The meaning of moles on the face in women and men


Moles are benign or malignant unique celebrations on the human body. Often they are on the face, there are barely noticeable formations, and there are both frighteningly large. Surely you will be interested to know the importance of the mole on the face in women, because they can tell a lot about their owner and its character and even fate.

Moles on the face in women value

Proper definition of the values ​​of the pent

How much much Molenia affects life is directly related to its size. The larger it will, the stronger positive or negative impact possesses.

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As for small dots, scattered throughout the body, they almost do not affect you.

It is very good if the mole has a rounded form, but the angular incorrect form of education is filled with a negative. Moles are too dark with hair availability will be told about the difficulties and obstacles in the vitality.

Also, some of them are formed a definite figure:

  • Square and Star - are an unfavorable sign;
  • Triangle, oval and circle - will tell about harmony and happiness.

The meaning of moles on the face

In the top of the face

On the forehead

The location of the harmful spot on top of the eyebrows or next to the bridge - will indicate insight, as well as the high intelligence of its owner. Such personalities become excellent diplomats, politicians and government officials.

Molenka on the forehead right, near the hair, indicates the excellent organizational and leadership characteristics of the individual, but also on very rapid and uncompromising nature.

The stain on the forehead on the left side describes the personality, with the ease that falls under the influence of the surrounding, weak, which is characterized by original antics.

Between eyebrows

If the birthmark is placed in the field of "third eye", it means that a person has an excellent intuition, has a sharp mind, a large burden for knowledge, mysticism and everything mysterious. The presence of extrasensory abilities is not excluded, so such a person can perform a medium or clairvoyant. But the mole in the specified place is both a happy and fatal sign.

On the nubble

It is characteristic of a creative, fantasy and adventurous person who loves adventure and travel.

On eyebrows

On the right eyebrows - he will tell about happy and favorable marriage. As a rule, such personalities are early married and choose the satellite of their lives correctly, while love in such a pair remains for many years.

On the left eyebrows - on the contrary, indicates the likely unsuccessful marriage.

At whiskey

If the birthmark is located next to the left eye - it will indicate on sentimentality, and also - scattered and forgetfulness. Such personalities often face the Effect of "Deja", and their dreams are often prophetic.

Rights in the Right Temple area often have a predictor of the future. At the same time, they hide her to protect themselves from an evil eye.

On the cheekbones

The presence of a mole in the area of ​​cheekbones, especially right - will indicate the determination and readiness of a person to fight for high ideals. For the most part, such personalities have eloquence and high prestiges in the team, often become superiors.

Mountain on the cheeks - indicates determination

In the eyes

The location of the harmful spot at an outer corner of the eye will tell about a modest, calm and balanced moral owner.

On the ears

Ears with moles talk about recklessness, boastfulness and desire to deceive. But if a person has a high level of awareness, then such a mole will indicate an extraordinary thinking.

If the formation hid in the depths of the ear, it will guide the impaired metabolism or nerve pathologies.

In the middle of the face

If you have a mole on the right cheek, you always and everywhere will be luck with luck, you should have a happy fate, especially personal life. At the same time, the closer spot is located to the area of ​​the lips, the more happy and joyful will be marriage. Anyway, such individuals do not know the needs, they always have enough finances.

The presence of a mole on the left cheek speaks of the difficulties you forced to cope with, achieving success.

On the nose

The birthmark in the nose area is characteristic of sociable, cheerful personalities who are often lucky. The presence of a stain at the tip of the nose - he will tell about the light of moral and excellent sense of humor. Also, such a mark (especially in the ladies) indicates frivolity, non-seriousness and variability.

And people who have a mole at the base of the nose on the cheek are distinguished by mind and insight, they can trust their secrets, as well as count on the obtained sensory recommendation. Men with such notices are inclined to psychic.

On Gubach

In most cases, the birthmark in the area of ​​the lips has cheerful people who are inherent in a good character and a thin sensual nature. At the same time, if the mole has a major size (especially in the ladies) and is located in the area of ​​the lower lip, these indicators will be strengthened. And in the area of ​​the upper lip - excessive sensitivity complements good education and a delicate taste.

The birthday spot, located on the red border of lips, will indicate on a poor man, not ready for their own actions and actions. Such an individual constantly postponing everything for later and often overcome bad habits.

In language

It should be noted that the moles in the language occur more often from the representatives of the fine sex than the opposite. At the same time, they sign about sensitivity, pain, conciseness, suspicion and chatty.

At the bottom of the face

On chin

If such a note is available in a man, it indicates its authority, despotic and aggressiveness or evidence of purposefulness and desire to self-improve.

In girls, the presence of moles on the right side of the chin is a very positive sign that is designed to make them generous, optimistic, wise, tactful, as well as able to achieve their goals.

Mountain in the right part of the chin - good sign

If the birthmark, on the contrary, is located on the right side, then it characterizes its owner as a egoist, weak morally, plowing his whims and bad inclinations.

The speech in the central part of the chin points to stubbornness, uncompromising, the tendency to dictate its conditions and the desire to be tyrant. Another mark often have the luck and successful individuals.

In the area of ​​jaws

The presence of a godded spot in the jaw region warns about weak health, capable of negatively affect the human career.

The meaning of moles on the body

  • Moles in the shoulder area. If they are incorrect or ugly shape, it is a bad sign. Such personalities are oppressed about the various circumstances, problems and unresolved issues of the past. But at the same time, the owners of such stains have great patience and endurance, thereby cope with all the obstacles on their way with a highly raised head.
  • Moles in the chest area are more important for women than for men. For example, the presence of marks on the left breast indicates frequent disappointments in love. And on the right, it changes its meaning to the exact opposite - such a girl is an excellent wife, beloved, wonderful mother and keeper of a homely hearth.

The bad sign will be the presence of a godded spot on the nipple, which will tell about the illness or misfortune.

  • Roda spots on the back. The back complies with increased requirements. According to Slavic belief, such personalities risk to be devoted to their loved ones.
  • Ramibable spots in the Ryuber area. If you have moles on rubers (regardless of which side, they are located), it means that you are a rather weak moral and a cowardly person. Therefore, it is important to work on yourself and self-improvement.
  • Moles in the abdomen. Indicate egoism and greed. People with moles on the stomach often suffer from panic attacks, and also very love to alcohol, abuse carnal joy and curious. Girls with moles on the stomach differ hysterical and shaver.
  • Moles on the lower back. People who have moles on the lower back are distinguished by hardworking, in love and devotion. They always deservedly achieve success in life.
  • Moles in the area of ​​priests. Do you have moles in the Yagodian area? This indicates the desire to idle and yield to others. But in the case of the close position of the moles to the back, you are distinguished by such qualities as principled and appeal.

Now you know that they designate those or other moles on your body. Finally, we recommend for viewing the following video:

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