Prayer for calming the soul and heart


The life of a person does not differ with monotony. Short periods of joy are often replaced by the moments of spiritual adversity. Me from the despondency after the death of the husband saved the prayer of our father, it was easy to learn. The words of appeal to God, I repeated many times to calm the soul and heart, and the hopelessness of the life situation was irretrievably. For you, I picked up somewhat effective, from my point of view, prayers. Take advantage of them, read prayers regardless of the place of stay, as well as the time of day. They will certainly help you, as helped me.

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The sacrament of the dialogue with God

Christian prayer is called a meeting with God, a unique opportunity to contact him for help and support, feel His presence nearby. The sacred text to read with the soul destroys all the barriers between man and the Almighty. This is an opportunity not only to tell about sore, but hear his answer.

What are prayer prayers

  • Reculting prayers are requested about the forgiveness of the gentlemen, thin thoughts, bad actions. This is starting a dialogue with God.
  • Reading the spontaneous appeal, the believer asks for the health of the physical, tranquility of the soul, patience, well-being, etc. for himself.
  • With the words of the gratitude prayers of Christians, they praise God, thank it for everything they have, including for faith.
  • In the laudatory appeals glorify the greatness of God. Such prayers are considered the most stronger, since the most frank.
  • In the petrocal prayers, people ask God's grace with their loved ones, alive either by the departed.

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Getting Started with the creation of prayer, it is necessary to clean the consciousness from the images of idols or personal fantasies, a person is unable to imagine the living God. You need to leave only trust and love to hear the response of the Savior.

Rules of appeal to the Most High and other Saints

In minutes of spiritual adversity when it seems that the world around is collapsed, and people do not understand you, consult prayer texts. Visit the church, where in front of the images of your favorite saints, put a few candles, read the simplest, but the effective prayer is our own. In the home atmosphere, the Lord becomes the best way to calm the soul and hearts, but at home we need to create a ritual according to the rules:
  • In a secluded place with a relaxed atmosphere, install the icon of the saint to which you will handle the sacred words;
  • Before saint, burn church candles for cleansing space, prepare water consecrated in the church;
  • Sitting calmly, peer into the flame candles, imagine that the God and the Holy Range, which is pleased with the intercession;
  • Prayers to calm your soul can be repeated many times, it is important to read from the heart, but not distracted;
  • After graduating from the prayer, squeerty yourself with a congestion, drink a few sip of holy water, admire the flame of candles.

In addition to the problems of a personality character, the calm of the soul prevents the attack of invisible enemies - demons (demons). The task of evil spirits is to destroy the immortal soul of a person in any way, which is silent by his unknowing thoughts. Prayer texts, with feeling addressed to the Orthodox Saints, will be protected from unrighteous actions, false installations, our demons.

The power of the best prayers for calming the soul and heart

The main appeal to God

The most significant prayer for believers is considered to be our own, the special power of words is that they are given by Christ. Comprehensive to the nature of the text, the appeal in brief form contains all the necessary principles for the Earth existence, as well as to save its immortal soul. The result of the pronouncement of prayer words:

  • Maximum power charge with ease of memorization and reading;
  • The ability to pronounce text with love emanating directly from the heart;
  • The ability to transfer your love to the Creator, getting cleansing and help.

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The first string of prayer can be aware of God by our father, and not in some abstract being. Starting to read the soothing heart prayer, a person enters into a dialogue with a living God, and not with a generalized way, difficult to understand. Prayer helps to feel like a member of a single family surrounded by brothers in faith, to gain peace of mind.

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Although the Old Testament warns from pronouncing the name of the Lord in vain, our prayer can be read anywhere, regardless of the time of day. The sinful will be the lack of sincerity, the failure of the soul of prayer text.

The power of praying the Mother of God

The soothing prayer of the Virgin Mary is beneficial on the nervous system, protects against the inevitability of harsh existence, negative stress and shocks. Calling to the Most Holy Theotokos has a great power to feel soothery, read the words of appeal to the intercession and the patroness of all believers follows with an infinite belief. What a person gets, sincerely creating a prayer "Virgin, Delo, Rejoice":

  • reassuring the nervous system with the switching of consciousness to positive;
  • gaining the right solution to exit a conflict situation;
  • Return to the norm of emotional state with setting up sleep.

Puish words and welcoming phrases taken from the Gospel glorify Maria as the Mother of the Savior. Light prayer, similar to a joyful song, will be a guide star in a difficult life situation. The intercession of the Virgin Mary will help calm the heart and enjoying the god, will remove the severity with the soul.

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Appeal to the Virgin Mary is the most readable prayer for church services. Soothing prayer is not prohibited to read many times during the day, if this requires a soul. But it should not do it mindlessly.

How to pray for soothe

If the excess stress and problems violates the correct functioning of the nervous system, and the drugs do not remove the severity of the loads, contact the Orthodox Saints. Prayer texts have a beneficial effect on the psyche, an unhurried conversation with the loved saints will return sincere equilibrium, gives hope for the best, instilling confidence in the occurrence of graceful times.

How to pray the Matron of Moscow

When problems with nerves or weak action of drug therapy, seek help to the old man. Struppier from early childhood helped people hurrying to her with various requests, among whom were plenty of peaceful pain, hearts, nerves. How to spend a ritual:

  • Start by visiting the Orthodox Temple, where to apply for your health, post the service;
  • Put 3 candles in front of the icon of the Great Panteleimon and the Matrona Matron;
  • Attentively peering into the face of the Matronushki, repeat a few times the soothing prayer of the old man.

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How many times to read prayer lines, you will tell you the heart, but do not forget to be baptized with zeal. If you did not feel the calm of the soul, and the heart restlessly, you can continue the saint prayer at home. For the sacrament, you will need two icons of the same saints, church candles, holy water. Reaching in the room, arrange the faces of matrons and panthewamon, burn several candles in front of them, then act as described above the rule of reference to holy images, repeating the soothing prayer text:

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Prayer for calming the heated heart can be pronounced more than once. Having finished a conversation with a matronushka, please the soul with the contemplation of a living flame of candles, remembering the best moments of life. Blessed has always helped asking for life, does not leave unanswered pleading and after his death.

If it is impossible to focus, you can not find time for visiting the temple, there is no way to retire, choose a brief prayer. After all, God is needed not words, but your heart. Jesus prayer can be read anywhere, this prayer is the strongest, and the words soothing.

Examples of short prayer texts pronounced with humility will allow the heart to feel the presence of God:

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What prayer read John the Forerun

After the Virgin Mary, John the Baptist consider the most revered holy christians. The prophet was a relative of Jesus Christ, lived in the rigor of asceticism on the expanses of the wild desert. Obviously, the appeal of the Lord, John the Forerunning arrived to the shores of Jordan to prepare the people to the parish of the Messiah (Jesus Christ). The titles of the Baptist and the Forerunner are substantiated by two prophet's feats - the one who baptized Jesus, and the one who propheted to him.

What words to contact the prophet to calm the soul and heart:

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The prayer with the Holy Martyr has extraordinary strength, the assistance of the Wonderworker feels anyone who assumes a soothing prayer to him. The Lord called John the Forerunner the biggest prophet, the church glorifies the martyr and the apostle, a friend of Christ.

How to be if the soul is anxious

Consult a prayer to your guardian angel. Each baptized person has a personal heavenly defender given to him at birth, a mentor to achieve good deeds. The heavenly friend is called not only at the moments of despondency, his help is needed in everyday affairs, to calm the soul, softening the heart. Therefore, the reassuring prayer angel of the guardian can be read under any circumstances, asking for help to accomplish the beiges.

The shortest but effective prayer text:

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If you can't accept a severe life situation, read the mission of the American pastor of the Ringold Nibul. Although the text is not an Orthodox prayer, it does not contradict the canons of Orthodox teaching, provides strong assistance in calming the heart and soul.

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In our world there are several types of religions, each of which is subordinate to their rules, preaches on its canons. Although people pray to different gods, the essence of faith, as a mental state, is the same. The believer appeals to his God with the hope of the best, asks for the calm of the soul and the heart, demonstrating his loyalty to the Almighty.

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