Prayers before childbirth


It is difficult to find a woman who would not be afraid of childbirth. Some roby in front of an unknown test with whom they will soon have to face, others remember the painful experience of previous births, thirdly scare telecasts about women who collided with complications not only on the first, but also on the fourth birth ... Even if you have a great doctor and the most advanced Clinic, fear does not retreat. Only "Higher Institution" can help cope with emotions - Lord and Virgin Mary.

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Visit the temple before childbirth

There are women who are waiting for conception for years - many of them are deeply religious people during this time. Other God gives a miracle of the birth of the kid very quickly, and sometimes unexpectedly. When should you start praying?

The priests are advised to communicate with the Lord every free minute.

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If you are not so dive yet, select at least one day in order to visit the church. Watch (or sit, you can now) in service, and at the end are coming and apparent. Pray "your" icon (as it looks like it, will be written below).

No priest will tell you which day or trimester you should visit the temple, because each pregnancy is individual.

  • Let's say, the hypotone woman will be difficult in the church on the first trimester, because at this time the pressure of some future mothers so falls that it is not difficult to lose consciousness. But in the third trimester, even with a huge stomach, they can feel beautiful.
  • "Crawle" with edema, on the contrary, the third trimester is not what to stand - even to sit down the service will be problematic. And especially in winter, in close shoes. Therefore, if you have high pressure, hurry to the temple on the first trimester.
  • As for women, for a long time on conservation, they sometimes have to postpone communication with the confessor to the postpartum period. However, without a farewell of the Holy Father, they will not remain. After all, firstly, the advice can always be obtained by phone. And secondly, with many maternity hospitals, where such pregnant women are lying, there are small chapels where you can put a candle in front of the "icon of pregnant women".

Well, closer to "Acasons", once again visit your confessor to bless you for childbirth.

What icon to look for and how to pray?

Traditionally, pregnant women pray near Icons of the Mother of God . The most popular life during this period:

  • "In childbirth" (This small icon is even taking this little icon).

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  • "Install the baby" . Icon is associated with the 40th day after the birth of Christ, when he was brought to the temple. The wise old man wanted to take the Savior in his arms, but the little Jesus reached out to the mother, showing how he was tied to her. Therefore, the icon considers their patroness and other mothers, including future.

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  • "Healer" . Assistant to future mothers who collided with complications during pregnancy and / or lying on preservation. Also addressed to her "on light labor".

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Our faith teaches: holiness and purity helped Virgin Mary give birth to Jesus painlessly. However, the Holy Mother experienced a lot of human difficulties, so it perfectly understands every future fever and is ready to support her in a difficult moment.

And besides, women in the position and their relatives pray:

  • Holy Great Martyr Catherine (With the advantage of sustained all the torment sent to her the pagan king and his wicked advisers).

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  • Velikomarter Anastasia sinner (having a gift of healing treated in the dungeon of Christians).

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  • Blessed Ksenia Petersburg.

In the life of this Russian saint there is a miracle, thanks to which she became a patronage of women who were in a particularly difficult situation.

Holy predicted to good boss that the son would soon have, ordered to go to the square. There, the woman was forced to accept childbirth in a pregnant stranger, which the driver knocked down. Unhappy immediately died, and no one knew who she was and from. Meshchanka took her son to himself, and this boy loved and respected her all his life. Therefore, Ksenia consider the patroness of newborns, adoptive children, orphans ...

Of course, many pregnant women this story seems a bit anxious. But in fact, the life of Ksenia teaches: Even if a piety mother is praised during childbirth, the Lord will not leave her child, immediately sent him to the second mother, gentle and loving.

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If childbirth is difficult pray:

  • righteous Ioacima and Anna (Father and Mother of Our Lady Mary)

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  • Zharya and Elisavete (Father and mother John the Forerunner).

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Both of these couples were fruitless, however, they had fallen into the Lord, they prayed for many years, and he sent them a child. Yes, not just a child, but the Virgin and the Prophet, the acts of which were forever changed the world!

But, of course, prayers can be different. It is enough to read "our own" or contact the Lord with your own words. The main thing is to do it sincerely and with all my heart.

And by the way: asking for help in childbirth, do not forget to thank the Lord that he gave you the opportunity to become a mother.

Our faith says: salvation for every woman is in Chadori. You are preparing to a small, but feat, so the Lord will not leave you!

Prayer for the feminine (daughter, sister, girlfriend)

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In addition, if it is to give birth (or give birth at this time) your daughter will suit Any maternal Prayer for Children's Health . For example:

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And when your relative is born, you can give her the following icons of the Mother of God:

  • "Mammal";
  • "Upbringing";
  • "Abduction of the mind."

And remember: after childbirth, the woman cannot enter the temple a certain time (as a rule, 40 days). After that, she asks the priest to read the cleansing prayer over it (mostly do it during the baptism of the baby). And only after that, fullly joins the flock.

In addition to prayers, many women in the position (especially those who lie on the preservation and weeks who are bored in hospitals) embroider icons. Of course, the most popular is the icon "in childbirth". You can beaded or threads. IMPORTANT: Before the beginning of this work, it is worth going to the church and get the blessing of the father (if the case is difficult, that is, you are already in the hospital, ask for the blessings "in absentia", sent to the temple of someone from their relatives - although, of course, it all depends on the opinion specific priest). When the icon is ready, it should be consecrated. And then you can leave her at home, give a pregnant friend or offer churches.

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