How to put candles in the church


Sometimes, standing in the church, I understand: this Christian came here only in order to pray and "put a candle to God." Why is it so noticeable? A woman stands in the church and restlessly looked around, pressing to the chest just a bought candle, examines icons, candlesticks ... Yes, here many are lost: how many candles buy, where to put, is it possible to bring candles with you and, most importantly, what will happen if the candle goes out . And ask no one or uncomfortable ... In this article you will find the answers to all your questions - even on those who have not thought about. Moreover, we have not collected popular superstitions, and assigned references from the Batyushki themselves. And that's what they can tell you and advise ...

How to put candles in the church 5079_1

Why is this done?

In the old and even the New Testament you can find many stories about the offer to the Lord of the victim. Our ancestors brought fruits and ears, pigeons and lambs to the temples to express their respect, appreciation or something to ask. The modern church refused such offering, and the only form of the victim (except for money that can be left in the temple for charity) remain lit candles.

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They symbolize your burning heart filled with Christian warmth and the light of love for the Lord, Christ, the Virgin, and, of course, near.

How not to make a mistake - vowels and unlaspped church rules

  • It is advisable not to pushed to the candlestick during the service - this you will only interfere with the father and praying. It is better or to come to the temple before the start of the service, or wait for her ending.
  • Install the candle exactly, it should not "bow" and interfere with other people.
  • Is it possible to pray with a burning candle in hand? In some cases (let's say, when weddings), it is done, however, for the usual cozy or clock prayer, such a "ritual" is not suitable. It is beautiful only in a movie or in the photo, and in fact, the wax will drip in his hands, and if there are many people in the church, the likelihood of a random igniter of clothing standing in front of man will increase. Better immediately use the candlestick.
  • How many candles can be bought? From one to ... In general, at your discretion.
  • This should not be an automatic action "for the tick". It is necessary to do sincerely, with a clean prayer (in your own words).
  • It is not necessary to bypass absolutely all icons or choose exclusively miraculous or beautiful. You can stand only near one, but "yours" (for example, the way of your heavenly patron; "Assistant in childbirth", if you are pregnant; Saint Panteleimon, if there is a patient in the house).
  • However, many parishioners adhere to such a tradition: first put a candle near the miraculous icon of the Lord and the Mother of God (located in the church) or another icon, which is most honored in this temple; Next - near the relics of the Slander (though they are not in every temple); After that, - to its "registered" saint; And only at the very end - for health or rest.
  • Candles must be necessarily bought in this temple. Even if beyond (let's say, in the funeral agency) will be cheaper, do not bring candles from there. You do not come to the temple in order to save. In addition, money reversed from the sale will go to good deeds.
  • All superstitions associated with this little action is nothing more than human speculation. That is, the light can be lit not only with the right, but also with his left hand; The lower end of the candle is not only not forbidden, but also allowed to be abolished (as it becomes more stable); In addition, do not be afraid if the candle went out, "there is nothing terrible in this, just lit her a second time.
  • But if you light your candle from someone else's, try not to repay it - of course, this harm you will not apply anyone, but you can upset a person who lied this candle.
  • Put candles with pregnant women during menstruation - you can. In general, women in "these days" are allowed to even take communion, confess, to marry. The fact that during this period they can not be included in the church is very outdated information. Previously, until the invention of hygiene products, they were not really allowed to overstate the church threshold ... But everything changed at least 50 years old, or even 100 years ago.
  • If the entire candlestick is busy, you should not put your candle in one cell with someone else's or throwing someone else's candle. Just put your candle next to the rest. The servant, follow the candlesticks, will lit it when he sees that other candles burned down.
  • Is it possible to put a candle as repentance, about the absorption of sins? No. To purify the soul there is a confession.
  • But you can pray for well-being in the family. To do this, even special icons are: Blessed Ksenia Petersburg, Saints Samon, Aviv and Guria, Saints Peter and Fevronia and, of course, the Lady.
  • It is not forbidden to also pray for success in work (any holy), study (Saint Normam, Kirill and Methodius).
  • Well, finally, many put candles as a gratitude to the Lord for help in a difficult matter, asking for a blessing for a long road, an expensive purchase or some significant event.

Sometimes the temple servants are removed from the candlestick not completely fastened candles. It is not scary: your victim has already been adopted by the Lord, and other people also want to pray. So do not be mistaken due to service actions.

Candle for health

How to put candles in the church 5079_2

They are put in front of one of these icons:

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Our Lady (especially if the image is considered miraculous);
  • Great Martyr Panteleimon;
  • other holy healers (for example, Matrones of Moscow, Holy Doctors of Bescas and Damian);
  • Saint Patron (if you pray for a child or a kid).

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Although the health can be prayed near any icon.

First go to the icon and turn around three times. After burn the candle from the lamp (but carefully, so that the wax does not get drunk and did not pay it), although it is also possible from other candles. It is believed that if candles are burning in the temple, he not stands on their match or lighter. Install it in any free place. After the "little asterisk" is lit with a prayer. In the end, squeerty yourself with the godmond, bow and only after that go away.

By the way, priests say: if a person is not baptized (this is a newborn), it is possible to pray for his health and put candles. The only thing is that it is impossible to enter his worldly name (even prescribed in the birth certificate) in the church note.

Also on health pray, if a person is overwhelming such a "aless" as alcohol or drugs. Look for the image of Our Lady "Inspromandable Bowl", as well as the icons of the righteous John of Kronstadt and Holy Wonpathy.

For myself

This candle is taken at the very end, when "lights" will be lit for the health of relatives and even enemies. At the same time, the "Father Our" is most often read. This candle can be put near any icon - a healer-Wonderworker, the Mother of God, your "registered" saint.

For enemies

Traditionally, their health pray near the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker (although, of course, it is not necessary). It is done in the same way as described above: Squeander yourself with a three-year-old procession, burn and fasten the candle, and after prayer, remember your cheap, trying to sincerely forgive him everything he offended you.

Soul Candle

How to put candles in the church 5079_3

They are put on the eve - a rectangular or square table with a crucifixion (also known as a memorial table). Traditionally, it is placed on the left of the entrance.

  • Is it possible to put this candle of pregnant? Yes, such a prayer will not harm her baby.
  • And if a person died not to baptized? It is possible to pray and put candles for it, but to feed notes - no.
  • When can not pray for the dead? For Easter. But the candles of health in this bright holiday is not reborn. And by the way, it may even be a candle that you removed from the consecrated silence (if, of course, she was bought in this temple itself).

And if you are mistaken and put a candle not there?

Many not churchable VERYANS are afraid of a candle bought for health, mistakenly joined near the "sheer" eve, asking for a logical question: Will it hurt a person for the health of which you came to pray? The priests respond to this: no harm. After all, the main thing is not to "put a tick" in the right place, but pray. And if you turned to the Lord, asking him to get rid of diseases, he will definitely listen to you.

In addition, there is a superstition: unkind people, wanting to chase someone, purposefully put a candle near the "clock" icon, praying for the death of this (still living) person. How does church look at this? Negatively, and that is why: a truly believer person, such "magic" can not harm, but the soul of the newly new "Witch" may be in danger, because witchcraft is a sin.

Well, if you just confused the icons by ignorance, God will not be punished for it. But in order to continue this, it does not happen in an unfamiliar temple, just in case, ask the servants (after all, if in one church, for example, for the rest put a candle only near one icon, then in the other - near many). These women or the same father will gladly tell me where to put a candle to put.

And at the end we offer you a cognitive video. You will learn how church candles are made in the monastery. No "China", everything is done by believing people, with a prayer and soul!

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