Compatibility of snake and rooster


The compatibility of the snake and the rooster is considered favorable. Despite the fact that people born under these signs are completely different, they are able to build a long and happy relationship.

general characteristics

People born in the year of the snake have a well-developed intuition. They feel the emotions of other people, see their intentions through, rarely surprised. When meeting partner-rooster, they immediately and thoroughly disassemble his character in the smallest details, so their expectations correspond to reality. They are fairly purposeful people, but implement their plans slowly, albeit with an excellent result.

Compatibility Snake Rooster in Love

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The rooster is not so slow, this personality is impulsive and unrestrained. It can be too straightforward that does not always like others, so there is little friends from his friends. But it is truly true and loyal supporters.

Rooster little concerns public opinion. So seems surrounding. But in fact, he is far from indifferent to what they think about it, preferring to hide natural sensitivity.

Astrologers promise a pair of a rooster and snakes quite high compatibility, due to the following factors:

  • A complete understanding reigns between partners. Snake manages to see the outer roast of the rooster thin, sensitive and vulnerable soul. And he is able to open it completely.
  • Both love money and comfort, seek to earn good. Together will do everything possible for prosperous life in prosperity.
  • Hardworking, but only in the case when their work is well evaluated. For a worthy remuneration is ready to work long and hard.
  • There is no ideal sexual compatibility between them, so there are no problems in intimate life.

Snake Male and Woman

Astrologers believe that such a couple is a sample of almost ideal relations, full of romance and love.

Compatibility Snake Rooster in Relations

What is characteristic of this type of union:

  1. Their relationship begins with severe love and proceed very romantic. The candidate bakery period will be filled with beautiful courtship and passionate nights spent together.
  2. Quite, although very gradually, they fall in love with each other more and more. Over time, it comes to understand that they are created to be together always. During this period, they create a family and think about the birth of children.
  3. Both are just aimed at serious relationships and understand that it is sooner or later an official marriage will make. But before putting a stamp in the passport, they strive to agree on all the moments of family life. Capable to make concessions and negotiate in difficult situations.

The girl-rooster is pretty impulsive and capricious. It often worries on trifles and shares its experiences with a partner. It does not confuse him. Male Natura is very balanced, nothing can be confused. Therefore, he is always able to calm the beloved and make her stop nervous and worry.

Cock and Woman Snake

This relationship is also a sample of true harmony. Partners perfectly complement each other and develop together. They are capable not only to build happy, harmonious relationships, but also to create a successful business, embody the most bold creative projects.

Compatibility Snake Rooster

What features of this type of union:

  1. A man becomes for a beloved teacher. He makes a lot of new things in her worldview, makes looking at the world completely in a different light. Next to him, she begins to expand the boundaries of his consciousness, sees many opportunities and learns to love the world in all its manifestations.
  2. Snake girl is very wise, intuition is well developed. Therefore, it becomes the very "neck" that skillfully sends the chosen one on the right track. Thanks to a balanced character and congenital wisdom, she managed to keep and strengthen the relationship even in the most difficult periods.
  3. They notice the shortcomings of each other, but do not focus on them. Ready to receive a chosen one as it is. But the advantages speak openly, often thankolyy and appreciate what they have.
  4. They will never endure sorny from the hut, so the surrounding do not even know about periodically occasional quarrels. Find out the relationship only among themselves, solving any conflicts peacefully.

For both, public opinion is extremely important, so in the circle of each other each other they only praise. Sometimes they are jealous, considering the perfect pair.

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Cons of Union

Despite the excellent compatibility, the relationship does not always develop safely. As in any other pair, conflicts occur between the snake and rooster. Usually they are easily solved by joint efforts. But you need to know what to pay attention to to continue to keep love and harmony.

That astrologers belong to the minuses of the Union:

  1. To undermine love can constant struggle for power. This is especially clear that it is manifested in working together or in raising children. It is important that someone alone can give up and stop competing, then the break can be avoided.
  2. For a man it is extremely important that his beloved cannot be surpassed. If it takes a higher position in society or earns more, it hurts his self-esteem. Therefore, it is necessary that the woman does not protrude his advantages, and constantly emphasized that her husband is better in everything.
  3. The girl-cock should overcome his bore in places. She can cut a man in domestic trifles, which is extremely annoying and takes it out of themselves. It is worth becoming more loyal to such small problems and be more patient.
  4. Rooster - True Boltun. His mouth does not close for a minute. Sometimes the snake is tired, she wants to be in silence and not listen to anything. Both must respect the features of the partner's nature and not to annoy on this. Petukhu need to accept the silence of the second half, and snake to listen to everything he tries to convey to her.

A stumbling block can also be an excessive lubricity of the rooster, which is not always ready to give up the attention of the opposite sex. The snake does not tolerate betrayal and betrayal, with the slightest suspicion we will break the relationship.

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