Compatibility of snake and bull


The compatibility of the snake and the bull along the Eastern Horoscope is considered quite complicated. The fault of the contradictory characters of partners. Are they capable of getting together? Consider the forecasts of astrologers.

general characteristics

Bull got used to dominate and will do it openly. The snake also prefers to make decisions, but she is more cunning and quiet, therefore conflicts on the soil of "struggle for power" practically does not happen.

Compatibility Snake Bull in Love

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What can be expected from such a union:

  • Quiet and calm novel, which will last long for the general pleasure of both. Both may even seem that it was about such relations that they dreamed of a lifetime. They like the restraint of the partner, the absence of impulsiveness and reasonable approach to solving any problems.
  • Material stability will always. This contributes to the luck of the snake in financial affairs and its desire to achieve career heights. And bull, though devoid of ambitions, very hardworking, so in money, too, never needs.
  • Stable and long relationships between the snake and the bull can lead to marriage and exist to deep old age both. They respect and appreciate the marriage bonds, strive by any power to maintain relationships, and do not destroy them.

Male Bull and Woman Snake

Both partners are prudently suitable for relations and life as a whole. They often have similar goals, views, principles and priorities. Therefore, although their union will not call passionate and sensual, they sooner or later think about family and serious relationships.

Compatibility of the snake bull in relationships

What is characteristic of this type of union:

  1. They almost immediately produce a pleasant impression on each other thanks to the restrained characters and a serious attitude towards life.
  2. Snake girl got used to swim in male attention, so it's enough pickup and wants to stop your choice at the best and successful. A bull man fully complies with all its requests, so he has every chance to win the location of the spoiled and capricious chosen.
  3. The girl is fascinated by such qualities of a partner as perseverance, authority, purposefulness and a caring attitude. She sees a real man in it, with whom you can build a good, abundant and happy family.
  4. Bull is a truly tempting candidate for the role of a life satellite, about which many girls dream. Purposeful, hardworking, but at the same time gentle and romantic, he gives his chosen all what she needs.
  5. The kite girl seems to him incredibly decent and attractive. She moderately mysterious when it is necessary - silently and understands him from a half-clow. He is completely fascinated by her mind, insight, restraint and wisdom. Like and ability to keep yourself in society, not ashamed to go into people. Bull is always proud of its second half.

This pair personifies the traditional model of relationships with the correct distribution of roles. The girl is the mistress, mother and keeper of a homely hearth. A man is a support and support, responsible and imperative leader, a beautiful family man.

Snake Man and Female Bull

This union can also be very happy, partners are able to live in love and harmony, but with some difficulties still have to face. If they cope with them, the fate of the relationship will be safely.

Compatibility Snake Bull

What is characteristic of this union:

  • Both in nature leaders, so they will constantly fight for power. If a woman is able to be more cunning and will not give in to the chosen one, the break is inevitable.
  • A woman will always be lacking in a man of reliability, he will seem to her too frivolous and frivolous. While he does not prove the opposite, the relationship will be hanging on the hairs.
  • Also, a bull girl is too independent, she wants to control everything, decide and do herself. She should learn to be softer, compliant and weak, show the man that she needs it.
  • If she does not want a man next to her lose ambitions and lay down on the sofa, it is necessary to make most of the responsibilities for him. Stop solving all the most and start in it. Then the serpent not only will not weaken, but will greatly grow up, will achieve great success.

Men like warmth, which comes from his chosen. But stubbornness and are too strong often annoying. It is because of this that he may lose a desire to continue communication.

Check the video on the topic:

Cons of Union

Immediately after dating partners it seems that they are practically created for each other. They believe that they are able to build a truly happy relationship, which have long been dreamed of. But it is not avoided any problems. They are solved if you know, what to work.

What can be attributed to the minuses of the Union of Bull and Snakes:

  1. Bull - Nature is extremely quick-tempered. He can rug and talk to the dust even the most petty quarrel. It offends the snake and makes building cunning plans for revenge.
  2. Bull is also a born dictator. He is very tough and irreconcilable, everything in the house should obey his rules. Otherwise, a series of tedious conflicts will begin. Snake remains either to obey, or pretend that it is ready to give way.
  3. Both sign - nature incredibly proprietary. Therefore, they will not want to divide the elect with anyone and will constantly demand attention. Jealousy manifests itself not only in suspicion of change. Jealous and to work, friends, hobbies and even communicating with parents.
  4. Snake - the nature is secretive, she got used to the tricky, manipulate and unfurp. If the bull notices this, the powerful outbreak of its anger cannot be avoided.
  5. Quarrels happen and due to the coldness and eternal removal of the snake. It is never completely given to the partner and relationship, and indeed the nature is rather selfish.

All these problems are solved, so you need not to part at the first quarrel, but together to search for a compromise and exit from the situation that arms both. Then the relationship will last long, will be filled with love, respect and consent.

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