Tiger compatibility and bull


Compatibility of the Tiger and Bull on the Eastern Horoscope - what is she? Astrologers do not give an unequivocal forecast. The characters of the partners will differ, so they do not always succeed in mutual understanding. But with sufficient experience in relationships, they can build a happy love.

Male bull and woman tiger

This pair is considered very strong and stable. This is a traditional model of relationships in which a man is a reliable support and protection of its chosen. And she skillfully inspires him, enough waders, so as not to quarrel on trifles, and successfully plays the role of the keeper of a homely hearth.

Compatibility Tiger Bull in Love

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What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. Both partners are configured to support each other. They will make every effort to preserve relationships, make them harmonious and happy.
  2. Tiger woman is a real generator. From her always takes place the mass of ideas, to which the man will definitely listen. She is able to help him achieve incredible heights in his career, make it stronger and more confident in himself.
  3. Also, a woman like a more emotional nature, helps a man learn to enjoy life. Next to her, life will play with new colors, he will be able to enjoy every moment, will feel comfortable and relaxed.
  4. The girl appreciates in a man His reliability, rational mind and a high sense of responsibility. She may feel weak, fragile, she will never have to solve problems independently.

Relationships will develop harmoniously if both partners are tuned to build, and not destroy. They must solve conflicts calmly, support each other in everything.

Male tiger and female bull

In such a pair, everything is much more complicated, because the woman is used to being strong and often playing men's roles in life. She is not ready to give up and be wise, so the partners quarrel a lot and are not always able to build a harmonious relationship.

Compatibility Tiger bull in relationships

What is characteristic of such a union, according to the Eastern Horoscope:

  1. The fate of the relationship will depend largely from the woman. More precisely, from her willingness to show wisdom, to give up and make compromises. If it learn to be softer and feminine, it will be able to push his temperament in time and recognizes the power of a man, the chance to keep love is.
  2. But most often the girl presses on a man, forcing the decisions to which he is not ready. If he proves quite patient and it will be able to re-educate a partner, to be stronger than her, defend his personal borders, everything can work out safely. But a long period of quarrels and the tritist is unlikely to be able to.
  3. Woman bull - practical nature. It is rationally coming to everything. It is important for her so that everything in life is organized and simply. Her chosen one, on the contrary, is very impulsive, prefers to live today and not very thinking about the future.

It is very important for them to learn to negotiate, determine in which areas of life who will be the main thing. And stop climbing not in your business, be ready to give up if necessary. If the feelings are strong enough, they will succeed. Otherwise, parting is inevitable.

Cons relationship

In any pair there are always problem points that may be destructive for the relationship. Therefore, partners should know what to work on to preserve love and harmony.

Compatibility Tiger Bull

What is the "appearance" relationship between the tiger and the bull:

  • If the girl is in a pair - bull, will always be acute the question of who is the head of the family. Partners will certainly come to compete with each other to take the dominant position. Therefore, a woman will have to learn to give up, pacify their disassemble, if she wants a happy family.
  • Astrologers do not give such a pair of prosperous forecasts. They believe that there is little chances of building a happy family. Only a huge love and desire to change, take a partner as he is, will help the tiger and the bull stay together.
  • A man does not always notice and appreciates the efforts of the partner. Therefore, he should "open his eyes" and be grateful for everything she does for him. Otherwise, dissatisfaction will grow every day and can lead to the collapse of relationships.

They should also take interest to each other, do not try to remake the partner. It is advisable to periodically spend time and relax separately so that everyone gets the necessary resources from life.

Check the video on the topic:

Sexual compatibility

The girl is a more emotional and temperamental nature, the man is pretty cold, he has a low libido. Because of this, there may be problems in sexual life. Perhaps they will have to turn to a sexologist so that dissatisfaction does not grow.

Otherwise, treason will be happening in the pair. A woman will stop keeping loyalty, wanting to find more sharp feelings than she can give a partner. A man can start looking for spiritual proximity that does not receive from the disclosure that does not invest in the sex soul like him.

Problems can be in the desire of a woman to dominate what is not always like a man. You can try to agree, express your desires to the partner, and not be silent, waiting for it himself guesses.

Quiet and romantic evenings alone with each other will help correct the situation. Both are important and sophisticated atmosphere: candles, rose petals, good wine and pleasant music.

It is not known how events will develop, because there are not always both partners are ready to work on the quality of sexual life. They will prefer to find someone on the side to meet their needs, but at the same time a marriage can be strong enough.

If the treason does not become obvious, marriage between the tiger and the bull is able to exist to deep old age. In this paradox of their relationship. Sex for both is the most insignificant part of life, they are more appreciated spiritual proximity, love and friendship.

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