Birthday prayer that is read once a year


On the day of my birth, we often sum up a certain outcome of life, remember the past years, we are building plans for the future, we dream about the performance of cherished desire. Orthodox and truly believers especially on this day I want to say the words of gratitude to God, the Angel Keeper and all the holy, who helps and supports. They do it through a prayer that is read only once on your birthday.

Features of the prayer in the name

Appeal to the Lord on a birthday is somewhat different and does not apply to the discharge of everyday. Depending on the age, the state of the soul, human health, prayer can have several goals: thankful, to protect against vital troubles and trouble, to fulfill the innermost dream, to attract good luck and well-being.

Holy words usually address the Almighty, the Most Holy Theotokos, an angel-angel, Nikolai, the Wonderworker. This does not exclude prayer to the Holy Trinity or other Holy Great Martyrs. It does not matter who you exactly refer to this day, the main thing, the presence of faith in the existence of an invisible strength that protects you and gives hope for the best.

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Those who doubt the choice of prayer read by birthday may contact the father. Before the conversation with the clergy, it is necessary to stand in the church service, put candles, it is advisable to come and confess.

It should be remembered that prayers are a kind of way to establish contact with God. It can be mental or verbal, in the temple or in its own home, canonical or in free spinning.

To be heard by God through a prayer on a birthday, it is important for the year to comply with some rules:

  • Constantly spiritually improve (visiting God's temple, confess, communion, pray not only for yourself, but also for people close to you).
  • Make good things.
  • Do not break the commandments of the Old Testament (do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery ...).
  • To be able to thank the Most High, be sincere and frank before him in his thoughts and desires, openly take any effect.

How to convey the sacred words of sainted saints on his birthday

Festive prayers start usually in the morning, saying three times or an hour of her birth (if you know the exact time). Before the holiday, it is advisable to defend the liturgy in the church and coming up.

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In the temple to buy twelve candles, so that during the holiday they will light them all over the house. Before waiting for guests, thank your angel and the Most High for the opportunity to celebrate this holiday with relatives and people close to you. At the same time, you can voice your basic desire, request, petition. Will worship the angels for protecting you, and pray that they protected and continue.

Meeting guests, you should not share with them your morning rituals and tell about how often you contact the Almighty and in what secrets are dedicated to him. Your spiritual life should not be discussed behind the Crimson.

In the festive walk, limit yourself from alcohol abuse and excessive gluttony. If you decide to raise a prayer for repentance to the Lord, the prayer to the holy intercession, the angel prayer for the desire, try to match the truly believer, observing the tradition of Orthodoxy.

Strong prayers read in the name day

Prayer icon of the Mother of God

To the Mother of God, women are often addicted to the day. After all, it is she who is a strong intercession of all mothers, the custodians of the hearth and family happiness. Young mothers, married people turn to her to keep the health of children, save from misfortunes, adultery and adultery of husbands.

Birthday prayer that is read once a year 5133_1

With special care and patronage Treat God's Mother to pregnant women, believing in her power and protection. Baby Baby is always joy and happiness in the family. Young parents, wanting to protect the baby from diseases, bad evils and various misfortunes, every year they read the protective prayer for the Most Holy Virgin.

What exactly the icon of the Mother of God to pray on birthday can be determined by the nearest date of the celebration of the Holy. If the date of your birth coincides with the date of reverence of any icon of the Virgin (or the coming days after this date), it should be considered as your intercession.

The list of commemoration is quite extensive. The icon of the Iverland Mother of God is rabula on February 12. Prayers are raised by those who wish to get pregnant, comforting deeply sorrow and sadness, get rid of unforeseen life circumstances.

Kazan Our Lady worship July 8 and October 22. They pray to her believers, who wish to speak, get rid of other serious ailments. The suffering are looking for a savior and copper in it. She often comes in a dream, directing a person on the path of true and enjoying it, tells the happy road.

Theodore icon pray for pregnant women and fathers of future heirs on the eve of the birth of their baby. Day of her celebration on March 14. She will be a great intercession to your baby born after the thirteenth of March.

Full list of Mother of God's icons can be viewed on official Orthodox sites. It should be remembered that it does not have such a high value the fact before which icon you pray. The main thing is to do it with a clean and open heart, soul, complete love and faith in the creator. Express your gratitude, share the good intentions, ask for advice and with joy wait for a happy sign, which will become the most cherished gift to the name day.

Prayer Angel Keeper

Guardian angel is given from birth to everyone. It protects both a physical and spiritual shell of a person. To remember his daily presence means to be bolder, resourceful, courageous. Your requests to Almighty will be faster, since invisible defenders take care of your well-being, praying to the Lord about your salvation and happiness.

The keeper may refuse to you in the patronage, if you violate God's commandments, conducts an immoral lifestyle, do not comply with Orthodox traditions. Return his mercy is possible if a person becomes on the path of the righteous and corrects the previous mistakes.

The guardian angel can be given at birth or with baptism. It will be the name of the saint corresponding to your name and date of birth (baptism). If you were born in December with the name of Nikolai, then your inhibition of the guardian will be Nikolai Romain (Wonderworker). Date of his remembrance on December 6 and 19.

Many people do not suspect how many angels guard them and who exactly these defenders. It may be your ancestors, deceased relatives, people you were very expensive and are close in this life. Therefore, before icons, it is worth saying the words of gratitude to all invisible angels. The angel prayer is able to dispel the fear, to instill confidence that you have support, save from misfortune, clean the soul, body and mind from unnecessary fuss, to move the enemies, to lead from trouble.

Such prayers help to find love, get rid of loneliness, find their destiny and get on your favorite job. Also, the angels help to pour your sins in front of the Lord.

The strongest prayer is the morning. It will be like a sip of fresh air on your birthday day. Do not be surprised if you dream of a weak dream and it will be very pleasant for you. Do not be afraid of asking an angel about something, but do not forget to thank him for the help.

Prayer Angel Keeper:

Birthday prayer that is read once a year 5133_2

Prayers for Most High and Intercessors

Prayer to Jesus Christ on the day of your birth can also be thankful, leaking, laudatory or prayer repentance. On this day, you can also direct the prayers to the Holy Trinity (Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Nikolai Wonderworker).

Giving free prayers to the Almighty, you should not verify or say too much. It will not allow you to be faster heard. God also knows what you need. Your words or thoughts must be synchronized at this moment with the soul, heart and mind.

Latest to the Lord, do not put everyday, bodily needs. Look for spiritual enlightenment, joy from good achievements. Do not hold and do not develop melancholy and sadness where it is not. Be kind and indulgent to others, farewell offending you. On the day, the name of the Thanksgiving prayer Jesus Christ at dawn.

On the birthday, you can read Prayer Nikolay the Wonderworker - the patron of traveling, navigators, all who are in the way and the road. He is also an intercession for young girls, orphans, tireless workers and everyone who believes in power, happiness and well-being.

At its age, young girls often utter a prayer to Nicholas the designer to give them a good bridegroom, a successful marriage, a strong family union, wealth and well-being in the house. This strong prayer holy is able to change the life and make a conceived.

Name Day can be a reason to turn to St. Nicholas, if you really need money and it is on this day that financial assistance is extremely necessary. Being heard in this holiday will allow your good goal. It is not necessary to ask for material means to not change your existence.

Birthday prayer that is read once a year 5133_3

Prayer-remembrance on the birthday of the deceased

It turns out that to remember a person in the Orthodox customs need not only on the day of his death, but also on his birthday. Attending the cemetery on this day is not necessary. But to mention in front of the Lord your relative soul should be honored. Thank you for living near you. To do this, you can come on the eve of the temple and submit a note about the rest of the soul of the deceased.

You can bring food to the church to commemorate. Usually it is sweets, baking and what a relative loved during life. Put candles, wait at the Lick of Saints. And at home, remember the good word at dinner or dinner of your loved one.

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