Strong prayer Nikolai Wonderworker changing fate and marriage


Saint Nikolai is known for its patronage of sailors, travelers, children. Young girls are often standing at the Lick of Saint, reading the prayer for love, believing that he gives them a good groom and contributes to a happy marriage.

About the wonders of the Saint and Great Polyvoslov

Nikolai Radio - the most revered image of Christians, comparable to the face of God's Mother and Jesus Christ. His icons pray in front of a long expensive, marine campaign. In defense of Nicholas believe convicted by mistake or ridiculous accidents, disadvantaged and those who are on the verge of despair.

The wonderworker is considered the Savior from the unjustified death, the keeper of the family hearth, the defender of young babies left without parental care. They believe in his power of the girl who want to give love to the future spouse and realize their maternal feelings.

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It is widely known to give, when one ruined merchant could not have married his three daughters without the right to issue his three daughters. To no longer feed the thugs, he decided to give them to the local public house. Long cried girls from the fate of them hung.

Holy Nikolay, having learned about it, hurried to help young beauties, so so that they did not know their Savior. Once after sunset, he threw the bag with gold under the windows of their houses. That kind was enough to ensure the eldest daughter coming to marriage.

The next time he threw the rest of the sisters on the bag with wealth. The father of three daughters was so happy that he wanted to bow in the feet of benefactor. To do this, he did not sleep at night, hersing a stranger, and having learned once about Nicolae as the asked.

Catholics believe that it is Saint Nikolai that is the progenitor of the good old man Santa Claus, giving christmas gifts to everyone who believes in miracles and the power of the Lord. After all, in this miracles of Nicholas did not end.

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With a great condition inherited from parents, Nikolay continued to delight bags with generous gifts: orphans, children from large families, girls devoid of hope for women's happiness.

The patron woman was pleased with simple people not only by material benefits, but also the divine gift of healing, healing from severe ailments, mental disorders, salvage from ridiculous death. He defended from injustice, saved from slander and leadership, led from fearful addictions and bad habits.

Power of faith in the holy and expectations of women from prayer Nikolai please

Nikolay the waters are revered as a dumpy in the matters of heart. Girls are brings to the icon of the Wonderworker, believing that he will save them from loneliness, will send it to the path where the meeting is waiting with the narrowed. Married women are looking for support in it, creating homemade comfort and harmony in the family, wanting to strengthen the feelings of the spouse. There were cases that the prayer helped his suffering from his wife to return the crop her husband who had tasted the sin of adultery.

The rapid result from prayer can expect those belief strong, sincere and constant. Appeal to the Famine of Saint implies not only a petition for help, but also words of gratitude. The returns from the prayer will not be those who are trying to cause pain and trouble to third parties. This applies to unrestrained mistresses looking for their happiness through grief and ruin of someone else's family.

Nicholas will respond to Nikolai and will help girls seeking to marry love, excluding a profitable calculation. After all, it is love - the key to the future of a healthy and happy offspring, born in harmony, reverence and respect for each other.

Your thoughts or words addressed to the icon may consist of arbitrary text emanating from the soul. The main thing is to pronounce it from the bottom of my heart and with the true faith in the Savior. To consolidate your appeal and bring the wedding date will necessarily help the prayer to Nicholas the plenty of "on mutual love":

Prayer Nicholas

West saint - the path to the Family Fortress and Happy Maternity

In order for the prayer "for love" was heard by the Lord and Nikolai the Wonderworker, not once enough to visit the church and say the words of petitions in front of the saints. Girls and women seeking stability and harmony in the family should constantly strengthen their faith.

Compliance with some rules when communicating with God will help to cope with the mind, become wiser and calmer, teach condescension and more sensitive to understanding the needs of the spouse.

  • Learn to be grateful. Thank the Most High that he sent you the narrowed. If this has not yet met, say Thank you for your confidence that you will be sure to get acquainted with him in the near future.
  • Read Nicholas Wonderworker. Days of the Holy Memory on December 6 (Death Day), May 9 (Returning Day of the Poles in Bari), July 29 (Birth of Nicholas of Painting). Also remember the St. Nicholas every weekday.
  • Saint Nikolai enters the Holy Trinity, do not forget to thank and pray to the Mother of God and the Savior Jesus Christ. It will be the highest strength and protection against adversity, misfortune and hands.
  • Christian faith does not prohibit pray at home. But you should not forget the road to the temple too. Let a visit to the church be the usual weekly occupation.
  • Put the candles of saints, submit alms to those in need, order prayers about the health of loved ones, learn to ask not only for yourself, but also for those who are sincere roads. Thus, the divine power and wisdom will always be with you, thanks to faith in the Savior.

Prayer for good changes in fate

Life presents different surprises, and sometimes not the most joyful. In such periods, human weakness can allow us to turn off the righteous way, to break human laws or even make their lives.

The miraculous power of St. Nicholas helps a lot in such critical moments. After all, he is a special patron of believers whose life can be innocent and ridiculous. Another prayer that appears about the health, the fight against obstacles, rebellion against severe life circumstances will help to change its fate.


A particularly strong prayer "at a desire" will help parents who are praying for the marriage and happiness of the daughter, about the prosperity of the siblings in the family, about the prosperous outcome of the case. Any desire will be feasible if you believe in the power of the saint and be confident in your own well-being. When the Most High sees that you trust him your future, he is ready to change it only for the better.

You need to communicate with God and Velomarters through prayer (collections of prayers for parishioners of the church). But it will not be an obstacle if the leaking prayer will be pronounced in their own words. Your thoughts should be clean, kind, creative and sincere.

You do not need to desire to punish the offender or the enemies, let the soul relax in the temple, thereby getting unfintellers from you and attracting light and wisdom into your life. Appeal to the icon can be mental or verbal, but necessarily with love, gratitude, faith and repentance.

It does not matter where your communication with the Holy Trinity is happening, at home or in the temple, you must comply with some rules for the commitment of prayer, existing in Orthodoxy. Prayer is read, pronounced standing. Women should cover their heads when communicating with God's light handkerchief.

Your soul and body should be ready to accept any impact of the holy on your petition. Do not ask what you yourself can hardly believe. Easy to present future changes for the better, rejoice to your happy image and proud of yourself.

Turning to the miraculous face in the home environment, you need to be as calm and unreleased from worldly thoughts, negative memories irritating facts. Start your communication is better in the morning. Morning prayer is considered the strongest and effective.

Light candles and stand on your knees in front of the Saints Nikolai, tune in to fruitful communication with the wiser and sincere friend. Wash the holy water to prayer and wear clean and fragile clothes. This ritual also brings a happy and prosperous fate.

Traditions and signs of marriage for the day of Nicholas Wonderworker

Unmarried Girls Saint Nicholas can send a beloved if you believe the Orthodox traditions and pay attention to the signs. In order for life to acquire a new meaning, you should go to the temple of God, take part in the service, compete, confess and buy a nasty icon of the saint.

To learn by heart the words of the prayer "on marriage" means to become clearer for the Lord and speed up the miraculous influence of the saint face. Text also rewrite on Red Watman. Red color attracts love, symbolizing purity and sincerity. Keep the sheet of forty days. It is this period that prayer should be read every day.

To increase the strength of your thoughts and desires, also pronounce the prayer for the Major Virgin. But, waiting for the result, you need to be exactly sure that you really want to find a permanent satellite and marry him. The text of the prayer must be understood for you and consciously overlook. Read the sacred Scriptures thoughtlessly and unconsciously - great sin.

Mothers of unmarried women should pronounce such a prayer:


The parents need to read these effective and penetrating words with closed eyes, concentrating on the happiness of the daughter and its future fate. Complete the ritual follows after the candles run. Thank and bow to Nicholas the Wonderworker, as soon as the candles are nervous.

Irony, or skepticism in the soul, should not come to church with such a mood. Many people helped the Holy Image of Nicholas Wonderworker, as evidenced by countless stories. And it does not matter, you saw this face in the temple of God, decorated with gold, or pray for a simple engraving purchased for home. Helps faith, openness and kindness of the heart, hope for a miracle and confidence in the Almighty. Only so in your life will begin to reign love, luck and happiness.

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