Tiger compatibility and dog


The compatibility of the tiger and the dog is estimated by astrologers as favorable. Partners respect each other. In their pair there will always be a romance, although they do not fall in love at first sight. Relationships will not develop rapidly, but slowly and gradually love should arise.

Male tiger and woman-dog

Many people consider this pair to imitate. Astrologers believe that the compatibility of partners is almost perfect. And relationships are based on great respect in the first place.

Compatibility Tiger Dog in Love

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. Due to the fact that their communication begins with deep respect, relationships may not begin. But they will become friends for sure, and there, you look, and you will love. The origin of feelings will occur very slowly, gradually.
  2. A man in pairs with other women used to strain. With the dog, he will finally be able to relax and feel truly comfortable and calm.
  3. A woman knows how to feel the mood and desire of a partner, adjusting to them. At the right moment, she will leave him alone, and when it is necessary to - will give affection and tenderness. She respects his right to freedom and personal borders.
  4. The girl born under the sign of the dog is very faithful and devoted. She will never allow treason. Therefore, the chosen can be completely confident in it, and there is no jealousy in their relationship. He perfectly understands this and appreciates the quality of the chosen, in return for the sake of her real feats.
  5. Next to him, she may not worry about anything. He will solve all the problems, will ensure financially and will not allow someone to offend his woman. He himself fills with this feeling, he likes to be a hero next to a fragile and a tender chosen.
  6. Tiger is a very temperamental nature, it is characterized by an outbreak of anger and excessive emotionality. But the lover perfectly copes with such a temper, she is the only one who can calm him, pacify, cool off. She is capable of protecting her female wisdom to send a chosen one by the right path. And he always listens to her advice.
  7. They are very similar. Especially what they live, think, act and develop at the same speed, so no one has to catch up with a partner.
  8. There is a minus in their relationship - this is a small infantality of both. They may not be independent, not always able to organize the established life and harmonious space around themselves. Therefore, in collaboration, it is necessary to learn a lot in order not to marry in domestic problems. It is important to grow together and solve all problems together.
  9. They are so comfortable together that they often do not think about concluding marriage. Just do not see the point of changing something. Only a woman is able to "persuade" the chosen one to issue a relationship, he himself is unlikely to go to such a step, not wanting to leave the comfort zone.
  10. And only because of this, quarrels may happen. The girl seems obvious that she deserves to get a proposal of his hand and hearts, and the partner does not justify her expectations. Therefore, it is important to talk about your desire to create a formal family, and not to be offended by silence.

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In general, this is a very harmonious union of two people who loving each other, their home is a complete bowl. Support, care and attention is enough.

Male dog and woman tiger

The fate of these relations will depend on the depth and sincerity of the feelings of both partners. They need not only to love each other, but also become friends, infinitely respect the partner and obstruct their personal borders.

Compatibility Tiger dog in relationships

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. The temperament of partners is quite calm. Therefore, they rarely fall in love so that the spirit captures. Sometimes it seems that they are in principle are not capable of strong feelings. But this is far from that. They are simply serious about relationships, very long look at the candidates for the role of a life satellite.
  2. Therefore, at first, every long as long as a partner, she tries to learn about it as much as possible. And only after a long time, feelings arise. But they will be durable, deep and definitely long, because it is not a spontaneous misfortune.
  3. It is in a relationship with a man and a dog, a girl will be able to fully relax and relieve responsibility. She may be confident in it, rely on him in everything. At the same time, in his care, a man does not relieve, leaving the elect, the necessary degree of freedom.
  4. He always supports her in everything, seeks to preserve calm and mental balance of the beloved by all their might. Always help the word and the case in a difficult moment or leave alone with you when necessary. In such an environment, the woman is completely relaxing and feels truly happy.

A woman will appreciate the beauty of such harmonious and relaxing relationships. Over time, she will love hard and deeply, giving a man all his tenderness and care.

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Cons of Union

And there are spots in the sun, so that problems are possible in such a prosperous and harmonious pair. But it is important not to have their presence, but a competent joint approach to solving them.

Tiger can sometimes be jealous, suspecting the elected in all mortal sins. Although the dog never gives reason to condemn her for treason. Therefore, she will only have to gain patience, not allowing the partner to behave inappropriately. The main thing is to prove anything, because the suspicions of the Tiger usually have no reason.

Compatibility Tiger Dog

But the tiger himself can sometimes look aside. It is very important that he carefully hid the tracks of the Aduilter, if he still happened, otherwise he will bring a partner an irreparable heart wound and makes fully disappointed in love.

Small quarrels may occur on household soil, because both are extremely not adapted to independent life. They need to distribute the duties so that everyone has its own area of ​​responsibility.

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