Compatibility of the snake and dragon


The compatibility of the snake and the dragon on the Eastern Horoscope promises partners rich and interesting relationships. They do not have to miss exactly, but what will such love will lead to, it is difficult to predict. Let's try to figure out the forecasts of astrologers.

general characteristics

Snake and Dragon always have fun and interesting together. When they form a pair, life becomes incredibly saturated, dynamic and emotional. But emotions will not only be positive, the negative is also enough. Astrologers believe that the finale of relations can be completely unpredictable.

Compatibility Snake Dragon in Love

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Both partners are the personalities of wise, ambitious and extraordinary. Each of them is a bright nature that attracts attention that causes many disputes. They either adore them, or hate, but no one else remains indifferent.

Despite contradictory characters, some astrologers believe that the snake and dragon can build a rather happy relationship. If only because they immediately begin to understand each other with a half-sleep. And sometimes words are not at all, only glances.

Both highly appreciate the family, they want children and do not like to carry out quarrels from the hut. Although these quarrels have a lot of these quarrels, because both are strong personality with a clear life position and their unique opinion on any occasion.

Competed with each other they will probably always. But despite this, the stars favor them and promise a happy future. It is only important that both have been configured to reckon with the opinion of a partner, they sought to save love and harmony by anything.

Snake and Woman Dragon

This union astrologers are promising if not the happiest future, then a long enough relationship. They can end the marriage and birth of children. And the older partners, the more experienced and wise, the higher the chances.

Compatibility Snake Dragon in Relationships

What is characteristic of this type of union:

  1. It is very important that people have already entered into relationships are already quite mature, who wondered the cones in the past and are not ready to repeat the previous mistakes. They are no longer looking for chosen by emotions and adrenaline, but they want peace of mind and even, harmonious relationships.
  2. The quarrels between them will be something to flare, but it is not critical. Both are able to negotiate and calmly settle conflicts. And littering from the hut is not carried out, so by their relationship they may seem almost perfect.
  3. A woman needs to take the fact that her inner force does not always affect comfort in a pair. She will have to learn to be softer, flexible, feminine, show its weakness and not attempt to beat the chosen one.
  4. And although the man-snake always believed that she prefers strong women, he would appreciate the weakness and softness of his second half, would understand how best he feels next to her when not to compete. He will have to be a knight, protecting and supporting, take responsibility and develop their male qualities.

Most likely, the relationship between them will develop easily and simply. And quite wonderful if they create some kind of common cause. It may be a business, a charity project or even a child. All they do together will flourish.

Dragon Male and Snake

The fate of such a union is also given quite pleasant forecasts.

Compatibility Snake Dragon

What is characteristic of the relationship of the Dragon Men and Women Snakes:

  1. If between them the difference between the ages of about five years, the relationship can be almost perfect. They are equally looking to life, respect the norms of morality and traditional cultural values.
  2. A man is capable of sincere feelings and gives the chosen to his love, getting warm, care and incredible attention of the beloved in response. However, such idyll occurs not immediately, but after some work on relationships.
  3. Both can periodically look towards the opposite sex, although they do not think about treason. They are simply important to know that, despite the status of "busy", they continue to like and attract views.
  4. It is important not to give reasons for jealousy, not to answer the sign of attention, otherwise the relationship is quickly broken down. Trust - this is especially valuable for both.
  5. They will have to face a lot of trials on the life path. Stars are stolen not a very simple joint life. But it is important to perceive all the problems as the lessons of destiny, make it necessary to make the necessary experience and go on. Then nothing and no one will destroy their love.

And be sure to share working relationships with personal if they work in one company. It is advisable not to work together at all to neutralize an additional source of inevitable conflicts.

Check the video on the topic:

Cons of Union

Despite relatively favorable compatibility, there are many problem areas in the relationships of partners. If you know about them, you can learn how to quickly and painlessly neutralize any conflict and quickly complete the negative phase of communication.

What can be attributed to the minuses of the Snake and Dragon Union:

  • They are both very strong characters, stubborn and do not like to give up. Because of this, there may be a mass of quarrels, because everyone will try to win the right to make decisions and be the main thing. Conflicts can reach bright and emotional scandals. Fortunately, the manual design for both is impossible, so the clarification of the relationship will be limited to beating dishes.
  • In them, the energy that, if not finding it, an explosion can occur. Through in one place, one of the pair will start a trifle scandal, and will not be bad.

Stubbornness, refrain and reluctance to find compromises - the most important appeal of their relationship. We will have to stock tremendous patience, the desire to work on yourself and raise wisdom. Only then will they retain love and make the union harmonious, calm and truly happy.

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