Trinity - the feast of the founding of the Christian Church


Trinity is the Third Great Holiday in Orthodoxy along with Merry Christmas and Easter. It was on this day that the first Christian church was founded when the Holy Spirit was soil on the apostles. So the Trinity is the holiday of the founding of the Church. In the article, we will consider the question that tells the Orthodox Church about this a significant day, how to note it correctly and what does the trinity mean? We learn who established the celebration of Trinity, as well as consider the folk traditions associated with the Trinity Day, and Iconography. At the end of the article, you will listen to the story about the holiday of Trinity Archpriest Andrei Tkacheva.

Trinity holiday

Symbolism of the trinity

The Orthodox Vera is based on the worship of the Triune God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the triune essence of God, which is inseparable in his unity. The human mind is not able to comprehend spiritual secrets, so we need faith. Only faith can be comprehended by spiritual revelations, invisible words.

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A unique in the trinity God lives in three personalities who have their own personality. Opponents of Christianity are trying to convince the latter in idolatry, because they cannot understand the earthly mind as three can be one.

Among the three personalities, the Trinity has no main and secondary - they are all moving a single goal and are associated with the general thought.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit is also a personality that can have its own characteristics. This personality is so valuable in the Trinity that Hula is equal to the mortal sin. So, 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended to the Earth - the third isolation of the Soft Trinity.

Trinity is the celebration of the Church

The day of the founding of the church

Why does Trinity be the founding of the church? Because it was 49 days after the resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit descended into the world, which soil on the apostles in the image of flame languages. It was a special fire - spiritual: he did not burn human flesh.

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The Savior was announced about this event before ascending to heaven, 10 days before the descent. He said that the disciples will decline in a special force that will make the benefit of the news throughout the Earth.

At this time, Shavuot celebrated in Jerusalem (the Day of Torah on Mount Sinai), and many saw the miracle of the spirit of Holy Pupils of Jesus and their ability to talk in other languages. Some considered the apostles drunk, but foreigners immediately recognized their native speech when the apostles spoke in their tongue. Therefore, profanation was excluded. What did the apostles speak in another language? They exalted the power of God and proclaimed the Gospel.

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Then people asked the Apostles, what do they need to do? What the latter answered is to accept Jesus the Savior and be baptized. That day more than 3,000 people took faith, which marked the birth of the church.

The miracle of luxury of the Holy Spirit on Earth is honored as a special day for all Christians of the world. Jesus said: "Go and preach the kingdom of God on Earth." He gave a direct indication of the apostles to bear the good news (gospel) to all the peoples of the world, speaking different languages.

Robust and frozen apostles got great strength and with daring went to preach the gospel to all people. They set the time of honor of the Holy Spirit - Trinity - and commanded celebrating the holiday annually (1 Cor. 16.8; Acts 20,16). At the Second Universal Cathedral, the trinity consolidated legislatively. In this church dogma, the equality and unique three-facets - the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are established.

Trinity day in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox tradition is holy honors the day of the descent of grace for Earth. This day refers to the two-month moving church holidays and marks 49 days after Easter Christ. The next trinity Monday is called perfumes day.

In Orthodoxy, the Trinity is crowned by the Easter cycle of worship, so all the laturgy weeks following it are numbered and referred to as the "weeks of Pentecost". After the Trinity begin to read the prayers of the Holy Spirit until the next Easter. After Easter, the prayer of the Holy Spirit is not pronounced in worship, nor in home reading.

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Cathedrals and temples are decorated with greenery, believers bring flowers and meadow bouquets for worship. On this day, the priest pronounces the prayers of the crankshake, and the flock is praying in the earthly womb.

Folk traditions

People refer to the Trinity with green sagnes. On this day, it is customary to sanctify the bouquets of meadow herbs and flowers in the temple. Then they were brought home and had for icons. It was believed that herb consecrated on the trinity can save from fire and the invasion of rodents. Bouquets laid out in the attic and in the resident.

Also on the trinity, the church floors were abandoned her herbs that people disassembled after the service. These herbs boiled in water and drank decoction for healing from diseases, and also admitted to the Seine. From the branches of Berez, who stood in the service in the Church, washed wreaths, which were then used when landing seedlings of cabbage.

The tri holiday celebrated two days - on Sunday and Monday. It was forbidden to work, as the Earth was revered as a birthday girl. All week Before the next Sunday, it was possible to eat soon food, and in the next day after the Duhov day Monday was already beginning Petrov post. This post ended with West Peter and Paul.

Trinity day

Icons of Trinity

In the iconography there are two plot images of the Trinity. The first of them is the image of three angels who came to the forefather Abraham. These were three mysterious wanderer who was the placenta in Mamra's oak. The travelers told Abraham about the long-awaited birth of a son. The image of the wanderers and couples of Abraham can be seen in the Trinity-Gerasimov Church in Vologda, on the icon of the Holy Trinity in Being, and the Trinity of Zyryanskaya on the Triumphal Arch of Basilica in Rome.

The next icon about Trinity is the famous painting of Rev. Andrei Rublev. This is a completed symbolic image of God's trocherness. Compared to the phenomenon of Angels Abraham, which was the forerunner and prophecy about the Trinity, we see the triune image of God embodied in their perfection. On the icon, three saints are depicted, sacrificial bowl on the meadow table. A unique trinity was repeatedly depicted by icon painters, but Icon Andrei Rublev is a classic model of iconography.

The phenomenon of the Holy Trinity prep. Alexander Svirsky is another example of canonical icon painting. There are also non-canonized images of the Holy Trinity, to which you need to treat carefully. In the Catholic Church you can meet the icon "Coronation of the Virgin", where the holy Trinity is also depicted in the image of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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