Pride: What it is and why it is important to get rid of it


Modern society is often confused and mixes the concepts of "pride" and "pride" with each other. We used to perceive these similar words as one and the same or something almost identical. But in reality, these two entities are characterized by a fundamentally different meaning. In this material, we will deal with the constituent concepts to understand why it is dangerous to cultivate this pathological feeling and how to learn to cope with it.

than dangerous pride

What is the difference between pride and pride

Both of these concepts possess the same root, and therefore, it is originally provoked by vanity, self-examination and science.

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But when we consider pride, then in this case the feeling of false superiority over the surrounding manifests itself is not so strong as in the case of pride. For example, in our society, people may experience a sense of pride in their homeland, their own achievements, for their loved ones and relatives. And the root of the pride lies in the pathological disbelief in their own strength.

In addition, if pride indicates a sense of self-sufficient, self-sufficiency, the pride will tell about complex nature, internal unresolved personal problems.

What is the pride in fact

First you need to bring a couple of revealing definitions. Why a couple? The pride performs a very difficult and long-life disadvantage and a very dangerous sin.

The pride is an overestimated self-esteem when a person is convinced that he is better than in reality, and better than other people. Unfortunately, because of such an inadequate assessment of their personality, fatal vital errors are often accomplished.

Gordinity is a manifestation of disrespect for those surrounding in the form of arrogance, baggage, ungratefulness, inattention, and the like.

If you turn to the Christian explanation of the term "pride", we will find the following explanation:

"The difference between pride and ordinary pride is that a person whom the pride is blinding is beginning to praise before the creator with his qualities, but forgets who gave him them.

Gordinity is the self-identity of the person, believing that she can all and all her merits are independent, that there is no divine help.

The pride of the pride person ceases to thank the creator for everything he possesses (the ability to see, hear, live) and gets (for example, money, housing, joy of life). "

Then another pricking of pride is given, which very adequately reflects its essence:

"Pride (or arrogance) - it is a desire to believe that a person is an independent and the only reason for all positive, which is in you and around you."

When the pride is hypertrophy and grow up, it becomes a real mania of greatness.

The main programs (with installations) of Gordini, which should be eliminated by replacing them with adequate beliefs. What in most cases thinks the person who struck the pride:

"I am the best, the most beautiful, the smartest, the most decent, the most!"

"I certainly better than others, smarter, strong, cool, and so on .. and it means that I should have more than others, I have the right to it, because I am better than others. So, everything around must me much more than I owe them. And if I'm so cool and everything is obliged to me, it means that it is not necessary to exercise your gratitude towards them, they still have to me. It is not necessary to appreciate them, they must appreciate me, since I am much better than all of them combined. "

Do you know the like? Probably yes. If you show quite sincerity in relation to yourself, you can remember the examples from your life when you thought exactly in this way and how it all ended in the end. You can also remember examples from the life of your environment, when people behaved in a similar way, and how you reacted to the like.

Pride always accompanies

The process of formation of pride

Pride, similar to any personal characteristic, is formed by several structural components. Explain this more clearly: the pride form three main components that support its existence.

Here they are:

  • Feeling of false prestige. The pride formation process begins in cases where the individual puts its interests higher than the interests and needs of others.

In the version of the norm, we all, of course, are concerned about our own destiny than the fate of other people. But the appearance of pride is manifested in complete frank neglect of the interests of others. A proud man respects and appreciates himself, but he comongs to other people, knows how to share them with them and understand them.

The personality, who turned out to be captured by Gordini, itself is in a state of great misconception and introduces them to others. She is having a matter of the reason for the closed heart that it is she who is the center of the universe, the owner of ultra-high abilities, and therefore all surrounding are obliged to do everything for her good. Someone should sacrifice her time, someone is their developments, someone - material benefits.

At the same time, such individuals are absolutely not bothering the fact that they are actually harmful to other people. Therefore, psychologists say about the false nature of the feelings of superiority over the surrounding, because in fact, each of us acts as a unique person and no one in the right to condemn their neighbors.

  • The feeling of its inferiority . In fact, Pride provokes extreme uncertainty in its own forces and dissatisfaction with his life. It is for this reason that such people are usually angry and annoying the results of someone else's labor.

They suffer from permanent domestic doubts, first of all, in themselves. Because of the sense of inferiority, they begin to look for shortcomings in others and, you need to see, achieve "success" in this field instead of contacting your personality.

When a man inside feels with anyone, feels his uselessness, it begins to notice only flaws and flaws in others. The wisdom of a person manifests itself in the fact that he is ready, first of all, to eliminate his own problems, and the affected personality tend to accuse others.

  • Self-doubt. The disbelief in his strength makes the person of his slave, forcing it to try on masks and roles that do not correspond to the individuality of a person.

It is dangerous yet the fact that the more you play some role, the more difficult it is to remain ourselves. The people who, due to some reason, are afraid to exercise their individuality, are not engaged in the development of their nature and do not work on their shortcomings.

Strengthening pride only enhances in cases where we forget about others and begin to concentrate exclusively on our person. It is impossible to think that your business is more significant than any other things.

What is the pride in Orthodoxy

Christianity, as well as any religion, considers pride to great sin. Religious views practically do not distinguish pride and pride. And pride in Christianity is condemned along with pride, and therefore, abide by the Divine Commandments - a mandatory element of all religious canons.

The clergymen suggest that a proud person is not able to know true love. After all, it is basically concerned only his own personality and its own interests. Initially, he seeks to meet his needs.

According to the Christian religion, the pride can be defeated, only a deeply repentant and overcoming the negative qualities of character. However, this is not possible without their own will and sincere desire.

What is fraught pride?

Surely you could observe the situation in the life of the situation in which a person is exposed to Gordin. Then communication with him becomes unpleasant, and often even unbearable. After all, I do not want to feel arrogant and arrogantly to yourself, as if you are a second-grade person.

Therefore, if the person is overcome pride, any contacts with her are not in joy. And normal, respecting themselves, people cease to want to support with her. As a result, the affected person remains in complete loneliness, together with his pride, experiencing a feeling of dissatisfaction with the surrounding and their behavior.

Many religious teachings note that the pride is a mother of all other sins. In fact, this statement is completely truthful. After all, when a person is overcome pride, he requires undeserved attention to his person - undeserved glory, and this will be the first sign of vanity.

Gordiny - the first symptom of vanity

Pride is convinced that he is obliged to him, and he shouldn't have anything to do anything from his side. In psychology, such a deviation is called terry egoism. And he provokes the emergence of other vices - greed, assigning other people's merit and the like.

It is also noteworthy that the pride becomes extremely offended. Not in vain, after all, psychologists note that if a person is not able to calmly listen to the criticism of his personality, it begins to be nervous, twitching and offended, hence he was struck by Pride.

Inability to take constructive criticism in your address is the first pride symptom. And the insult will be the main companion of this pathological feeling, because such a personality is always on comed towards anyone, just not on it.

How to defeat pride?

Often, people who collided with serious life difficulties provoked by their own character, ask themselves the question: "How to eliminate pride?" After all, it is because of her that it becomes impossible to keep a full-fledged life, it violates relations with friends and prevents the establishment of new contacts.

From the pride suffers from the man myself, and his loved ones. To eliminate this negative quality, there will be a long and hard work on themselves.

The further constructive recommendations are given, how to cope with pride.

Respect others

Start sincerely interested in the needs of other people. If you start with respect to take their dreams with desires, no one can condemn your own.

And the process of respecting others begins to accept his relatives. It is extremely important that you learn to take your relatives as they are, not trying to change them. You will not be able to do it with vanity and pride. Therefore, it is worth a cardinal revision of your feelings and attitudes towards your relatives.

Show care

If you wish to benefit others, then start paying them more attention. Even minor details noticed by you will make your life much easier.

It is very important to increase the trust between you and your relatives and loved ones. It does not matter that earlier you behaved not very worthily, you can not worry about this: you still will be early or later to get an objective assessment sooner or later.

Break stereotypes

For most people, the same behavior is characterized by the whole life, while they do not even think about what can act differently. Each life event already has a normal act, which could correctly reflect its essence.

Just think about the extent to which we are all schematic and reduced to the state of the routine while it could be unique and unique. For example, we all congratulate young parents with the birth of children, let me give gifts on the same holidays. But, probably, someone does not like noisy feast, and they continue to do it only because it is so accepted.

Fall in love with yourself

As a rule, people hurt others only in cases where they themselves are very dissatisfied with their own lives. Otherwise, they would hardly have sought to offend someone.

In fact, all the fact that you in the rustling of aggression express others, it is not addressed to them at all, but you yourself. If we knew how to listen to our own advice and fulfill them in practice, the pride would disappear in principle. After all, it does not allow anything to reach, but only spoils your life.

Therefore, you should love yourself, and then you will understand that there is no need to use pride. Thanks to the love of a person in his soul, harmony and satisfaction and life arises, as a result of which the pride completely disappears.

To love yourself, but in moderation

Look for your destination

Answer yourself honestly to the question, whether you live in your life in reality? Indeed, it often happens that people look at the majority, turn out to be influenced by the outside and as a result are not at all on that life road on which they should have been.

The purpose of a person acts as the purpose of which he came to this physical reality. And only we ourselves affect its implementation.

Pride will never be able to enslave a holistic person, leading a full life. And you just need to look for your destination, and it is important to do it very responsibly.

Take your shortcomings

Perhaps it will sound strange for you, but you must learn to accept yourself as you are. Thanks to the long-term work on itself, the elimination of its negative character traits you begin to change and improve.

Of course, it is necessary to learn to accept the same disadvantages that cannot be eliminated. Just forgive all the minor mistakes, realize that ideal people in principle do not exist and never blame themselves for the past or present. Remember that wines are a very scary, destructive feeling that the strength takes away from you, without giving anything in return.

It becomes clear that the pride is not just a sin, but also an extremely negative program that is able to destroy the personality of a person and make it a slave of his own false arrogance. Just struggling with this destructive feeling, you can find internal freedom and harmony.

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