Tiger compatibility and snake


The compatibility of the tiger and the snake seeks to zero. Partners have opposite characters, look in different ways, so mutual understanding in such a pair will be quite difficult to achieve. Only strong feelings will help preserve love and harmony in the Union.

Male tiger and female snake

When they meet, they fall in love with each other almost instantly. Very emotional, passionate, dizzying novel, full of romance and sincere feelings. But idyll will not last long due to the difference in the characters of partners.

Compatibility Tiger Snake in Love

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What features such a union:

  1. Partners quickly fall in love and first seek to spend together as much time as possible. But gradually romantic dust fade: they understand that there are little common between them, and mutually understanding is practically absent. For this reason, partitions are frequent, and marriages between the tiger and the snake are rare.
  2. If they decide to create a family, then you only have to dream about a quiet life. This union is full of contradictions, quarrels, conflicts. There is no mutual understanding between them, from this all problems.
  3. Men like to be the center of attention. He has many women's friends, he adores noisy companies and active entertainment. His choices such a state of affairs will never arrange. She is extremely jealous, often comes out of himself, in every woman sees a rival.
  4. Over time, the reproaches of the second half will begin to annoy the tiger and it will become increasingly leaving himself. In relationships will come a series of permanent quarrels and scandals.
  5. Male tiger The meaning of life sees in achieving goals and self-realization. He is constantly in finding a vocation and loved business. In this, the chosen is supported, she respects his power and never tries to get a partner for himself.

If the snake has enough experience in a relationship, she has already become mature and wise, it will be able to create a strong rear, a comfortable and cozy atmosphere of the house, in which a man will always want to return. In this case, he will appreciate her effort and will do everything possible for general comfort and well-being.

Snake Man and Woman Tiger

Such a pair is much more likely to build harmonious and happy relationships filled with mutual respect, support and love.

Compatibility Tiger Snake in Relations

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. "Tigress" - a true woman. She is moderately soft, flexible, fairly feminine and wise. Creates to a man of lead in a pair, creates at home a comfortable and calm atmosphere, in which it is nice to be both.
  2. She is looking for a truly strong man in which it will be sure of one hundred percent. The consent to marry will give only strong senses to the partner. Love for her exceeds everything, she will never agree to the Union for calculating or from another benefit.

And it is a man-snake able to satisfy all her needs, fall in love with himself, charge energy and protect against all the problems of the outside world. He will be responsible for the material security of the family, convince the elect in his reliability and loyalty.

Friendly compatibility

Despite the strong sensual attraction, tiger and snake may not create love relationships, but to stay friends. But it is unlikely that there will be a real friendship. Their chat is more like a smooth friendly relationship without unnecessary Panibrate. Partners will not open each other soul and will never trust one hundred percent.

Compatibility Tiger Snake

The reason for this relationship in the difference of interests. A snake and tiger have very little common, they spend free time in different ways, look at life. If the tiger is active, for which it is important that the events around are burly, and life has played bright colors and beat the key, then the snake is minus, appreciates calm and dimension.

Snake in his free time can work in creativity or agriculture, Tiger - jump from Tarzanka or go to conquer the mountains. Therefore, "be friends" they will rarely, only sometimes meeting a cup of coffee, gossiping about common acquaintances.

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Compatibility in bed

Despite the difference of characters, partner temperaments are very similar. Therefore, the bed is the most comfortable place for both the place where there is no place to conflict and contradictions. Often a tiger and a snake converge for free relations, without commitment and affection. And diverge when one of them fell in love with someone more suitable for the family.

After the first night, held together, both may have an illusion that they exceed each other. But in fact, only the passion is small for a full relationship. Over time, they understand this and either remain lovers, or parted, remaining in even friendly relations.

During proximity to them, they are always comfortable and pleasant with each other. Therefore, sex often becomes a means of reconciliation after the quarrel, but in fact the problems of relationships, of course, does not decide.

Work and business

The business compatibility between the signs of the Tiger and the snake is considered unfavorable. They are unable to successfully conduct business together and find a common language. Because of this, it is unlikely to achieve a lot, these are bad business partners. If they work in one place, it is better not to take for general projects.

The ideas of a tiger seem to snake funny, she will never perceive him seriously, considering funny void. If they work together, then displeasure to each other will be constantly growing, so they avoid collaboration.

If this couple still takes to establish any business, it will be doomed to failure. Tiger with a snake most of the time will find out the relationship, and not work. Effective cooperation will not work.

We summarize: a couple of tiger and snakes are incompatible in all spheres of life. They will not be able to be friends and work together, but to build happy and harmonious relationships are capable only under the condition of enormous love. Therefore, in real life, such pairs are extremely rare.

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