Dragon and Horse Compatibility


Dragon compatibility and high level horses. These people are able to sincerely love each other, live together for long happy years. Everyone will not always take shape smoothly, but with general efforts they will be able to keep love in spite of everything.

Dragon Male and Woman Horse

This is the Union of the two strong character of people who seek all their lives to power. Psychologists say that harmonious relations in such a pair are impossible. Astrologers are considered differently and predict a happy future.

Compatibility Dragon Horse in Love

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What is characteristic of this union:

  1. Both love to be in the spotlight, love to "play the public." They gives pleasure when they are talking about them, discuss. Public opinion is not confused, even if people respond about them negatively.
  2. Bored together for them will definitely won't. Relationships will be filled with bright events, emotions and impressions. The horse willingly become a general leisure organizer, and the dragon is not against participating in any reasons for the second half.
  3. A man is insanely like the chosen chosen to bright and rich life. He shares her desire to experiment and enjoy every time of the moment.
  4. A woman is completely fascinated by a strong, volitional character of a partner. She impresses his dedication, she sees chosen one in it for a family and a long life together.
  5. The horse can become a real custodian of a homely hearth. She is a wonderful mistress, mother and wife. Able to create houses such a situation in which it is always nice to return. A man in response does everything possible so that she and the children are happy.
  6. Excellent between them and sexual compatibility. Intimate relationships are also a bright part of their lives, in which the emotions will always be burned and there is an opportunity to show a rusty temperament.
  7. The main thing for them is not to disturb the personal boundaries of each other, not to control and leave the partner of his right to freedom. Both it is extremely important to have a personal space in which no one will have access.

They will enjoy each other's society for many years and build happy relationships, full of love and harmony. But it is worth limiting the freedom as relations will be perceived by the burden.

Man Horse and Woman Dragon

For a man, this girl will always be beautiful and mysterious. All sides of her personality will never reveal, it is his manitis and intriguing. It is completely fascinated by the grace, external data and natural grace of its chosen.

Compatibility Dragon Horse in Relations

What is characteristic of this union:

  1. This relationship is not the simplest, but they can be long and happy if both tried to keep love.
  2. The man will have long and persistently seek the location of the chosen. But he will act alive, because he feels - the result of his efforts worth it. Having achieved, he will always admire her and appreciate it.
  3. The girl will always be for chosen by an unreadable book. Every day he will be able to find all new qualities in it, so for him attractive. Thanks to this, even after many years of marriage, a man sincerely loves his choices. His feelings do not become less than ever.
  4. The girl attracts in a partner of hardworking, reliability and responsible approach to life. She understands that the best husband and father to find children find it difficult. She appreciates his male character traits and infinitely respects a strong and destructive character.
  5. Both partners are identified to be accustomed to achieving the desired at any cost. Therefore, together they can achieve great success, take place in the material plan and take off through the career ladder. Together they build all new, ambitious and bold plans that are easily embodied.
  6. As in the previous version, partners are important to appreciate and respect each other's personal space. It is categorically impossible to limit the freedom of partner, try to control it and educate it.
  7. This pair of two lungs on the rise of people. They can gather in one day and move to another country or the city at a permanent place of residence, even if yesterday they did not think at all.

The man will have to make a good to earn, because the Dragon Girl loves to spend money on treating himself, shopping and entertainment. If the revenues are not enough, quarrels will begin and both can be disappointed in love.

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general characteristics

Horses - Personalities talented. They love to improve and improve everything around, are able to create real masterpieces. And the fruits of their work are divided with the chosen one. Dragons, on the contrary, are more practical, hardworking. They will not turn in the clouds, but will find the ability to practice their skills.

Compatibility dragon horse

The horse is used to the partner completely in relationships. But it is important that they do not fade their interest, it needs to be constantly maintained. Otherwise, the passion broke will quickly fade and the inevitable gap will happen.

Dragons are important that they are valued out loud, constantly praised and gave tribute to their efforts. Horses need to take into account this feature of a partner if they want to preserve harmony and love.

Both natures are purposeful, possess a strong and volitional character, which allows them to easily achieve success and implement even the most bold plans.

Cons of Union

There are negative moments that are important to consider:

  • The desire to exceed the partner in everything can bring a lot of troubles. They need to stop the struggle for leadership if they want comfort, calm and harmony.
  • Both are not very tuned for long-term relationships at the very beginning. Only strengths and sincere feelings will make them think about something more serious.
  • They also have no special thrust for children. They are confident that you first need to achieve material stability, ensure the rear, which is very reasonable. But for this reason, they come to the thought of the child quickly.

Even in the most favorable pair there may be a place for quarrels. But if partners understand the true cause of conflicts and decide it, everything will be safely.

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