Icon seminist: value what helps


Icons occupy an honorable place not only in Orthodox churches and temples, but also in the dwellings of believers. Many believers are interested in which one or another icon helps. Consider what kind of help is an icon of seminist, because it is considered a miraculous one for many centuries. We also find out what place the apartment needs to be placed this icon.

Icon seministry

History icons

To understand the meaning of the icon of a seven, you need to turn to the evangelical history about the prophecy of the elder of Simeon (Luke. 2: 34-35). On the fortieth day from the Nativity of Christ, the Holy Family came to the Jerusalem Temple. According to the Jewish traditions, on a fortieth day, parents dedicate their baby to God.

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Pious Simeon was waiting for the coming Messiah to the world for many years. He was promised in Revelation, which will not go to the world of other, without seeing the Baby of the Savior. When he took the baby's hands, the prophet that now in the world a lot will change: the servants of God will depart from faith, and the unbelievers will be saved. So it turned out when the Pharisees did not recognize the Messiah and demanded its crucifixion.

Looking at the Mother of God, he is a prophetic that she will enter acute weapons. This prophecy came true when the Mother of God suffered unbearable flour because of the sovereignty of the son. Therefore, the icon has one more name - Simeonovo to steal. Also, the icon is called "softening evil hearts", "weapons themselves will pass the soul", "passionate".

How to distinguish where what icon? In the "softening of evil hearts" the seventh boom is located at the bottom, and 6 others pierce the breast of the Virgin to the right and left. In "Semistral" you can see 3 arrows on the one hand and 4 on the other. At the bottom of the arrows.

Icon "passionate" depicts the Virgin with a baby in his arms. With one hand she covers his own body from flying arrows. We see that on this icon of Our Lady, a prayer look. However, all three images are referred to in Orthodoxy as "Lady Mother Seven Stracean." Therefore, before any of the icons, you need to read the same prayer facing the seven-weeks of Our Lady.

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Stock Foto Icons of Mother's Seven Street

Meaning icon

On the icon is depicted pierced by boom or swords of the Virgin. There are many versions of this image: Sometimes the Virgin is depicted alone, sometimes you can see Angels or Jesus with Holy. Swords and arrows carry a certain symbolism - pain from the crucifixion of Christ. This is the pain of the mother, which she experienced during the execution of the Son.

The infinite pain and the mountain of the Unfortunate Mother is expressed among the king - seven. This number has the value of the completeness of anything. Sometimes the number 7 is associated with the family sins of mankind, which pierce the heart of God's Mother. The Mother of God prayerfully folded hands, as if beating humanity to get rid of sins. After all, they lead to death. The seven-week icon of the Mother of God appeals to each heart and promises to apply for the Son for the forgiveness of all repentant.

Help icons

What does seven-styled icon of the Mother of God help? Believers say that the intercession helps if:

  • Enemies and envious swords rolled around you;
  • Need to reconcile the warring;
  • It is necessary to repay family scandals;
  • need to soften someone's evil heart;
  • need to call compassion in man;
  • It is necessary to awaken the heart to faith;
  • There is a need for healing from the illness.

If the house is a seven-weeks of the Virgin, peace and peace reigns in it. Households are friendly arranged to each other, and unfriendly managers bypass this house side or do not delay in it for a long time.

Icons need to be purchased in the temple. If you bought a seven-weeks elsewhere, the icon should be consecrated in the church.

Previously, Orthodox Christians knew how to properly pray for icons. In the present time, Orthodox traditions are reborn, but not everyone has the concept of proper prayer. How to contact the Holy Fork?

First you need to read the Tropean of the Virgin:

Icon seminist: value what helps 5153_3

Then read prayer:

Icon seminist: value what helps 5153_4

After reading the prayer, you can present the request to the intercession of mankind.

Icon of the Virgin Seven Stracean - Meaning

Location icons

Where to correctly install a seven-weeks of the Virgin? Previously, the place for icons served as a red corner - a place in the front room opposite the front door. In modern houses, this rule does not follow and icons are located in a convenient place for prayer. It may be:
  • central room;
  • children's room;
  • place above the entrance door;
  • place in front of the entrance door;
  • headboard.

According to the old tradition, the icons are decorated with embroidered towers.

The main thing is that obscene images are not adjacent to the icon. You can not install seven-weeks on the TV or next to the laptop. It is unacceptable to have icons in the bathroom or restroom. If you wish to post a seven-week in the kitchen, put the icon for the glass door - it will protect the holy face from Scoot and Gary.

Is it possible to have a seven-week photo of relatives with an icon? It is allowed if people are depicted in the photographs in sober state and not at a party. It is necessary to strongly respect the saints and not allow indefensible behavior in their presence.

It is desirable that the Holy Lick is located in the eastern corner of the room. If this rule is impossible to perform, nothing terrible. The main thing is that light figurines and household items are not supplied next to the icon. Also unacceptably hang calendars and pictures with non-canonic content. Sacredness is accommodation near the icons of photographs of pop stars or politicians.

What can be placed near the icons:

  • lamp;
  • Candles in candlesticks;
  • consecrated willow;
  • holy water and oil;
  • Orthodox literature.

What is the sequence to place icons on the shelf? It should be remembered that the central place is given to the Savior and the Mother of God. Around them can be placed saints.

You also need to know that the placement of icons in the house does not lead to piety. It is necessary to perform a prayer rule and conduct a decent Orthodox lifestyle. Prayer with faith in the heart is the most important weapon in the victory over sins and diseases.

West day

Despite the fact that there are three different images of seminar, they are honored on the same day - August 26. Memory Day is associated with a great miracle, when the inhabitants of Vologda were saved from the fierce cholera epidemic in 1830. On that day, the citizens committed a procession with an icon around the city, and their prayers were heard. Infection retreated from the city, and many received miraculous healing.

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