Compatibility of rooster and rat


Compatibility of the rooster and rat is favorable by some parameters, but not all. An ideal understanding is unlikely to be achieved, but, putting a little effort, you can build a truly happy and harmonious relationship.

Characters of signs

The rat and rooster have the quality that combines them and makes similar to each other. This is hot temper. They flash instantly when they don't like something. Excessively emotional, so the relationship between them will never be calm.

Compatibility Rooster rat in love

Often feel the feeling of guilt for your incontinence and no less violently launched after the grand scandals. This is a strange couple at first glance. The surrounding may seem that they hate each other more than they like.

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As for the nature of the partners, the following features can be noted in them:

  1. The rooster hoses the laws and rules. He has a clear idea of ​​how it is necessary to lead in every particular situation. These eternal boundaries do not allow him to show individuality, break the usual course of life. Everything is clearly and on the shelves.
  2. Not only does he restrict himself in everything, but heathes in them the invented framework and all close people, so it is very difficult to stay next to him if freedom is valuable and independence is not an empty sound.
  3. It is a rat with time, it becomes unbearable next to the rooster, closely, it cannot breathe due to the constant pressure of the partner and his aspiration in all its control.
  4. They often quarrel, finding out who in the family chief. Both want to take the position of the leader, and they categorically not going to give way.

But in sexual life everything will be fine. They would generally wanted to spend most of his time in bed, because it always all the harmonious and complete mutual understanding.

Man-rat and female cock

Responsibility for a favorable psychological climate in relations will lie, first of all, on a woman. She is quite wise to sharpen a non-permanent and frivolous chosen one, to make him drastically revise life views.

Compatibility Rooster rat in relations

But the case is crowned with success only if a man falls in love with a truly. Then he will be configured to a serious relationship and will change for the best sake of his beloved.

What the astrology is noted relative to this union option:

  1. Girl-rat in its nature is very ambitious and purposeful personality. It will be difficult for her to drive himself into the traditional framework of relationships. She does not want to become an exemplary hostess and keep a family hearth. If a man forbade it to work and implemented in the outside world, it will certainly begin to rebel.
  2. If she will have the opportunity for self-development and creativity outside the family, she will be able to show himself only from the best side. It will be a calm and wise companion of life, next to which is madly pleasant to be. Will be able when necessary, adjust the spouse.
  3. And it is very important to understand that they cannot remake each other for anything. You need to either take a partner completely with all the shortcomings or part. Attempts to re-education a priori are failed for such a pair.
  4. Relationships in this union are too emotional. Each quarrel, even in a small occasion, turns into a stormy scandal, which threatens to end up. To prevent such an inside the family, all heat and energy must be spent outside the house.

The girl will constantly wait for the elected of gifts and flowers from the chief of gifts and flowers, but to get them rarely her companion of life is completely not romantic, so you will have to come with it. But he will prove his love with real deeds who will make it clear that it can be rejected in any difficult situation.

Check the video on the topic:

Male rooster and female rat

This version of the Union is more favorable than the previous one.

Compatibility Rooster rat

What are the astrological forecasts for such a couple say:

  1. There is a chance to build happy, long and strong relationships, a lot. Compatibility at a very high level.
  2. To keep love, you need to correctly distribute roles in a pair. The girl should create comfort and store homemade hearth. It is her soul and completely under the power. And the man will remain a hotter who makes feats in the outside world, and then shares the fruits of his work with the beloved.
  3. The woman has perfectly developed intuition. In addition, she empath - delicately feels the mood of the partner and is able to correctly adjust. Thanks to these congenital qualities, it easily avoids conflicts and reacts correctly to the behavior of her husband.
  4. She is able to find the right words in a difficult situation and support his man, to instill faith in him, inspire for real feats. He draws energy in it, next to her feels comfortable and resting the soul.
  5. She sincerely and deeply respects her husband, receiving a lot of gratitude and love in response.
  6. Their relationship in most cases are divided into two stages: strong love, after which is full of intransigence. Having survived the first, passionate feeling, they transfers to the second one. Looking for and finding a lot of shortcomings in each other, they want to part.
  7. And only if it is possible to survive a complex second stage, they go to the next level - harmonious and lungs, happy relationships.
  8. Spoils the relationship most often is the man. He has unbearable, very complicated and sometimes unpleasant. Especially annoying his companion constant pressure, control and endless limitations of her freedom.

It is not known what the fate of relationships will be. After all, the freedom of the rat is faced with hyperships and the framework of the rooster, which provokes a mass of conflicts. Despite the disappointing forecasts of astrologers, there are still chances. The main thing is that partners fell in love with each other sincerely, then any obstacles will be on the shoulder, and life tests will seem complete nonsense.

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