatibility in Love

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What can I say about the characters of partners and their attitude towards each other:

  1. Their joint life will always be filled with bright emotions and impressions. They do not like to miss, strive for a variety and activity. These are real "lighters", which are illuminated by their light and fire all around.
  2. Partners combine similar features of character. They do not like to sit still, constantly busy. We strive to be in the society of people as many free time.
  3. They love to chat, desperate debaters, love to discuss and defend their point of view.
  4. Very impressionable, they have a well-developed imagination, love to dream. Often engage in brain training and visualization.
  5. They have perfectly developed creative abilities. Grab into the summer any information is smart, all theoretical knowledge is easily turned into practical skills.
  6. Understanding in a pair is usually at a high level, although partners lack sincerity, confidence. Both love to sick and manipulate the chosen one, which is often revealed and leads to conflicts.
  7. Their relationship resemble a permanent game, rivalry, in which everyone strives to be more clever, cunning, dodgy.

In general, it can be said that monkeys create a pair on the basis of strong senses, their relationship is saturated with emotions. Even if they break up, the moments spent together will remain in the memory of both for a long time.

Love compatibility

Monkeys are quite difficult to build relationships with people born under other signs. Not everyone will endure a noisy and restless character, considering the capricious temper and the misfortune of huge disadvantages.

Monkey monkey compatibility in relationships

They themselves consider themselves perfect, and when they get acquainted with each other, they immediately discover the relative soul in the partner. They like that the chosen will not cut, try to re-educate and impose its own worldview. Therefore, almost immediately after the acquaintance between them relationships are tied.

What is characteristic of the union of two monkeys:

  1. They will always compete with each other, but it does not ruin the relationship, but, on the contrary, helps partners develop and become better.
  2. About romance does not have to speak. Cynic monkeys prefer sarcasm, irony and jokes recognition in love. This style of communication is satisfied both.
  3. Love to bring, often embellish everything in their stories. But the innocent lie is not annoying, they calmly take this line of the nature of the partner, because they understand the same.
  4. In their relationship there is no place to dram. Problems are easily related, and conflicts quickly decide with the sense of humor.
  5. None of the partners want to stay in the shade, play the role of the second plan. They are equal, while they do not struggle for leadership.
  6. Sincerely admire the partner, its achievements, advantages. Respect each other and openly show their feelings.
  7. This couple always attracts the attention of others, people often envy such an unusual, but harmonious and relaxing relationships. At any party, they become boots and are in the center of attention.
  8. Despite this, close friends have little monkeys. Buddles mass, but no one is in a hurry to get closer to them. Therefore, partners are so appreciated by each other, they are very good and comfortable together.

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Family and marriage

Monkeys - real careerists. They are very important to achievements. Both partners are endowed with a purposeful and ambitious character, do not leave before difficulties and always get what they want. Marriage for them is also becoming one of the life goals. Provided - put a tick.

What features of their family relationships:

  • When the monkey falls in love, then loses his head instantly and ready to throw the world to the feet of the chosen one. Therefore, the decision to marry the partners often take spontaneously, do not delay the wedding for a long time.
  • Both love freedom and respect the partner's right to be independent. Never limit and do not control each other. That is why the family is not too burdens, together they are easily and comfortable.
  • They quarrels are very rare. This contributes to the sense of humor both, and the ability to give up, look for compromises. In principle is not about them.
  • A man is able to earn enough money for a prosperous life, so never drives his wife to the unloved job, giving her the opportunity to find himself and realize in creativity.
  • A woman will never demand from the spouse of reports, control, ask to constantly call and write, report about what he is doing now. She is not needed and constant confessions in love - she is so confident in his feelings.

Compatibility Monkey Monkey

The big advantage of their relationship is that they do not belong to the marriage relationship as a debt that must be executed. Communication and joint life for them is true pleasure, the opportunity to develop, take care of a partner and enjoy each other's society.

Cons relationship

There are also problem points that need to work:

  • Monkeys are rather irresponsible, which often harms them well-being and family wealth.
  • For a man in the first place is always a career and achievements, not love.
  • Both are looking for in marriage, so their feelings are not always sincere.
  • The monkeys always have a "crown" on the head, they consider themselves better around. And two people with such quality sometimes become unbearable for each other.
  • They do not want to limit themselves, because of what problems may arise after the birth of children, when you have to endure some inconvenience and take on a big responsibility.

All these moments are not critical, so monkeys have a chance of a great collaborative future.

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