How to behave after communion: clarification


Eucharist, or the communion of the Holy Tyne, was established by the Savior himself during the secret evening. During the Divine Liturgy, the wine mysteriously turns into the blood of the Savior, and the bread is in his body. During the adoption of the Holy Gifts, we accept Christ in our heart, we become one with the Lord. How to behave after the communion? What is allowed to do, and what is prohibited? Consider questions detail.

what can not be done after communion

The sacrament of the Eucharist

At the secret evening, the sacrament of the Holy Communion was happening for the first time, where Jesus identified her body with bread, and wine - with blood shedding for sins.

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How to behave after communion: clarification 5114_2

Comfortable connects with the Lord through bumping bread and wine. This action is incomprehensible to the human mind, so what is happening you need to perceive faith.

A person must believe that in every part of the Holy Communion is the body and blood of Christ.

The Fathers of the Church teach that without the sacrament of communion it is impossible to achieve the kingdom of heaven and enter the eternal life. This teaching was given to us by the Lord, which is recorded in the Gospel:

How to behave after communion: clarification 5114_3

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How is the word "Eucharist" translated? This is the word of Greek origin, it translates as "thanksgiving." We thank God that through the sacrifice of Christ we get salvation and atonement from sins. It is essentially the return of the lost paradise, from which Adam and Eve were expelled. The mystical mystery of the Eucharist is based not just for the victim, but for the victim of love for a person. The redemption of the fallen human nature is that it means the godfather's sacrifice of Christ.

Taking part in the Eucharist, we become involved in redemption - redeemed and free from eternal punishment.

How to behave after communion: clarification 5114_4

How does bread and wine in the sacrament of the Holy Communion become blood and flesh of Christ? This miracle is possible by condescending the Holy Spirit - the substance of wine and bread acquires a different, higher nature.

Thus, the Holy Communion is the acquisition of the human soul to the life of the eternal in the kingdom of heaven.

how to behave after the communion

Preparation for the sacrament

By the Eucharist should be prepared, as this event is very important for the believer - it transforms the body and soul. Firstly, one must sincerely believe in the Savior and be aware of what is happening during the sacrament. We must with reverence take Holy Sacrament, Aware of its unworthy sinful nature. God's mercy has no limits, so you need to take it with awe in the soul and heart.

Secondly, before the communion should appease your soul and with all my heart to forgive hostile to us. Jesus taught that before praying the Heavenly Father should forgive all the enemies and do not keep the evil at the heart of a man. It is necessary not only to forgive the offenders, but also to ask for forgiveness from those we have intentionally or unintentionally hurt themselves. This is an indispensable condition for the preparation for the sacrament of communion, which need to know.

At least three days before the Communion is necessary

  • fasting, giving up fasting foods;
  • renounce worldly pleasures and entertainment;
  • reflect on their sinful actions, which should repent.

On the eve of Communion you should read the rules before Communion (this book can be bought in the church bench). It is also advisable to visit the evening service. The evening and morning before sacrament - a very special time. You can not eat, smoke cigarettes and drinking hard liquor.

Communion gifts saints takes place during the morning service. The believer should come in advance of the liturgy and confess sins. This rule is mandatory for all adults as well as children from the age of seven.

When is communion? This ordinance is performed after the Divine Liturgy.

Rules for acceptance of the holy mysteries of Christ:

  • to approach the pulpit;
  • hands folded crosswise on the chest;
  • say your name out loud;
  • wide open mouth;
  • after kiss communion cup (bottom part);
  • take "zapivku".

"Zapivka" - is diluted with hot water sacramental wine and unleavened bread.

Note! Cross and bow should not be near the bowl. Also, do not bow to icons.

As communion baby? The mother should put it on the hand, both when feeding, face up. Communion and the priest baby wipe her mouth dress. It is not advisable immediately to give the baby a pacifier, and drink it with water before use "zapivki".

When it is possible to leave the church after Communion? It is necessary to wait for the priest podneset cross for veneration after the completion of the liturgy. Do not forget to read the prayers of thanksgiving, holy communion gifts.

How to behave after Communion

This day should be away from the madding crowd, meditate on the Lord and His mercy. Do not engage in mundane conversations, try to devote themselves to charitable works, read spiritual literature.

What not to do after the Communion:

  • was a sin;
  • put earth bows;
  • kneel in prayer;
  • eat oily
  • shove
  • eat bone foods;
  • Brush your teeth before bed.

Sin separates man from God, therefore it is considered bad. If you joined the grace of God, then sinful actions will simply drive the Savior from your heart. In order not to confuse the beneficial grace, you need to be very vigilant, especially a day after the accomplishment of the sacrament. The unclean certainly will try to deprive you with holiness, seducing through other people. So try to communicate less and talk at all.

Why can't kneel in prayer and put the earthly bows? Because it is a symbol of repentance in sins, recognizing its sinful nature. After the adoption of holy gifts should be in gratitude and joy for salvation from spiritual death, so earthly bows are inappropriate. After the admission of the Holy Christ, the believer should read thank gratitude prayers, and not to mourn anyone about the familiar sins.

Fathers of the Church recommend adhere to the mild (rapid) food on the day of communion. It is strictly forbidden to visit parties with a rich feast, especially to take alcohol. It does not contribute to piety, but you can easily lose the divine grace. You can eat and meat food, but in moderate quantities. If you are not confident, it is better to just withstand the diet on this day. Nothing terrible will not happen if you refuse oily meat for dinner.

What does church say about food with bones - fish and fruit? It is believed that on this day it is impossible to spit anything to accidentally not lose their grace. Before absurdity, this rule should not be. After biting the holy gifts, you can eat fruit with bones and fish, you just can not spit. First, it is not beautiful. Secondly, the action itself deprives you of grace. And if you dinner are fishery, no grace do not lose. But to calm the soul you can simply collect bones from fish and burn.

In order not to be afraid to accidentally flatten the particles of the holy gifts, you need to rinse the mouth of the mouth "knotting", and then swallow it. "Vodvka" is specifically given to believers so that all particles of communion penetrate inside and do not remain in the oral cavity. The priests are also recommended to swallow the holy gifts entirely, not chewing: it will save from the loss of God's grace. The same rule refers to the cleaning of teeth in the evening. If you do it, be afraid to spit or clean the particles do not need. However, those who fear to confuse the gifts, it is better not to brush their teeth on the day of communion.

what to do after communion

Regarding jeeping of a piece of infant, there is a rule: collect food on a napkin and burn. In the garbage it is impossible to throw out the belch. Ash after burning is buried in the ground.

Many believe that after the communion it is impossible to kiss relatives and icons. This is also associated with fear to lose grace. However, strict prohibitions do not exist on this. This is especially applied to the saints and church shrines. How can you lose grace, kissing icons? As for the kisses of native people, there are also no strict prohibitions. However, this night should not be devoted to love joy and any worldly unrest.

Is the drowsiness after communion sin?

This question is also interested in believers, as it is necessary to get up early in the morning service. Many people after lunch are already clone to sleep. Is it possible to sleep after the communion? Fathers of the Church so interpret this question. Sleep as it turns out the day, so the early waste to sleep is not desirable. You should devote the remainder of the day of the day of the day, reading prayers and spiritual literature. By itself, early departure to sleep is not a sin, but it reduces the day of grace.

This does not apply to sin, but is evidence of the rapid spirit. For a believer man, the sacrament of communion is joy, burst out the spirit and combines about the god-free business. If you feel bodily weakness, then you are still a spiritual infant. Also, during sleep, a person is deprived of the control of the mind, and in dreams it may be seduced by the crammed. It is very dangerous for the soul, so it is necessary to refrain as much as possible from early waste to sleep, especially at lunchtime.


Taking the sacrament of communion, we carry in our souls and the bodies of Christ. Try not to lose grace until the next communion, the preparation for which begins immediately after the adoption of the holy gifts. It is stupid to believe that the next Eucharist can be quickly prepared for three days, and before it lives an ordinary sinful life.

While you will not insult the shrine present in you, the fruits of the Eucharist will act constantly. As soon as you turn about the sin or sinful thoughts, the grace received will immediately leave you.

Verify the adoption of holy gifts, do not waste life on aimless time. Remember that Christ himself lives in the temple of your body, so you will be in charge of a decent way of life.

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