10 commandments of God in Orthodoxy and 7 fatal sins


God's commandments and mortal sins are the basic laws of Christianity, these laws must be adhere to each believer. They gave Moses Lord at the very beginning of the development of Christianity. To save the people from the fall, warning him from danger.


Ten God's commandments


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I am the Lord God, and other gods, besides me, let him not.


Do not create a cumier, nor any image; Do not worship and do not serve them.


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Well, I received the name of the Lord God of your Vure.

Fourth Commandment:

Remember the day Sabbath: six days do earthly affairs or work, and in the seventh day, the day of rest, to dedicate to the Lord to God.


Read my mother and my father, so that you were good and that you lived for a long time on Earth.

Sixt Commandment:

Do not kill.

Seventh Commandment:

Do not commit adultery.

The eighth commandment:

Do not steal.


Do not pronounce in your near false certificate. Do not false visible.


Do not harm anything that belongs to another: no wife's wife, do not wish him at home, nothing else that belongs to your neighbor.

10 commandments

Interpretation of ten God's laws:

The Ten Commandments of Jesus Christ, translated into a lucky tongue says that it is necessary:
  • Below only in one Lord, a single God.
  • Do not create idols for yourself.
  • Not to mention, not to pronounce the name of the Lord God just like that.
  • Always remember on Saturday - the main day of rest.
  • Respect their parents and read them.
  • Do not kill anyone.
  • Do not commit adultery, do not change.
  • Do not steal anything.
  • Do not lie to anyone, do not lie to people.
  • Do not envy your comrades, friends or just familiar.

The first four of God's commandments directly belong to the relationship of a person with God, the rest are the relationship of people among themselves.

Commandment First and Second:

Means unity of the Lord. It is honored, respect, consider almighty and wise. He is also the kindest of everything, so if a person wishes to grow in virtue, it is necessary to look for it in God. "Can't have other gods except me." (Ex RAS 20: 3)

Quote: "- What do you have other gods, since your god Lord Almighty? Is there someone wiser than the Lord? He directs the righteous thoughts through the human everyday thoughts. Satan is controlled by traps of temptation. If you worship two gods, I mean that one of them is the devil. "

The religion says that the whole strength is enclosed in God and in it only one, from this first commandment follows the following.

People blindly pray in the pictures with other idols depicted on them, bow the heads, kiss the priest's hand, etc. The Second God The Law speaks about the ban of the deification of creations and the reverence of their twiend with the Creator.

"Do not create a carved or any other image of what is on top of heaven, below in the ground either in the waters under the bottom of the Earth. Do not worship yes do not serve them, for remember that I am Yehovah, who requires exceptional devotion! "

(Exodus 20: 4-5)

The Christian religion believes that after meeting with the Lord, it is impossible to read someone more than him that everything that is on earth is created by him. Nothing is compared with him and does not compare, for the Lord does not want the human heart and the soul to be occupied by someone else.

First and second

Commandment Third:

The third God's law is formulated in Deuteronomy (5:11) and in the outcome (20: 7).

From the Exodus 20: 7 "Do not pronounce the name of the Lord in vain, believe, the Lord will not leave without punishment of a person who pronounces the name of His Vure."

In this commandment, the word from the Old Testament is used, it translates as:

  • falsely swear to God's name;
  • To pronounce it in vain, just like that.

According to the teachings of antiquity, large force is in the title. If they are pronounced about and without the name of God, in which a special force is concluded, then the benefit of it will not be. It is believed that the Lord hears all the prayers for him and responds to each of them, but it becomes unlikely if a person calls him every minute as a promsion or for lunch. The Lord ceases to hear such a person, and in the case when this person needs real assistance, God will be deaf to him, as well as his requests.

In the second part of the commandment there are the following words: "... For God will not leave unpunished those who pronounce his name just like that." This means that God will certainly shine those who violated this law. At first glance, the use of his name may seem harmless, because what is terrible, if you mention it in a secular conversation or with a quarrel?

But it is important to understand that such an oversight may insult the Lord. In the New Testament, Jesus explained to his disciples that all the ten commandments were reduced only to two: "Lite of the Lord God of God with all his heart, with all the soul and mind of your" and "love your neighbor as yourself." The third law is a reflection of the love of a person to God. The one who loves with all the heart of the Lord will not mention his name his vice. It is equivalent to how the young man in love does not allow anyone to respond incorrectly about his beloved. Mention of the Lord VSH - the lowestness and insult of the Lord.

Also, a violation of the third commandment can spoil the reputation of the Lord in the eyes of people: Romans 2:24 "After all, for you, as written, the name of God is hung with the pagans." The Lord ordered His name: Levit 22:32 "Do not displeaset (do not defile) my holy name, so that I was holy among the sons of Israel."

An example of how God punishes people for violating the third commandment of God's law, can serve as an episode of the 2nd kingdoms 21: 1-2: "Hunger was on Earth for David's days in three years, one year after another. And asked God David. The Lord broadcast: it's for the sake of Saul and his bloodthirsty house that he killed Havalonites. Then the king was appealed to the Havanikians and communicated with them. Those were not from Israel sons, however, from the remnants of Amorreev; The Israelis swore, but Saul wanted to destroy them because of his jealousy about Israel's descendants and Judas. " In general, God shook the Israeli people for violated this oath about the truce, which was given to Havalonians.

The Saints

Command Fourth:

According to legend, the creator created our world and the universe itself for six days, he devoted his seventh day to rest. This rule as a whole determines human life, where he is obliged to give a large part of life, and the rest of the time to leave the Lord.

According to the Old Testament, Saturday was given to the celebration. Saturday rest was established for human benefit: both physical and spiritual, and not for the sake of enslavement and deprivation. To gather into one whole thoughts, refresh your spiritual and physical forces, take time once a week from everyday classes. This makes it possible to comprehend the goal of all the earthly and its works in particular. In religion, labor is the necessary part of human life, but the mainstream will always be the salvation of his soul.

The fourth commandment violates people who, in addition to work on Sunday, are also labored to engage in labor on weekdays, evade their duties, because the commandments say "work six days." They violate those who, without working on Sunday, do not dedicate this day to the Lord, and spend it in solid fun, indulge in various excesses and rags.


Commandment Fifth:

Jesus Christ, being God's Son, read his parents, was obedient to him, helped Joseph with work. The Lord for the refusal to parents in the required content under the pretext of the initiation of everything that they had, God had reproached the Pharisees, because they violated the requirement of the fifth law.

The fifth commandment God calls us to respect their parents, and for this promises a person a prosperous, good life. Honor of parents is respect for them, love for them, under no circumstances to insult them with words nor any actions, to be obedient, help them and take care when necessary, especially in old age or diseases. It is necessary to pray to God about their souls and in life, and by death. Great sin is the disrespect of his parents.

In relation to other people, Christian religion indicates the need to read everyone in accordance with the post, age.

The church always considered and believes at the present moment its basis and society of the family.


Commandment Six:

With the help of this law, the Lord imposes a ban on killing both himself and others. After all, life is the Great God's gift, and only the Lord himself can deprive someone's life on Earth. Suicide is also severe sin: there are also the sin of despair, Malovery, the uprising against God's meaning. A person will not be able to repent of their lives, because after death it is not really. At the moments of despair, it is necessary to remember that earthly suffering is sent for the sake of salvation of the soul.

A person becomes guilty of murder, if somehow contributes to the murder, admits someone's murder, helps to make it advice or consent, covers a sinner, pushes people to new crimes.

It should be remembered that you can bring a person to sin not only the case, but also in the word, so you need to follow the language and think that you are saying.


Commandment seventh:

The Lord challenges spouses to maintain loyalty, unmarried to be chaste both in affairs and words, thoughts, desires. In order not to sin, a person needs to avoid everything that causes unclean feelings. Such thoughts need to be preserved for the root, not allowing to master the will and feelings. The Lord understands how hard a person keep himself in his hands, so he teaches people to be merciless and decisive.


Commandment Eighth:

In this law, God prohibits the assignment to himself what belongs to another. The thefts can be different: from simple stealing to sacrelation (theft of sacred things) and lambrants (taking money with the needy, using the situation). And any assignment of someone else's property through deception. Evasion of payments, debts, silent about the found, deception with sales, holding fees to employees - all this is also included in the list of sins of the seventh commandment. On such a sin pushes a person's addiction to material values ​​and pleasures. Religion teaches people to be disinterested, hardworking. Higher Christian Virtue is renunciation from any property. It is intended for those who seek perfection.


Ninth commandment:

By this law, the Lord prohibits any lie, for example: knowingly incorrect readings on the court, denunciations, gossip, crouching and slander. "The devil" means "slander". Lies are unworthy of Christian, does not agree with love or respect. Comrade understands something not with the help of ridicule and condemnation, but with the help of love and good deed, council. And in general it is worth watching the speech, as the religion adheres to the opinion that the word is the greatest gift.


Tenth commandment:

This law calls people to refrain from unworthy desires and envy. While the nine commandments talk about human behavior, the tenth draws attention to what is happening inside it: desires, feelings and thoughts. Calls upon people to think about spiritual purity and mental nobility. Any sin begins with thought, a sinful desire appears, which pushes a person to the act. Therefore, to combat temptations should be stopped by the thought of him in consciousness.

Envy is a mental poison. Regardless of how much man is rich when he is envious, he will be unsaturated. The task of man's life, according to religion, is a pure heart, for the Lord will settle in the pure heart.


Seven mortal sins


Benefit is contempt. The most close to this sin is the one who despises other people - the poor, low. As a result, a person considers wise and noble only. It is not difficult to learn a proud sinner: such a person is always looking for preferences. In self-satisfied, a person can often forget and assign imaginary advantages. The sinner is given at first from the unfamiliar, and subsequently - from comrades, friends, family and, finally, the Lord himself. Such a person does not need anyone, he sees happiness in herself. But, in fact, pride does not bring true joy. Under the rough armor of complacency and the pride of the soul is dead, loses the ability to love, be friends.



This sin is one of the most common in the modern world. He paralyzes the soul. Small desires and material passions can heat the noble motives in the shower. This sin can suffer and the rich and a man of middle wealth, and poor man. This passion lies not just in possessing material things or wealth, the case in a passionate desire to possess them.



Often, a person in sin cannot think about anything else. He is in power of passion. It looks at each woman as if she is a female. Dirty thoughts crawl into consciousness and blinds him and the heart, the last wishes only one - satisfying his lust. This state is akin to an animal and even worse, because a person comes to such vices, to which an animal is not always thought up.



This sin is a ruiary of nature, he spoils life, a man in this sin will enjoy with everyone. A more detrimental passion of the soul of man has not yet known. Envy is one of the ways of hostility, besides almost insurmountable. The beginning of this sin originates from pride. Such a person is difficult to see the next equal to himself, especially those who are above it, better, etc.



Czechodie makes people consume food and drink for pleasure. Because of this passion, a person ceases to be a reasonable person, like an animal that lives without reason. Different passions are born through this sin.



Anger shares God and the human soul, as such a person lives in confusion, anxiety. Anger is a very dangerous adviser, everything that has been done under it is impossible cannot be called prudent. In anger, a person makes evil, worse than which is difficult to do.

Sadness and laziness

The relaxation of the strength of the body and the soul is considered to be the relaxation of the body and the sacredimism. Permanent concern and despondency crushes spiritual forces, bring it to exhaustion. From this sin is born idleness and anxiety.

The most terrible of sins is the pride, this does not forgive the Lord. God's commandments allow you to live in harmony. They are difficult to observe, but throughout the life of a person needs to strive for the better.

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