What is really Raja Yoga and why she needs


Raja Yoga denotes the "royal yoga". The main goal of Raja Yoga is to achieve the state of pure consciousness and learn to fully control their inner energy, that is, to achieve deep awareness, master himself and to become whom we are in reality.

Practice Raja Yoga

What is Raja Yoga

In the world Internet, you can find many articles in which Raja yoga is called the practice of kings, the royal yoga and almost a way to achieve absolute power on the world. In fact, this approach is absolutely wrong. In fact, any variety of yoga is directed not at night, on the surrounding reality, and deep into and is designed to provide internal equilibrium and harmony with himself, to unite with the Supreme Absolute of the Soul.

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The practice of Raja Yoga is aimed at working with the human mind and is a rather important direction of yoga. The body and mind of a person are constantly and inextricably linked with each other, and if you want to influence the mind, you should be able to perfectly control your own body. On this stage, newcomers who decided to do yoga, account for most of all major mistakes.

They begin to devote much attention to physical exercise, while suffering spiritual, for example, meditative practices or breathing exercises. And in Raja Yoga, all stages are important. After all, only when a person learn to fully control his body and psycho-emotional state, will be able to start taking control and his mind. With this comprehension developed a classic method for beginners.

In it, all classes are performed on a system formed by the eighth stages (or levels). For this reason, you can meet options for the names of Raja Yoga "Ashtanga Yoga" (after all, "Ashtanga" - translates as 8 steps).

  • Yama - talks about the rules of behavior.
  • Niyama - immerses the state of spiritual practices.
  • Asana - At this stage, special exercises are performed, designed to harmonize the spirit and body.
  • Pranayama - this practice allows you to control your breathing, so that the spiritual and bodily essence is connected.
  • Pratahara - distracts attention from external factors.
  • Dharana - concentrates attention to mental abilities.
  • Dhyana - plunges into meditative state.
  • Samadhi - makes it possible to achieve complete pacification, the inner contemplation of its unity with the highest mind.

Only after all these eight steps allows you to fully master Raja yoga. In no case cannot be neglected by any step of practice or exclude it, because together they are a single whole, the main condition for the development of the yoga of the mind. It is also recommended to find an experienced teacher, although there are a lot of exercises for beginners for which you can work independently.

Book V. Slater - Assistant Beginner Yogam and Yogy

The specified publication will help to significantly facilitate the process of comprehending the practice of yoga, because it contains methods that the author took his own experience. Techniques will be understood and accessible to our compatriots, given our specific mentality. The course is very simplified and quite suitable even for those who have never practiced yoga in life.

Thus, the book describes practices for beginners, designed for 10 months of classes. A total of ten lessons in the publication, which means that only thirty calendar days are given to the development of each practice.

Training on this book will help you master the simplified version of Raja Yoga much faster than if you would do it, pushing out other external sources. In addition, the competent and correctly formulated "tutorial" will help much faster and in more easy form to master this system, and also will save himself from serious mistakes.

Institute Brahma Kumaris

Today, the practice of royal yoga, or Raja Yoga, is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that all new and new version and options arise.

Perhaps the most famous center in which this direction is propagated is Brahma Kumaris (is the worldwide spiritual university Brahma Kumaris). It acts as a modern religious course, the basis of which is Raja Yoga as a meditative practice.

Institute Brahma Kumaris Students

In Brahma, Kumaris is offered very simplified and adapted for understanding and mastering modern humanity, Raja Yoga practice. At the same time, Brahma Kumaris borrow part of his provisions from the famous "yoga-sutr" written by Pantajali.

  • So, adherents of Brahma Kumaris's flow is forbidden to enter into intimate communications and consume meat - they become vegetarians.
  • In addition, brachmous kumaris supporters should refuse to use alcoholic beverages, smoke or use narcotic substances.

The main purpose of this flow is to get into the blissful state of complete happiness and well-being.

For this, the teaching is based on four main principles:

  • knowledge;
  • Connection in thoughts;
  • positive qualities;
  • ministry.

The number of heads of Brahma Kumaris is constantly growing, which indicates the high popularity of this variety of yoga.

King of Kings

If you translate the word "Rajadhiraj" from Sanskrit, then it will denote the "king of the kings." Therefore, it turns out that Raja Yoga acts as a practice that gives the opportunity to stop feeling exclusively as a physical body and feel more like a soul - part of the worldwide mind.

Then, if we assume that the mind is the king of the human body, then the soul turns into the king of the kings - the head of the mind. It is about this that says the name of this system.

Raja Yoga has deep roots and a very ancient tradition. She proceeds from the very best manifestations of Tantra, and in the past century her exercises were restored, expanded and developed, plus adapted to the needs of the modern population.

Raja-Yoga offered at today is based on the devocally performed asanas, designed to harmonize the physical and spiritual. The teacher individually picks up suitable asians for each particular person, as well as the mantras that are repeated in thoughts together with the exercises performed.

Thanks to such a balanced complex, it becomes possible to harmonize the hormonal background, due to which the overall condition of the body occurs and the further process of cleansing the mind is ensured.

Exercises that are used in Raja Yoga

It must always be remembered about the fact that the physical aspect of all practices, breathing exercises and meditative practices is not in priority, it is just a means that is intended to achieve spiritual perfection.

In the "tsarist yoga" there are no objectives forcibly comprehending all knowledge. To achieve the right goal, the whole process is broken in the stage:

  1. eliminate negative feelings and manifestations;
  2. develop positive properties, skills and feelings;
  3. accumulate prana;
  4. pass different states of consciousness;
  5. samadhi.

Raja Yoga photo

Together with ordinary types of exercises, which, perhaps you will find too simple, also known technique for proper breathing. It performs a very important stage that requires sufficient attention. The ability to take their breath under the control appears not only with experience, but also requires a great effort.

  • The initial exercise is to hold your breath. Delayed breathing in time should be twice the exhalation and four - inhale.
  • The second stage - to slow down the thinking processes to such a stage so that all the extra thoughts just disappear from your head. At the same time, the psyche can relax, but will be constantly monitored by you. In the future, thanks to this, you will learn to control and your unconscious.
  • The third step is a meditative practice. Speaking with deep immersion in the depths of itself and will help with the progress of time to master the art of awareness of its spiritual essence.

To be able to control the mind, you will need to master the ways to control your own body. For example, Eca Pada Rajakapotasan is quite popular in Raja-yoga (also known as the "Pose of King Pigeon"). When it is performed, it is necessary to highly push the chest, which is very similar to the predetermining behavior of this bird.

This pose can be performed in different variations, while the legs turn out to be in that or another position. To fulfill Asana, it is necessary to sit on the floor, as a rule, one leg is pressed under yourself, and the second is discharged back, bending around the knee, and raise up.

The upper part of the body is pulled up and tighten to the raised foot, leaning forward, like an arc. Such an exercise improves the supply of the brain with blood and allows you to "pull out" the spine, which, in turn, normalizes mental processes.

Now you know than in reality is Raja Yoga. At the end of this topic, we recommend you to view an interesting thematic video:

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