Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and money and their consequences


People have always strived for luck, prosperity and personal welfare. Someone worked hard, striving for his goal, and the most awaited enjoyed magical conspiracies for good luck and money. However, today nothing has changed. Prayers and conspiracies for good luck and money and now enjoy great demand among the population.

Money and luck

The specificity of conspiracies and prayers designed to attract good luck and money

Most conspiracies and prayers helping to acquire luck and material well-being belong to white magic. There are also dark rituals, but they are very dangerous in the hands of a person far from the magic - the results from their use can be the most unpredictable, and sometimes inverse. Therefore, we will leave black magic for professionals, and let us dwell on Light witchcraft.

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The main purpose of white conspiracies is to help the Contractor in achieving the events conceived by setting the events in his life so that they develop themselves in the benefit of the goal scheduled them, in this case, for the benefit of good luck and wealth. The cherished words will attract the result only if a person does not sit back, and he does everything for the speedy approach of the desired and competently uses the capabilities created by magic especially for him.

Conspuses and prayers for good luck and financial prosperity are traditionally pronounced on the growing phase of the moon. However, there are both rituals conducted in other night shine phases. The best period is usually indicated in the explanation for the rite. It goes without saying that the performer requires an exact following instruction of the ritual - only in this case the conspiracy will lead to the desired result.

The selected plot or prayer for good luck and the money is very desirable to learn by heart and read the memory so that the process goes without a single sticking. The cherished words acquire strength and begin to act only if the artist believes in their magic, and also invests in them all his desire. To attract energy to their lives and good luck, visualization is useful - mental drawing of their own well-being paintings.

It certainly requires a small preparation for uttering conspiracies for good luck and wealth. To do this, you need to let all your former insults, forgive your offenders, ask for forgiveness from those who were offended by you. Moreover, rushing to forgive should be sincere and proceed from the soul itself. To the use of conspiracies for good luck and money, the performer must come with a pure soul and a light heart, with internal harmony, only then magic will respond to his desire and it will turn out exactly how it is necessary.

The best conspiracies and prayers for good luck and financial well-being

The easiest conspiracy

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Coins with delivery

Simple, because it consists of only one phrase: "For divorce!" This short conspiracy needs to be pronounced whenever the purchase remains one or more coins of delivery. These coins must be put in their wallet separately from others, and it is better to hide at all in a secret compartment. From now on they will work with a magnet for other money.

Conspiracy on wealth in odd numbers

Conspiracy is read at night, in an odd number, on a golden color coin or a large bill. Text pronounced three times:

"How many fish in the water, let the money so much for me. How many trees in the forest, let the money there will be a lot of money. Night, grow and increase me, God's slave (own name), Wealthy give.

As will be a conspiracy, it is 3 times repeated, a coin or bill is hidden in the right eastern angle of its housing. Let there be a conspiracy money lie 12 days. After this period, it needs to be spent.

Conspiracy for money and good luck from Vanga (on bird feathers)

Bird feathers

Conspiracy is read on 3 bird flies. Claimed feathers need to be hidden in their wallet as a cash talisman. Conspire text:

"How not to count feathers and money I do not consider. As the first on the bird, it is not back to the bird and not to be on it, and my money is not loss. Amen. How many birds in the world will be born, how many feathers are neither for them, but there are no scientists in the world, but no one can find everyone in the light of the feathers. So in my wallet my money will be neurogenic, not read and is not calculated. Amen".

Conspiracy attracting money in hand

It is necessary to accumulate a lot of trifles - so much to filled with a bowl of medium sizes. When the little things are enough, dear your hands with honey, then immerse several times in a bowl, pronounce consultation:

"As a honey flies, the money flies to me. As everything will be lipped to honey, so I would have a lot of money to the hands. Amen".

Strong morning ritual on Wednesday

The appointment of this conspiracy is to stabilize the life of the artist, fill it with success, luck, wealth, bring success in all endeavors. The ritual is performed for one month, each Wednesday. The moon phase for this rite is not essential. If you believe in the conspiracy and do everything correctly, then positive changes in life will follow after the first medium.

The text of the conspiracy needs to be pronounced in the morning, after awakening, before washing. It sounds as follows:

"Missal-Miscellaneous, in the word go to the Wilder. Historic name is harmed. The guardian angel guards me. HOME, ANGEL! I would all sorry away from me, would send you success and happiness. On the right shoulder sit down, the decellers and the guard of one of me: from evil people, from forest animals, from dies, from the court and from the massacre, from the reassigns and witch poison. Lord God, add me the century, Life is easy! Amen".

Conspiracy to eliminate the black strip

It is used if a person is pursued by slightness and failure. A new moon ritual is held.

Go to the cemetery, find the nameless grave. Leave the deceased on the grave piece of cake, a glass with milk and several coins. 3 times bow and say:

"The dead man, would remember you, would take everything like and bad with me, infinitely and forever. Let it be so far and forever. Amen".

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