Pantelemon Healer and its icon: how to pray, what helps


Icons are a distinctive feature of Orthodoxy. They are conductors to the world of God, assistants in the earth's sorces and illnesses. Panteleimon Healer is one of the honorable saints in the Christian world, to the icon of which believers fall in the hope of recovering from different diseases. Consider the biography of St. Panteleimon, prayer appeal to icons, reverence days.

Pantelemon healer

Life is hijacious

Holy Panteleimon Healer, whose biography describes the martyr's path, was born in Nicodemy and was inflicted by the pagan name Pantleon. At the end of the school, the young man decided to undergo training a medical case. Showing the ability to heal, the young doctor was admitted to the emperor Maximilian.

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Once pantolero invited the presbyter of the Christian community of Yermolai and told him about God. After that, Pantoleon began to visit the community and participate in worship. After baptism accepted and received the godname of Panteleimon (all-air). The future saint managed to reach the heart of his parenthet's father and turn him into a true faith.

All his short life, Holy Panteleamon healer devoted to helping those who suffer from the ailments of all those who applied to him. He was the heal of Christian prisoners, the poor and disadvantaged. Human moloss reached the doctors of the city, and they told the emperor about his new faith. Maximilian called on Pantheliaman and began to force him to sacrifice idols.

After refusing to serve Idolas Pantelemon was subjected to cruel torture and torment. However, the saint did not bother faith and died Orthodox. After execution, the emperor ordered to burn the body of the martyr, but the fire did not absorb his remains. The saint was buried by believers in Christian traditions. Many witnesses of His execution were convinced of Christ and gained the salvation of the soul.

The relics of the saint are on the altar of the Athos Male Monastery in Greece. In the 16th centuries, they did not undergoes. Part of the relics is located in Russia in the Church of the Velomarter Nikita (Moscow, pure ponds), and the blood of Panteleimon is saved in Spain - in the monastery of the incarnation of the Lord.

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Even after his martyrdom, the saint panthewon continues to perform miracles and heal all believers by their prayer past, and its miraculous icon is located in every home of Orthodox believers.

Saint Panteleimon icon

Saint icon

In Orthodox churches, we are familiar to see the icon of St. Panteleimon, where it is depicted in the image of a doctor. The icon painter tried to significantly depict the appearance of the saint to perpetuate his memory at all times. We see a young man who has not been marked by traces of age-related changes. At this age, the saint accepted a martyrdom for the glory of faith.

On the icon, the Saint is depicted with a strawster in his hand - it has medicines. In the other hand you can see different items:

  • cross;
  • measuring spoon;
  • feather.

These are symbols denoting one of the scenis sides. A measured spoon indicates a call to healing, the cross symbolizes martyrdom for faith, and the pen is a symbol of wisdom. The young young man was able to show wisdom not by year, choosing the right path. Although he died, but his soul found eternal salvation.

Help icons

What helps the Icon of St. Panteleimon Healer? First of all, the icon helps those who chose their specialty rescue people. Saint is a spiritual mentor and the patron saint of all doctors and medium medical personnel. The rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire and military rescuers are also rescued. These people are most often exposed to wounds and risk their lives.

A prayer petition to the healer Panteleimon icon may be associated with any person in need of curable from diseases. If you pray with faith in the heart, you can cure even from the most incurable and terrible disease. The invisible hand of the Heavenly Healer helped many Orthodox to avoid fatal outcome and gain full health.

The wonders of healing are given to us to strengthen faith and gaining hope for helping God.

The Icon of Panteleimon Healer helps not only Orthodox Christians, but also to the Jews, and Muslims. The main thing is that the person turns the mind in the heart purvest of thoughts. It is the faith that works all the wonders - it should be remembered.

Panteleimon icon helps to get rid of not only from bodily, but also from mental illnesses. Caring for physical purity helps to avoid dangerous physical ailments. If a person contains his thoughts clean, his physical illnesses will not be comprehended. Therefore, the prayer life of a believer saves from serious diseases.

Many Christians do not understand why God allows for illness. The Orthodox Church explains that during testing a person rethinks his life and stops sinful. This is the time of spiritual cleansing required for the formation of the soul. Sometimes only through suffering you can realize the greatness of the spiritual, because in a state of health a person does not even think about his sinful existence.

When a person in a gravily bodily physical healing is healing, he feels grace of God and strengthens in faith. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that the disease is our assistant in purification from sinful thoughts, and not the punishment of over. Treatment should be started in cleansing the soul to recover faster.

Text of prayer:

Pantelemon Healer and its icon: how to pray, what helps 5154_3

Saint Panteleonon.

How to pray

To get healing, you can ask for the icon of St. Panteleimon the healer in the church. But seriously ill people are allowed to pray even lying in bed, but with an icon in their hands. Most of the Orthodox believers have a Panteleimon icon in the house, to which you can contact anytime.

Panteleimon healer - what helps:

  • Appeal for help before surgery;
  • With the decline of forces and physical salinity;
  • help relatives and relatives with death;
  • in cancer;
  • assistance in alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • at the late treads;
  • With sincere diseases.

Also, doctors can apply to the icon if there is a difficulty in diagnosis. Holy helps determine the cause of the disease.

How often should I take prayer petitions to the Holy? This can be done at any time when the soul will require help. After prayer, it is desirable to drink holy water. If the patient recovered, you need to put candles in the temple in front of the saint icon.

You can also order in the Church or Monastery Prayer about the health of sorrising. To order a service, you need to fill a special form and pay in the church shop prayers. The name of the sick should be recorded in the parental case, for example, "Sergey" or "Lyudmila". If you know the godparents, you need to record them.

A large healing force has a fortyst about health, which can also be ordered in the monastery or church. The ministers will pray for 40 days about the health of the sorry, tirelessly asking for recovery and petitioning about the forgiveness of sins.

West day

Every year on the day of honor of the saint, which passes on August 9, believers can contemplate a miracle. The Holy Blood of the Velikomarter, collected on the day of his execution, becomes liquid. This miracle happens in the monastery of the incarnation of the Lord in the city of Madrid. No one can give a rational explanation. Such miracles with shrines are given in order for believers to strengthen their faith and disgraced the sin of despondency.

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