Dragon compatibility


Compatibility of dragons in relationships I often have to be viewed with customers who, with astrology, want to solve their problems. In this article, I will share with you the most common problems with which such couples face in life, on the basis of customer experience. And I will tell you how such problems can be solved. We also analyze the overall characteristics of compatibility.

general characteristics

Dragon people in their lives are constantly faced with drops, then with takeoffs. It is rare to achieve stability. This manifests itself in relationships. And if two dragon join a couple, they create a unique union union, not like any other.

Compatibility Dragon Dragon in Love

What is typical for such a couple, according to the eastern horoscope:

  1. Despite the same sign, their characters can be completely dissimilar. And compatibility will depend from the percentage of these differences in partners. But the advantages and disadvantages are most often the same.
  2. Dragons usually strong health, there are a lot of energy in them. They are desperate driving, they are accustomed to search and find positive absolutely in everything. Very honest with them with others, so you should not wait for deception or neighbor deeds.
  3. Very straight and demanding, not only to others, but also to themselves. Perfectionists seek to ideal in everything, as well as the purpose of their life see the improvement of the world.
  4. The negative features of the character include excessive sensitivity, irritability, stubbornness and even a bore. Often they cannot agree with each other, to come to some compromise.
  5. In real life, a couple of two dragons can be found rarely, because loneliness and freedom will always prefer the uzam marriage. Only truly strong love can make change its views on the relationship.
  6. Dragons are almost always lucky in a career. The more experience they have, the more flexible they become in relationships with people, which helps build good affiliate and business connections. At the time of youth, they, on the contrary, the maximalists, divide the world to black and white.

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Yes, the characters of the dragons are quite complex, so prosperous and quiet relations between them are rare. But the older the partners, the higher their chances of joint happiness.

Love and family

It is noteworthy that the pairs of two dragons are formed most often at work. This is happening because they are so workaholiki that they mostly get acquainted. Therefore, service novels are the most common option of their relationship.

Compatibility Dragon Dragon in Relationships

What features such a union:

  1. Feelings between them most often arise immediately. This one is the most notorious love at first sight. The man will be bright and persistently seek the location of the chosen, and she will quickly respond to reciprocity, trusting her intuition.
  2. At first, the novel develops rapidly, the relationship is full of passion. Lovers enjoy every minute spent together. It seems to them that the best satellite of life is not found and they are perfectly suitable for each other.
  3. As soon as pink glasses fall, and the first passion subsides, the problem period begins to fight for leadership and adjustment under each other's characters. A man wants to be the main thing, to give a woman the role of the keeper of a homemade hearth. Its such a state of affairs is unlikely to arrange, it does not wish to constantly be in the shadow of a successful husband.
  4. Quarrels at this stage seem endless, they are especially exacerbated by the explosive characters of partners. Conflicts flash several times per day. Dragons can shout loudly on each other, beat the dishes, part and re-converge. And so constantly.
  5. Releaseing steam, quickly lay down and again begin to build plans for the future. Particularly not thoughtful, everyone is ready to take the first step to reconciliation. Someone such a model of relations seems terrible, but for some reason everything suits dragons.
  6. For general well-being, it is very important that partners have their own interests, separate from partner's hobbies. They always have to remain personal space so that they do not bother each other.
  7. As for the family, they prefer not to associate themselves with marriages. Most often, their model of relationship is a guest marriage or cohabitation. They do not care what they think about this occasion, because they all suite.
  8. Always help each other, support a partner in everything, ready to give life for him if necessary.

Check the video on the topic:


Dragon relationships are very complex and unpredictable. Therefore, partners will have to seriously work out if they want to keep feelings and create psychologically comfortable for both atmosphere.

Compatibility Dragon Dragon

What can I recommend:

  1. Clearly divide the duties among themselves. Even before the joint residence, you need to agree on the distribution of responsibilities. And promise to each other that they will not interfere with the lover's decisions if they concern its sphere.
  2. For the order in the house better to answer a woman. It always will always be laid out on the shelves, and life will become perfectly organized.
  3. A man is not necessary to be the only minider. Combining efforts and income, they can achieve colossal success, live in luxury and prosperity. Both perfectly know how to make money. But it is important not to compete and do not try to surpass each other, but to act together.
  4. If they have children, it is necessary to teach them to independence since the small years. It is often selected by family to exhibitions, in theaters, go hiking and conduct socially active life.

Ideally, if a woman is much younger than his partner. Then it will be easier for her to temper his strong character, start listening to the advice of a more experienced partner. It will become quite flexible and wise.

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